Yes, yes, gents, yet another fan trailer. Texts and stuff would've looked better if I had 3dmax and more importantly - if I knew how to use it properly. Oh, well or at least if I was an artist.
Originally Posted by Shogun
for all you sad people out there that are affected by the "this video contains bla bla bla cannot view in your country" shit, there is a very easy solution. at least for firefox or chrome users. just download the browserplugin "stealthy" or "proxtube".
it adds an icon to your browserbar that you can click before you load the youtube video, to unlock it. this slows down your connection, but it´s just to load the video. click the item again and you are back to normal. doesn´t get easier than this
Please, feel free to criticize it, afterall I can always remake it and refresh it with a bit of new footage after the beta is out.