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Old 2015-02-07, 11:21 AM   [Ignore Me] #1
Post New Conglomerate Junior Divison


My name's Frederick Blake, and this is my story.

I was born on January 1st, 3250—Earth time—on an island 300 miles off Amerish in the restricted zone.

The island, Yuris, is basically where all the New Conglomerate people reside, from retirees, to vets, to past-political leaders, to civilians. Most of the time, soldiers come back to check on their family, and then they return to the treacherous war.

A lot of things changed in 3000, concerning humanitarian liberties, implemented by only the NC, really. The Vanu were too infatuated in their pursuit of new technology and artifacts, and we all know what strict assholes the Terran are.

People were given chances for normal lives—sort of. NC military leaders realizing that the pointless war was never going to end aimed to establish a small government with only one political party, to serve the people, better than what Terran or Vanu had. Rules were care-free and after a while people even wondered why we even established the government. Then again we were not perfect as crime and such occurred sometimes.

Those who chose not to fight in the military could stay on Yuris. The landscape is nostalgic. Earth-books contain similar scenes of sandy shores and the sky set on fire in an inferno of pink, red, yellow, and orange on the sandy beach. Lush forest is scattered across the island.

Everyone was welcome. Terrans who sought freedom and less restrictions, Vanu abandoning their inhumane beliefs. With this we gained a substantial amount of Arauxians joining the Conglomerate. Soldiers were given a change to retire after 10 consecutive years of fighting and deemed title "Veteran".

Vanu scientists who switched conducted tests, revolutionizing life itself with "mercy" nanites. They would reverse the effects of rebirthing, and slowly, but peacefully draining the person of life. The gift of mortality was given by the NC.

This technology was banned by all other factions.

The population of Yuris is roughly one million. We've now tried to make our lives as Earth-like possible, as many women get married and have children. As a counterpart to births, rebirthing technology as well as all vanu tech is restricted to citizens for their own good.

When most of the first and second generation vets come back, they spend a year or two enjoying "the spoils of war," before taking the mercy nanites. Some of these guys have been here since rebirthing tech came out.

You'd think immortality would be a nice thing but one you live for 200-300 years plus, dying daily, enduring the horrors of war—you have to wonder what that does to a man.

New Conglomerate has a rule besides freedom and that's: don't forget where you came from.

Life is great on Yuris. The only real jobs here are farming, trade, and transportation. The people rely on the agrarian society with our exports coming from Cordes, the small neighboring island, 50 miles off. Farmers take boats or NS civilian issued Valkyries there to cultivate.

Enough about Yuris. Back to my story.

When I was 13, I decided to join the ranks of the Conglomerate, and admit myself into the NCJD (New Conglomerate Junior Division).

The New Conglomerate decided to better their soldiers, substituting old vets with freshly trained young, sharp, and like-minded recruits who had much to learn. They took in teens 13-17. You went into the battlefield at 15, and you would be judged from there. You were not an official rookie; only when entering adulthood, graduating from the NCJD into the New Conglomerate Infantry.

A lot could happen in those two years, and a lot could be learned. This is what I hoped.

With my parents' approval, I departed with 2000 Station Cash. I waited for the public Galaxy shuttle and as the wait dragged on, I saw other recruits with their blue and yellow duffel bags.

"These are the people I'll train with," I thought.

"These are the people I'll fight with." I looked around at their each individual faces.

"These are the people...I'll die with."

Five minutes in the Galaxy was just enough time to get talking. We discussed so many topics ranging from factions, to politics, to the war itself. We dreamed of becoming high ranking commanders and officers and maybe bringing an end to the war so that Auraxians could live in peace.

We finally arrived at Poseidon, an NC controlled and built city. It was located in the restricted zone and floated above the surface of the Araxium Ocean, 100 miles off the icebergs of Esamir. Each faction has their own cities. Vanu has their Techno-Tropolis and Terran built Gresley. They have so much tech putting the cities off the grid. No one messes with the cities of the opposing factions, for they would bring full scale assaults on the perpetrator.

We looked upon the big city as the Galaxy hovered near ground. As we marched down the slope of the the transport exit, the familiar smell of the sea greeted us, as well as a beautiful woman in blue.

You must be the last batch of new recruits," she said.

"Yep!" I exclaimed. "I'm here to make a difference!"

She chucked. "You'll make a fine soldier."

She walked us down flights of stairs, the five of us, down to the ground level. A Sundy was parked alongside the curb as we left the landing space. We boarded the bus and headed for a tacit five minute drive to the recruitment office, conveniently located near the NCJD base.

"Your paths start here. Go into the office, register, and they'll take it from there," she said.

2 hours of paper work and displacement led to us finally rest in our bunks. My three roommates, Henry Chao, Jake Marks, and Adrian Cole said that they had arrived last week. I went to primary school with Adrian, but we never really got close.

After talking about the NCJD, we spoke about Earth things. TV shows, comics, football, US Navy Seals. After a while, drowsiness took me in and I fell into a deep sleep.

Training was waiting for me.
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Old 2015-02-07, 11:25 AM   [Ignore Me] #2
Post Chapter 1: Ascension

"You fine young men and young women have trained hard! Some have quit along the way. The 100 of you recruits who have completed two years of basic, intermediate, and advanced training should be proud, because I sure as hell am!"

