Re: Twitter QnA Question list : ART WEEK
Higby, can you guys start taking questions from Twitter and a PSU thread simultaneously? The old man in me refuses to join Twitter but I'd like to be able to ask some questions, plus the character limit is no bueno!
My main question is when can we expect to see more in-game footage? After the trailer was released there was an interview where we were told that when the next video gets released we will all be asking why you bothered with the first one, and I seem to remember getting the idea that they would be here sooner rather than later. We are being told that the engine is omgamazing and limitless, that a full day/night cycle has been created, we got a picture of a beautiful ridge that is claimed to be in-game and not pre-rendered, and that the visuals from a battle at night are amazing. I WANT TO SEE THIS IN ACTION! Throw a pre-alpha watermark on it and post a video of a character/vehicle moving around on a polished section of the map, give us an idea of what you are really dealing with. The only way to end art week with a bang would be some samples of more in-game footage showcasing the engine with the environment and these character/vehicle models in action!