I just dont get why they havent been banned yet? Im not fighting back much cause they couldnt get anythying if i did try to actually give them a rebutle. Even the slightest attempt at anything would go over there heads. (IE, for them, I cant find a stupid enough ground to say anything ot them withough saying something completely retarded. So....
On the same note, half the time im jsut saying a;lsfkdj;lsafd;jdsafjasd cause they respond the same and some times it just fucks with there heads and gives me a good laugh. Not saying im ok with any of it in anyway.
I tried what you said but its not changing it for some reason. Its doing it on all hte pages i bring up on smaller font. OH well. I tried to CNTR mouse wheel it too, but it wont do it on some types of pages. Odd thing is i dont think anything changed when it first happened. I thought it was just some new font hamma was trying out for certain parts of the forum. I deleted some oriental language support stuff today or yesterday night but i dont think that could have caused it.\
So why doesnt hamma come in and bitch about this anyway? There pretty much blantantly causing disruptions to the forum.
Edit: you notice how these things keep going on for days even after i stop posting.
Last edited by Ait'al; 2004-02-08 at 03:35 AM.