I'm indulged in Commander Jox's speech. Hard work we went through, indeed. I learned to shoot straight, specializing as a Heavy Assault. 15 years old, buff and 150 pounds, I had turned my scrawny ass into a soldier who was ready to fight.

I learned how to use military equipment, I learned to drive a tank, I learned to fly Reavers! I was taught to switch to my sidearm when my ammo ran out in the midst of a battle. I learned how to use my nanoweave shields wisely. I learned how to take a serious beating.

So much experience I gained without setting a foot on the battlefield. I knew it wouldn't be the same; but...

I was ready to fight for people's right to live a normal life. If the NC drew back from the war, the possibility of Vanu and or Terran going after our cities would be high.

Freedom over Oppression!

"I’ve seen undeniable progress since day one from each of you who stand before me. In the New Conglomerate, we never give up. And we never take the easy way out. Those Terrans can't hold us down! The Vanu can't improve the human race. You are the next generation of soldiers! It is your duty to protect our citizens’ liberties and human right to live a normal life, away from this non-ending madness! With this said..."

We all grin with anticipation.

"I now deem you officially part of the New Conglomerate Junior Division!"

We throw our berets up in the air and cheer. Part of the New Conglomerate. Following in my grandfather's footsteps. The battlefield awaits.

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We are lined up, naked. It is time to connect our matrix into the rebirthing network. I'm shaking. Commander Jox explained:

They'll strip you and make you drink a whole lot of nanites to the point where your stomach can't take anymore. Then they'll place you in a cylinder filled with liquid rebirthing nanites. They'll close the lid cutting off all oxygen, and you are basically supposed to drown in the nanites. They'll leave you in there for a few days so that you get tapped into the rebirthing network. Obviously, you're dead, but the nanites will preserve your corpse. They'll drain the cylinder after the time being, and then your dead body will dissolve into the network, and your matrix will be sent to the nearest spawn tube. Pretty neat, huh?

"That sounds f***ing brutal man," Adrian agrees.

We watch the boy in front of us drink to his stomachs limit and perform the drowning ceremony as we call it.

"You're next."

I gulp. I'm still trembling. My ultimate death fear is death by asphyxiation or drowning. I sit down in the chair and they pour me a glass of nanites. I drink.

Extremely metallic and bitter. As I swish my mouth, the nanites move around clinging to my tongue and every piece of skin in my mouth. They're like mouthwash, but thick and just more potent. They burn my throat like a coke being consumed without stopping. They slide down my esophagus and my stomach pops and fizzes. I can feel them entering my bloodstream as rejuvenation and strength comes from nowhere.

I drink another glass. Then another. By 5, my veins are pulsating with nanites and my future brothers in arms have stopped cheering "chug, chug, chug!" as I lay down my glass, prepared to vomit from my stomach being overfilled.

With much embarrassment, but realizing that everyone today has done it, I remove my undergarment avoiding embarrassed eyes, and climb the ladder into the cylinder or nanites. They are warm. To my right, is a row of tubes stretching forever. I can't see the end, but I see the dead bodies of my friends submerged in their cylinders. I take a deep breath and exhale completely.

"Be strong soldier," I think.

I plunge myself into the murky pool of green. They close the lid over me. I do nothing for a few seconds, scared, panicked, unable to breathe. Think of grandpa.

With all the willpower I can muster, I suck in the nanites. I begin to cough, which my body naturally makes me inhale right after. The more I cough, the more nanites I inhale. I'm soon unable to even move. I can feel the nanites in me. My lungs are completely filled and darkness begins to take over. Feels good.

••••••••••••••••� �••••••••••••••••� ��•••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••� �•••

I wake up in a bed and vomit everything. I feel lightheaded, dizzy, and tingly from head to toe. My vision is heavily blurred. I look down to see the ground before me covered in green nanites.

"Heyyyy! Looks who just spawned" Adrian congratulates me, handing a towel for me to wipe my sticky bare feet. I look around to see about 30/60 of my male companions. They are either up and about in their blue and yellow-trimmed bath robes, not yet spawned, stumbling and staggering like drunkards, or vomiting nanites as I. I put on a robe from one of the hangars.

"Where the f*** are we?" I ask.

"We're in the main spawn room of Poseidon!" Adrian intrinsically exclaims.

"You mean of the NC infantry?" I am bewildered, but embarrassed of my lower status. "What's going on?" I ask.

"We're waiting for everyone to spawn, girls and boys. Then we're going for squad assignments," a cold looking kid says to me.

I look at the spawn tube to see green nanites fluctuating green and nothing, forming a hologram of a body and then the meat begins to fill in. The boy step out of the spawn tube and vomits.

"That's so weird, but so cool," I say.

We watch him struggle with a dogged attempt to walk in a straight line.

••••••••••••••••� �••••••••••••••••� ��•••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••� �••••

We are in the spawn room waiting for each boy to spawn with approximately five minute intervals, until there are exactly 60 of us.

In two hours, we change from our bathrobes into our basic gear and make our way back to the ceremony or party room of the NC.

"Finally the boys are done," a girl says. "We've been waiting an entire moon cycle"

We line up.

