Here's something to chew on:
Remove the ability for medics to directly revive players, but instead make them the only class that can place squad beacons. This might also help curb beacon spam as we already have spawn points dripping out our ears. We could also look into requiring a medic to own a Sunderer for the AMS feature to function.
Maybe even eliminate Medic altogether and recreate it as an Officer class, which the SL/PL must be to use the leader abilities. Keep the Medic abilities and limits but change the tool into a squad beacon. The AOE heal ability and heal grenades can still cover healing. Add a special Utility Item called a Cover Shield, which would be a deployable that provides cover in the form of a directional energy shield, sort of like the shield in the engineer AI turret deployable, except larger. It should be large enough for several mudders to use at the same time and have sufficient HP to take a few hits from vehicles. It cannot be shot through by anyone and might also have a top shield to help defend against air chavs and liberals.