Originally Posted by Gogita
One problem that occurred in PS1 is the fact that BR40 players had access to all certs. Even though they could not gear up each item simultaneously, it still gave them arguably a too big of an advantage.
The fact that in PS2 players have to limit with regards to earning certs, is concerning to me. I'm worried that we are going to have jack-of-all-traits players in PS2 again...
Jack of all trades characters won't exist even with all certs -- classes put role restrictions in that can't be circumvented. You get to be the infantry killing machine of doom OR heal yourself and others OR fly, etc.
Even if you put cert limits in, you'd still get jack of all trades players if they played long enough to max out multiple accounts for different classes. So that doesn't work in a free to play game, anyways.
I'll say it again: that Sunderer dashboard is sexy. Poor tank drivers -- they don't get a dashboard.
Loving the interiors of the tower and tech plant. Large open spaces with staircases and balconies for chokepoints and visibility advantages suggest some excellent indoor play. Especially compared to Corridorside.