Originally Posted by Haro
This is a good point, but I think it needs to be taken with a grain of salt. This was a largely uncoordinated demo, with players often playing for kills rather than captures, which is totally fine in this case. I saw lots of players try to capture points in Max armor, only to fruitlessly stare at consoles. Also, I think the E3 setting for maxes in any vehicle also really broke balance, with it becoming the standard for most players. Maxes were really rather OP in this demo, but I don't think that will carry over even if that demo had been expanded to several bases and the proper max laws were observed a bit more carefully.
I saw the TR use their maxes very well, often in pairs securing points while lighter classes captured them. I think that's why they dominated so much later on in the podcast. I think there's value to maxes being powerful, but like with larger tanks, they can't take the abuse like they used to. I think they will need to be a force used with caution, because they can be lost easily if used carelessly.
The problem was I rarely saw MAX units getting killed by 1-2 infantry unless they were really terrible, however even obviously competent players were quickly dispatched against MAX units in situations where a MAX really should lose e.g. outdoors and from flanking attacks.
The reason was because the MAX unit has no turn rate limiter like it did in Planetside, that was the main 'teamwork' aspect of a MAX as it needed troops covering the flank, or a few MAX units coordinating to keep the arcs of fire covered. Now MAX units gain all the bonuses with none of that tradeoff seeing as the units we saw had some kind of regenerating ability and only the medic class has the ability to heal at the moment. The only thing they really sacrifice is the ability to hack and the ability to commandeer vehicles.
I mean, yes MAX's should win a straight up fight against an infantryman but they shouldn't out damage, have more toughness and have equal maneuverability. The MAX worked well as a slow, tough bulletsponge with a damage output pretty much equal to that of the infantry - perhaps even lower damage than the heavy infantry weapons. They were for breaking defences and taking the major hurt while the faster infantry moved in and flanked. Right now they seem to be a killwhores dream as they do more damage, take more punishment and have no restriction on aiming/speed.
As for alpha, I'm just pointing out the stuff that I think will be unbalanced when it comes to real play.