I had this idea that any vehicle you own could be a personal spawn. Say you parked your Flash in an empty building and solo assaulted an outpost. You died and are now too far to do anything to continue the assault. Sure, you could have brought a giant Sunderer with a 'blow this up first' sign on it (first thing I look for before entering any engagement is the Sunderer). But if you are in a small team of 1 to 5 guys, a Sunderer isn't really practical.
So, my tentative idea is to allow us to spawn at our vehicles. They wouldn't let anyone else spawn at them and they are all far easier to kill than a Sunderer. Plus they wouldn't have any terminals to pull MAXes from.
It's a massive upgrade to solo and small team players more than anything, but it wouldn't do much for the zerg since spawns tend to be in abundance there.
I tried to think of reasons this would be bad, but didn't really come up with many. Obsoleting Sunderers wouldn't happen, in fact they might become rare enough to be pivotal to a battle.