Ok so PS1 had lock on weapons, but they were balanced because you needed to remain locked on (in sights). Fire and forget is one of the worse things to hit a FPS ever. Now if the tanks/ESF could SEE the infantry firing these weapons would be one thing and the lock ons would be somewhat tolerable. The fact is in PS2 you cannot render a group of guys in a ESF/Tank until they literally fire 2 salvos at you is ridiculous.
If we cannot fix rendering do to performance concerns/optimizations then lock ons need to be changed. You can either have A.) Keep as is and reduce lock on ranges to 200 meters (not missles travel range), this will give ESF/Tanks a ability to use cover to get closer to allow rendering. Also I was at TI Alloys and with a personal waypoint on the edge of the cliff near C at the Crown (476 meters) I was getting locked on....really???? B.) Keep ranges, but the user as to keep sights on target until explosion (which reduces fire rate, adds skill, and compensates for lack of rendering to even field) One of these 2 changes needs to be implemented now.
Now I know the infantries concern, Tanks and ESFs did have a month and a half of their dominating ways, As a infantyman and tank driver I agreed with infantry, however the pendulum as swung way to much in favor of infantry. I know the tank drivers/esf's deserveed it but lets be honest one group being upset and one happy is only going to lead to unsubscribes and uninstalls.
P.S. I know this has been said before but goodness this needs to be re stated over and over until render is fixed, or until one of those 2 changes are implemented.