I know I made one of these when I signed up, but I'm suddenly being blocked from a couple of site features, and I'm being told to re-introduce myself. So... here goes.
I go by the name "ManBreakfast." I have several allergies. I'm old enough to need to scroll down during age verification. I wish I lived in a colder climate. I spent a lot of money building a computer, and now I never leave my room. I live with my mom, and I think I'm going to stay in this house as long as I can. Don't give me that look, I like my mom. I can't stand dubstep. I would rather exercise than listen to dubstep. I like a lot of food just a little burnt, there's this point just before it becomes charred and it's delicious. Not everything, just certain foods. I like robots and dinosaurs. I do not like robot dinosaurs.
That's about it, I guess. I have no other notable qualities.