I am a 30 year old nowadays part time gamer. I got a family with gf and four kids(the reason I am a part game gamer).
My online gaming carrier started with Quake where I started out with running a Quake Team Fortress clan. I think TF is one of the big reasons I favor team oriented games over anything. I have moved through several games and before Quake I also played a lot of Doom and Heretic. I consider my self as mainly a UT veteran where I had the peak of my gaming carrier when a friend and I ran a UT2k3/4 iCTF clan. We were really good and manage to finish third in the first Clanbase Euro Cup we participated in. We won the Euro Cup the year after.
I started playing Planetside in the open beta and played it for about half a year after the release of Core Combat. I then usually resubscribed a couple of months at a time once a year.
I have now recently started to subscribe again much due to the on coming Planetside: Next.
I am hoping that Planetside: Next will keep what made Planetside so good but at the same time provide some new content.
Oh well with my gaming history I could probably go on forever. But I am a nice guy who enjoy movies and long walks on the beach. ;-)
Oh btw if any NC outfits are looking for a semi-casual player give me a shout.
This item might be subject for edit when I have more time on my hands.