A familiar face takes the stage. It is the woman from before! She spots me and smiles. Does she really remember me?

She begins calling squads. I am placed in bravo squad, junior platoon 1, generation 3. Adrian luckily is in my squad, as well as my frienemy Sarah, and professional buddy Tolky.

"Now," she smiles, "for squad leaders."

Murmurs begin to fill the air. Who would have the honor and responsibility of being a squad leader? As she begins to speak, we are hushed.

"Alpha Squad Leader of Platoon 1, Generation 3, by vote, Tyler Gray!"

I give a personal applaud. Tyler had helped me through my breaking point during "hell week," otherwise known as the Devils playground. 6 weeks of torture, obstacle, and endurance training.

We were sent to vote after the last day of training, 8 people we would see as squad leaders (excluding ourselves). I guess the person with the most votes was deemed the squad leader, and Tyler deserves Alpha.

"Now, Bravo Squad Leader of Platoon 1, Generation 3, by vote..."

Who could it be?

"Frederick Blake!"
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Old 2015-02-07, 11:26 AM   [Ignore Me] #3
Post Chapter 2: First Blood

We waited in almost complete silence with small conversations sparking here and there as the Galaxy soared towards the Dahaka region. My squad consists of me and my 11 comrades. There are two of each class in our squad. The sniper Infiltrator is so shady. She hasn't spoken a word at all. Her helmet hides her face, but I feel like
I'm being watched.

"60 seconds until drop," Adrian says. He is our transport pilot.

We unstrap out of the seats.

I am determined to be the best squad leader that I can be. If I was ranked 2/8 for likeliness to be a squad leader, I would fulfill this duty.

"OK guys…" I really don't know what to say. "So. Just like Commander ordered. A small squad of Vanu are patrolling around Dahaka. We go in, take them out, take the base, and let the main infantry take the Amp Station."

Adrian says,"30 seconds until drop."

"Don't f**up squad leader," Sarah jeers.

"Aw shut up," I say. "And remember our training, guys. This is the real thing"

I open the trapdoor and we enter the low-ceiling bottom floor of the galaxy.

"This is pretty badass," Hazel (Medic) says. There are boxes of supplies and a few rebirthing tubes. Ammo and camera controls for the guns of the Galaxy stun us.

"Hey, focus" I demand. The 11 drop pods lined up await us. I dont hesitate to get in. The four-way doors come up.

"Hell of a tight fit for a MAX," says Killian.

I sit down in the pod and swing down the roller coaster style harness. "Tell us when, Adrian," I say.

I put on my helmet, lay my Guass SAW on my lap, and grip the handles of the harness tightly as I wait for his signal.

"Now! Drop Now!" he yells.

I smash the release button and feel my center of gravity shift upwards. The rush is exhilarating as, but I stay focused.

After about 10 seconds, the pod slows down dramatically and my stomach churns. The landing is hard but nowhere near fatal. The four way hatches open. I'm blinded by the Sun, which my visor adapts by tinting on the inside. I look around and see my squad just landing or standing beside me.

"Adrian, keep that thing in the air. If the medics get killed, we're gonna need you," I warn. "That and you're our ride home"

"Roger that," I hear his voice through my inter-linked com.

I place my spawn beacon down. An eccentric ray of blue light shoots for the heavens.

The infiltrator speaks for the first time. "I'll first a spot to snipe." Her voice is melodic and girly, but professional.

"OK, assume open formation" I say.

We begin to steadily approach the base.

"OK, one capture point. Two generators. One enemy spawn point." I begin. "Here's the plan. Team one [Me, Tolsky(Light Assault), Jeb(MAX), and Sarah(Medic)] will go for the generators. Then, the spawn point where we will camp."

We scan the Indarian landscape vigorously, hot sun roasting us. We are about 300 meters from the base, going from a decline.

I continue, "Team two [Jill(Second-In-Command & Heavy Assault), Quinn(Light Assault), Po(Engineer), Killian(MAX), Hazel(Medic), and Jerome(Short-Ranged Infiltrator)] you guys get down to the spawn point and suppress them for the time being. Marie(Long-Ranged Infiltrator) you cover all of us. Jerome, you cover the generator cloaked"

"Roger." They say.

We have our rifles and pistols up scanning the area.

"Spotted a Vanu Infiltrator," says Marie, "East of your position. He just cloaked and went into that building. Stay frosty."

"Roger." I confirm. "Cover Team 2, we're going inside."

I signal Team 2 to begin their objective.

We have our backs against the wall lined up in single file, right next to the door.

"Watch for proximity mines," I remind.

On my signal we burst in. A glossy figure runs and on instinct I lock onto it with my iron sight, and squeeze the trigger lightly. The body falls to the ground. The figure begins crawling. I shoot the Infiltrator in the head and a pool of blood leaks from the head. The body dissolves into a hologram of green nanites and then is gone.

"Holy sh*t Freddy. I didn't even see that" Sarah exclaims.

"I'm missing all the f***ing fun" Adrian says.

"Stay focused, celebrate later," I say sternly, but inside I am booming. My first kill! My heart is practically beating out of my chest. It's a bit horrific, but I refuse to be influenced by the horrors of war.

"Tolsky, get that generator down," I order. "Jeb cover that door north, Sarah you cover those doors east, I've got the one behind us."

