The funny thing is, I actually stopped by the bar tonight to pick up my tab (because I went there the other night and forgot to close it out), and there was some drunk dude on the karaoke machine singing the 12 days of xmas.
His version was pretty much like this:
"On the 1st day of chrissmass my girlfriend gave to mee.... a partridge... inna... tree. AND BEER!
On the 2nd day of chrissmas my gulfren gave to me... (wha did she give me? uhhmm) BEER! LOTS OF BEEEEEEERRRR."
etc. the poor guy couldn't remember any of the versus except for the partridge, and by the time he got up to 6 or 7th was just saying "BEEEER, BIG BOTTLES OF BEEERRR" and that sorta thing.
It was pretty amusing. I was damn tempted to stay and have a drink. The bartender, John, was in a Santa Claus outfit.
The strange thing is, when I got my card back, they didn't have me sign a slip. I looked at the girl who had fetched it out of the back and being the dumbass nice guy I am, said "uhhhh... did you need me to sign a receipt?" She goes "well, I didn't bar tend last night so I have no idea what you got." Me, continuing to be dumb (I shoulda got the hint), said "Uhm... I had 2 pints of Yeungling, and went home". She just waived her hand and said "Merry Christmas!"
I love that bar.