I kneel taking position. We wait for Tolsky to overload their generator. About thirty precarious seconds pass when Tolsky finishes. We begin to hear the alarm of the breached generator and quickly move upstairs.

"Moving for the generator," Jeb says.

I spot a flat, purple Y-shaped object on the floor and Sarah moving towards it. Actions are faster than words, so I activate my Nanoweave shields and tackle her two feet from the explosive.

Motion triggers it and we are knocked back. I struggle to breathe.

"Oh my gosh! Are you OK?" She begins running med-tests on me. I can barely breathe.

"Capture the point,... then worry about me."

"We have eyes on two f***ing squads of Vanu now leaving the spawn!" Jill screams over gunfire.

"I've got eyes on them all. Picking them off like flies." Marie says nonchalantly.

"Remain in...position... as long... as you can..." I mutter. I cough up blood. Sh*t!

Sarah takes out her medical applicator and begins streaming nanites into my chest. I feel them repairing my ribcage and multi-punctured lungs. I suck in fresh air.

"I told you to watch those damn mines" I say. "Cover the doors guys."

"We're falling back to you!" Jill yells.

The rattling gunfire draws near. They sprint up the stairs to us.

"You guys take the control point! Team 1 move to the hallway. Po get a turret on the right stairwell. I want all my MAX's in the other room! Tolsky on the left stairwell! Jerome use the generator for flanking cover!"

"Here they come!" Jerome yells.

I am covering the left stairwell, along Tolsky. Two Vanu heavies appear from the door and they don't hesitate to fire upon us. They both put up their glossy turquoise nanoweave shields up. We use our training to our advantage and utilize the cover. I get hit, but my shields absorb most of it and the plasma just dissipates. It feels like getting slugged with a baseball bat.

The first one falls by Tolsky, a quick headshot, but the second one is still standing. Beams of purple plasma zoom past me, but I am safe in cover. Tolsky is near death with plasma burnt though his chest.

"Medic!" I yell! The heavy stops to reload, which I begin shooting at him. Trying to flee, he puts his nanoweave shields up again subbing for his depleted personal shields, but catches 12 of my precise bullets. Blood splatters the wall.

Before I can get down, I get shot twice. I'm in pain, as the scorching hot plasma continues to eat away at the skin and tissue cells in my shoulder and bicep.

Sarah comes to my rescue shooting the infiltrator to pieces. She goes over Tolsky, who has died and begins reviving him. At the same time, She throws me an injector. I roll up my sleeve and press the injector on my skin. Nanites begin to travel through my skin into my blood and heal me. I watch as the bloody would begins to clot, muscle grows back, and then finally skin with zero scar tissue.

Tolsky wakes. "Oh sh*t! did I die!"

"Stay focused! MAX inbound!" I scream.

"Copy that. Give me a second, I've got some lights to deal with," Killian says.

I take out the rocket launcher I have strapped to my back, take aim, and fire. The explosive shell detonates and knocks the MAX back a feet. The alien looking soldier gets right back up and begins shooting at the cover me and Tosky are hidden behind. Turquoise and purple plasma splashes everywhere as the MAX advances. I dare not get up from cover and I signal an angered Tolsky to stay down.

At the last second, Killian is MAX charging and he tackles the MAX. Killian begins stomping on the MAX's head until it is a purple and red puddle. Infantry swarm him. He falls.

Tolsky and I throw each a frag grenade taking out about eight men.

Over heavy gunfire and lasers, we hear commander.

"You've liberated the facility! The main infantry is already dropping now"

Similar gunfire echoes. The vanu are picked off one-by-one until there is only blue and gold.

************************************************** ************************************************** ******

"You kids really f***ed them up!" exclaims an excited Mercenary Downs of Alpha Squad Leader, Platoon A.

"It was for our right of passage" Adrian joked.

The base is swarming with the entire platoon.

"33 kills 5 casualties?! Even we don't go that hardcore. We're headed to the Amp Station, you guys wanna tag along?" We have earned respect from even the first infantry division!

"Sorry, sir, we've got to report back to the warp" I say.

"Right, Right. Mercenary Downs. Call if you're ever in a pinch." I shake his death grip.

We depart back to the Galaxy. As we fly we talk about how awesome and tactical the mission was.

The Infiltrator sits next to me.

"Great job, Freddy," she says in a teasing tone.

I'm about to speak. She removes her helmet. Even Adrian is gawking.

"Keep your eyes on the sky dumbass!" Sarah yells.

She is gorgeous. She lets down her black hair tied in a ponytail.

"I definitely made the right choice voting for you as squad leader."

I stare into her curious green eyes with a smirk.
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Old 2015-02-11, 02:41 PM   [Ignore Me] #4
Post Chapter 3: The Advance

A lot happened in the next 4 months.

I got myself some composite armor, upgraded my rifle to an EM1, my pistol to a Commissioner, and got some new blue camo.

Our team has become so much better at combat, as well as teamwork and trust.

My relationship with Marie has progressed, as she is my girlfriend now. I do really like her, and she makes a great battle buddy, as well as just sitting and talking about life.

Also, thanks to both Platoons of the Juniors from the NCJD (Platoons A and B) our strategic teamwork led to the capturing of three techlabs. All Junior and Senior squad leaders of the NCJD were given their own dorms.

There was a conflict that came out of this saying that we were acting Terran-ish, giving people of higher status better privileges, but it quickly simmered when the rooms were as small as the infantry's individual dorm rooms.

That offended so many of us, me included. The guys who said that totally got their assses kicked. The officers and generals are nowhere near similar to the Terran military leaders.

The Terran leaders get the fanciest and most exquisite foods and wine. Meat and alcohols preserved thousands of years from Earth. General Hicks eats veggie-burgers and filtered water with us in the public canteen. While the Terran leaders live lives of comfort, without setting a foot on the battlefield, Commander Bri Love is always out in combat leading us, and fighting alongside us. In NC, no matter our rank, gender, race, we are all equals. That's something Terran will never have.

The good thing about the rooms is that Marie likes to come over to "have some fun" if you know what I mean. Aside from that, I can just sit down, and think, or plan out strategies and formations for the squad.

Recently, big news hit. My squad became the second best squad in the NCJD, next to the alumni 1st Generation's Delta Squad of Platoon D. Their average KD ratio was about 10-1, while we're at 7-1. Me, my KDR is about 4-1 average; 367 kills and 92 deaths.

I have to say though. These past four months have changed me. I've seen some horrific stuff, as well as endured it.

I watched as Jerome get his head torn clean off by the strength of a Vanu MAX, spine still attached. Then it was used like a rock on a rope to beat us and then we were shot to death.

I was kissing Marie one time, after our Platoon secured a base. A terran sniper literally shot her entire brain out and her blood spurted into my mouth. Brain particles went flying all over me. I looked upon her fallen corpse and saw the baseball sized hole in her head with no brain. I vomited and cried on the spot.

I remember, a Terran heavy assault pinned my down with his Flash on Esamir. He had his studded snow tires on, and proceeded to sand my entire head off. Very Painful but relaxing as the studs grated the part of my brain controlling nerve receptors.

Sarah once had her neck snapped 180 degrees by a Vanu assassin. Her back was to us, about to make another sarcastic smart-ass remark. The Infiltrator uncloaked and as her body stood facing forward, her head jerked a half revolution and looked to us. Her eyes rolled to the back of her head and her mouth gaped open.

We were burned to death when We hopped on our exit Galaxy. A few Vanu heavies got us with Lock-On's and the inferno consumed us like an oven before exploding on ground impact.

We witnessed the terrible gang rape of a Vanu recruit by Terran Generals. She was probably around 17 to 19. We wasted them and let the traumatized girl.

I had my throat slit by a Vanu Infiltrator. It was so painful as I bled to death and choked on my own blood. Homicidal nanites invaded my cells and nerves and ate them. I gurgling in pain as Marie screamed for a medic in tears. In 20 seconds, I was gone.

Adrian and Quinn were literally ripped into chunks of meat when a Terran MAX with double chain guns discovered them.

Our Valkyrie was about to get shot down on Esamir so we all had to jump to our deaths. Except that I landed on a Auraxium Spike, and was impaled. As I slid down my body was ripped in two.

Horrific stuff.

Anyways, the NCJD building combined with the main NC military building into an even bigger base.

Now a commander, Doe Downs selected me to be his apprentice just two days ago.

I am sleeping.

"Aye, Freddy! Get up! We've got a fight! Get ready in 10 or we're leaving without you!" he booms, bursting into my room. I scramble out of my bed and assemble my uniform. I take a few minutes putting on my composite armor.

I sprint to the armory and from my locker, I grab my EM1, my Shrike Rocket Launcher, and my Commissioner Revolver. I head over to the Ammo dispensary and take a few mags and a backpack load of shells. Then I head to the public med-room and collect some med-kits.

I sprint back upstairs and see Alpha Squad of Platoon A, 3rd Infantry Division, waiting for me.

"OK, here's our guy, we'll talk along the way. The Crown's waiting for us" Commander Downs says.

The Crown!!! I've heard so many epic war stories about The Crown even when I was a kid. Vets told all sort of awesome tales back on Yuris.

"So what's you're name kid?" A female Engineer asks.

"Uh... Cadet Frederick Blake ma'am," I reply. "Squad Leader of Bravo Squad, Platoon A. NC Junior Division"

"So you're the apprentice huh?" a light assault starts, "Timmy Quell." He lets out a hand. I shake the death grip.

Do they all shake like they're trying to break your hand?

We keep doing introductions until we pass by the rec room. Someone calls my name.

"Freddy!" they call chasing after me.

"Hey, what's up?" I ask. It's Marie.

She begins rustling my uniform. "You didn't think I'd let you go without a kiss did you?" she says in a flirty tone.

I'm totally embarrassed as the entire squad is snickering.

I kiss her for a good five seconds and retract. They are all woohoo-ing and whistling.

"Stay safe," she says leaving. "And kick some ass for me!"

"Pshh, I will babe" I say.

"Whoa Blake, who was that?" Downs asks in a teasing tone.

"It was my girlfriend, now calm down," I say nonchalantly.

"Eh, beats a fleshlight and thousand year old Earth Playboy magazines," says Medic Marco.

We "ew" at his crude comment.

"I gotta ask though, kid,"do you love her?" The Engineer, Gretchen asks.

There is silence as I think.

"Y-yea..." A weak response.

"I've loved her since the day I laid eyes on her" I rephrase. "Those days where you really need someone, I know I have her. She has me too."

"Try to keep it that way. You've got a good thing going on. We don't really do any loving in these times, well except for Mr. Fleshlight over there," she says, "but ever since our ancestors came to Auraxis, love has just died out. We're faced with so many political, economical, and military problems that emotions die with us. We need to all learn to love again. Not just as individuals, but as a race, with the slight exception of those Vanu freaks. My point is, no one knows what love is, not anymore, so cherish it."

"That was f***in' beautiful" says Engineer Liam.

"Yea man. Aye Gretch, how bout dinner with me when we get back then?" asks Heavy Assault Brody.

"Mmmmmm, I'll think about it," Gretchen says teasingly.

"Don't worry Brody. That's totally a yes," says medic Jessica.

We go all the way down to the ground level where Galaxies are waiting to take The entire four platoons of the 3rd Infantry Division.

"So what's the plan?" I ask.

"The Platoons A and B are going to take a giant convoy of tanks, sundies, harassers, you name it. Were taking those to the Crown. C and D are taking the air fleet there. Get ready to double up."

"Sh*t. 24 people in a Gal?" says MAX Toby.

"Yep," say Downs. "We'll land in the warpgate, get our convoy as C and D wait."

"Fear the NC Zerg!" soldiers begin to cheer. We begin stomping on the ground and yelling.

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Old 2015-02-11, 02:51 PM   [Ignore Me] #5
Post Chapter 4: Crown fit for a King

We are rocking out to instrumental metal music blasted at full volume in the Harasser. Downs is driving, heavy Assault Brody is in the front seat. Light Assault Chen-Li is on top gunning. MAX Shaquisha is sitting in the back carriage. Light Assault Timmy, Infiltrator Ilana, and Engineer Liam are in the backseat.

"Watch this!" Downs yells over the music. He activates the Turbo. We are thrusted back into our seats, as he completely clears 40 meters of cliff.

"Holy sh*t! DD!" Chen-Li screams.

"I almost fell out you f***tard!" Laquisha screams. "Do that again and the Burster cannon goes up your ass!"

Downs gives a hearty laugh and continues to speed towards the bridge leading the land and air fleet. The rest if our squad is not too far away in a Valkyrie.

He parks the buggy behind a tall rock. The Platoon sundy deploys, NC soldiers pour out. I look around as blue beams illuminate the night sky. The rest of our squad hop out of the Valkyrie nearby and regroup to us.

"Alright squad leaders. Thirty-no-twenty seconds to spread out and put up squad beacons."

He slams the beacon onto the desert turf. A blue light shoots out.

"Here comes the air fleet. Convoy catch up! I want full gunners in those Gals! Keep one for each platoon in the air." Downs is imputing all kinds of commands before we even start fighting.

"Let's get those S-AMS up like now! One for each Platoon!"

This guy REALLY knows what he's doing.

After about two minutes, the squad leaders confirm that all transport vehicles have delivered all infantry troops.

"Air Fleet, Convoy! Advance and standby" he yells.

Reavers and Liberators, and Vanguards, Lightings, and Combat-ready Harassers begin to advance from the bridge.

"OK. Platoon A, swarm A-point. Patrol the main building up-down. These Terran f***s shouldn't even be able to move two feet without bumping into one of us! Platoon B, capture and guard B-Point. Same with C Platoon. Use that bridge to your advantage!"

I'm seriously impressed by his initiative, and efficient use of tactics as a division commander.

"Platoon D, provide suppressing fire for our vehicles and be prepared to reinforce."

"Wow," I say.

"He's pretty good, ain't he?" Infiltrator Sanjay says.

Downs grins. "You ready kid?"

I nod.

"Stay close" says Infiltrator Ilana.

"Everyone move!"

Sanjay, finds a place to snipe. We run into the building, up the stairs and wait about thirty seconds to capture A-point. 6 of us are in the room, the other 6 are outside the room guarding. The rest of the platoon is up and about the base suppressing Terran from getting up or down to A-point.

"B-point secured," says Platoon B leader.

"C-point captured," says Platoon C leader.

"Very good, hold those points," Downs orders.

As time rages on, our defenses get breached as the medics die, and there is no one left to heal. The infantry begin dying and have to respawn far away. The time it takes them to get back here, we are battling a squad of Terran MAX-crashers.

"These f***ing immature bastards!" Engineer Liam screams. He and Gretchen are firing away at MAX's with mana turrets.

"Can I get some repairs over here!" Toby yells. He fired a rocket at a MAX, which explodes the head into a paste of red and pink.

"A bit busy!" Gretchen screams. A sniper bullet hits her in the chest. She stumbles back. The second and final bullet rips her jaw clean off, and severs her vertebrae in her neck.

I shoot at the Infiltrator standing in the stair balcony.

"Medic!" I yell. Jessica and Marco both come over. I drag her body inside the capture room leaving a scarlet trail. They stream healing nanites into Gretchen's body. I watch in horror as well as awe as her mandible grows back, then the reddish-pink dermis begins to quickly cover that. Finally her tan epidermis completes her anatomy as the plates in her neck realign and the bullet pops out of her breast.

"That's f***ing awesome." I say.

"I know, but get your head back in the game," Marco advises. Gretchen wakes and continues fighting.

I take part of the MAX slaughter and gain two more MAX kills on my record.

"Area clear! Left side" yells Brody.

"Area clear on the right!" Light Assault Timmy says.

"I'm back," says Ilana uncloaking.

"From where?" I ask.

"Recon," she replies, "they're bringing in their entire 8th division."

"Sh*t!" Downs curses.

"Uh... DD, we've eyes on what looks like a div of Vanu coming from the East...Your orders?" Platoon Leader D asks.

"God****it! Can we get a f***ing break around here. This was supposed to be an easy operation. Not f***ing final stand!" Downs rages.

"They're approaching! Your orders?" The woman asks.

"I want all of air and land directed towards them! Platoon D also. We can handle our own."

A plasmic explosion of purple takes out half of our health and sends ruble flying everywhere, as well as dust on our eyes. We lay on the floor gasping for air, insides damaged.

The medics throw heaIing grenades. The pain leaves my body as my ribs straighten and the burn on half my face is covered with new skin.

Now the real fight begins.

Last edited by DeathsVirgin; 2015-02-17 at 08:19 PM.
DeathsVirgin is offline  
Old 2015-02-12, 06:01 PM   [Ignore Me] #6
Post Chapter 5: Crown fit for a King pt2

"Hold on sir!" I yell. There are four—three and a half of us left: Me, Downs, Chen-Li, and Marco. Downs has been shot in the leg and chest. I take out a clueless Vanu Heavy with the help of a Terran Medic which I send a bullet through his head.

Marco explodes, blood and gore getting all over us.

Chen-Li vomits.

"Hang in there soldier!" wounded Downs warns.

"Cover me sir!" I yell. I crouch to where part of Marco's corpse lies. It then disappears in a hologram of green nanites. I grab his Medical Applicator. I am held at gunpoint by a Vanu Infiltration who is taken out by Chen-Li and Downs. Ducking down from Vanu and Terran artillery, I run for one of my infinite lives back into the capture point. I begin healing Downs.

"Ahh, that's better," Downs says.

"Sir, How much longer are we going to go at this?"

Downs moves to the left door, and Chen-Li and I move to the right door.

"Just five more minutes!"

"Downs, C point has been captured," says Platoon C leader.

"Sh*t, can you spawn?" Downs asks.

"Negative. Our Platoon Galaxy has been shot down, as well as our Sunderer. I'm out of squad beacons."

And engineer throws a grenade. Chen Li quickly throws it back.

"Hold off, and try to take it back!" Downs screams over gunfire aimed at the head of a Vanu medic reviving his comrade.

Chen Li gets shot in the face by a Terran Heavy with a shotgun. To top half of her head is gone. Before the bulky man can advance to Downs, I pull out my Mag-Cutter and sink it into the back of his neck. I can feel the vocal vibrations of the dying soldier travel through my knife. I give it a good 90 degree twist and the man falls.

Surprised, Down spins around, pistol pointed. He lowers his weapon and grins. "You're growing on me kid."

"Downs, we can't fucking get through! They just keep mowing us dien in the midst of their own fight!" Brody yells.

"Just try to work your way together! Chen-Li should be joining you guys. Blake and I are holding off, but not for long. They're pressing hard so hurry!"

Downs checks the window.

"There! Our guys are here! Suppressing fire kid, I'll cover them!"

I constantly check my left and right as Downs clears the way for the 10 soldiers to reach us.

"OK, they're in the building"

Downs falls.

"Sir?" I ask. I see steaming plasma eating away his head. I look at the steaming plasma eating away my heart.

Lucky Vanu sniper. They managed to puncture the weak spot on my Composite armor. My vision fluctuates blurry and clear. I feel sleepy. I fall to my knees.

A Vanu light assault bursts in the room. She takes aim and is gunned down by my comrades.

Brody comes to my rescue. "Hang in there kid," he says catching me.

"T-...too...late" I murmur. The base turns blue in favor of our capture. I grin as life leaves my body.

************************************************** *******************************

I wake up in a Galaxy. I step of the rebirthing tube. Downs is there grinning.

"I've been waiting," he says.

"That f***ing sniper..." I mutter.

Downs chuckles, resupply and get to the drop pods.

I rush to a terminal, access my slots and my weapons appear in front of me. I rush to the drop pod and Downs and I drop in.

"Brody, update" Downs asks.

"Well, TR has been kicked out but we're dealing with Vanu falling back to the East. We're scavenging squad beacons and trying to take out S-AMS and G-AMS's!"

"I guess we should regroup with them," I say.

We begin running to the east side of the area. We see the 1st division squads raining hell upon the Vanu vehicles and aircrafts.

"Oh man, let's join the party" I say excitedly.

We take out our rocket launchers and begin firing upon the Vanu. I get about 2 sunderer kills, and 1 Galaxy kill.

The last of the Vanu retreat to the nearest territory. Fireworks pop as we cheer and fire into the air. We've capped the Crown, and now I have my Crown story to tell, when I return home.

The sun begins to rise.

************************************************** *******************************

We go directly back to Poseidon.

"Well kiddo, I hoped you learned some stuff today," Downs says. "Until then," he lets out a hand. I grip it with all my might.

He chuckles. "You still have a long way to go Freddy."

Me and my squad take the day and eat out in the city's pier. The sun is shining bright and the ocean water smell returns to me. We dress out of uniform for once.

I tell them about every hair of my Crown fight.

"My babe's so brave," Marie says wrapping her arms around my neck.

"Pshh. I could have done better than you with my eyes closed and a pistol," Sarah remarks.

"We still have a long way to go, he said."

"That is true," Tolky says. "But we've learnt so much in these past 4, 5 months," he adds.

"True. Forget calling us Death's Virgins, we're freakin' 7-1!" says Jerome.

"Hey, wasn't there a training session today?"
Hazel asks. We freeze.

"Just f***in' with ya."

"Let me heal you said no medic ever," Jeb jeers.

We laugh.

Po calls a toast. "To the journey ahead!"

"To the journey ahead!" we cheer.
DeathsVirgin is offline  
Old 2015-02-13, 09:54 PM   [Ignore Me] #7
Post Chapter 6: Cold Front

We are flying 30 meters from the snow in our Valkyrie. Our Squad is flying in two separate Valks to the Waypoint, for defensive reinforcements.

I look out to the sky. Strapped in, my feet dangle and the cold air brushes my face. Marie lays her head on my shoulder.

"It so nice," she says gazing at green aurora foregrounding the purple and pink sky filled with stars.

"We're approaching the landing zone," Po says.

"Sh*t! It's pretty hot," Adrian yells over to us.

"If you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen!" I yell back.

"Oh, I can take the heat!" Adrian challenges. Our Valkyrie begins to pick up speed as we enter the hot zone. Bullets and plasma fly and hit the permeable Valk as Adrian flies over to the roof of the building sheltering the sole capture point.

He hovers 3 meters over the roof. We unstrap out the safety belts. I grab Marie in a cradle carry, and jump out.

She giggles, "You're so romantic."

"Smooth man," Jeb says hopping of with a loud clank of his MAX suit.

I grin as I active the squad beacon.

"Team One, we'll rear back and provide suppressing fire. Team 2, help our guys out," I say. "We're representing the NCJD so try to be efficient."

"Don't need to try" Sarah scoffs.

"This is a good spot to snipe," Marie says proning on her stomach.

"Alright cover us as we cross the bridge to the fire fight," I say.

I jump off of the short roof and my squad follows. We go from cover to cover crossing the bridge with other NC infantry. A bullet whizzes by me. A terran infiltrator lays dead, uncloaked before she falls.

"Damn, thanks" I say.

"You're welcome. Stay frosty," Marie replies.

"Was that an Esamir joke, because that was just dry..." Sarah mutters.

"Kinda like Indar" Jeb says.

"Shut the f*** up you corny MAX," Sarah says.

"Is it that time of the month already?" Adrian asks.

"Shut up Adrian!" Sarah and Marie yell.

"I'm trying so hard not to crash this Valk laughing," Adrian says chuckling.

"OK, you've got the TR sundy, S-AMS, down the hill to your right, then another one 100 meters back behind the Auraxium spikes," Marie informs.

I switch to squad intercom, "Team 2, update."

"We're doing well. Our KD is gonna go 8-1 pretty soon if we keep this up," Jill says.

We dive for cover behind the Auraxium plated road barrier as the Kobalt from the TR rains hell on us.

"Tolky, do you think you can get over and flank them with C-4?" I ask.

Tolky hesitates. "Uh...well sure. I might not come back though."

"Don't worry, I've got a V-AMS if you die," Adrian reassures. "I'll try not get get shot down. I'm flying with some Engineers. Gunners."

"We'll cover you. If you succeed, I'll deliver the final blow."

"I'll mow em' down," Marie adds.

"1, 2, 3!"

I rise from my cover, and begin mowing down Terran infantry. Tolky sprints out of cover, activates his jump jets. I align my blue dot with the heads of Terran infantry and fire as Tolky does a wall run on the snowy mountain wall to our right, jumps off, lands of the sundy, places C-4, flies away, and then detonates it.

The sunderer catches fire and explodes. Shrapnel and scorching car parts go flying.

As Tolky flies over back to us in rejoice, an arm length metal shard cuts through his jump jets and through his body. He falls on the ground with a thud and the white snow spreads red.

Sarah and the rest of us don't hesitate to rush over.

"There's nothing I can do, we pull that out hes gonna bleed to death faster," Sarah says. "He has twenty seconds."

" have to," Tolky coughs blood. "You have to go on...without me," he says.

"B-but commander, I can't leave you!" I cry. I hold his trembling, bloody hand with both of mine.

"Be strong, private. Be... strong." Tolky dies.

"Nooooooooooo!" I yell.

"What the f*** is wrong with you two?" Hazel asks laughing.

"Oh sh*t is my squad intercom still on?" I ask grinning.

"What a serious squad leader" says Hazel still laughing.

"It's roleplay. It was a scene from a movie," I try to explain.

"Best squad ever," Jill says.

"But let's get back to combat." Quinn says chuckling.

"Get on my level Jill. 24 and 0 right now" Jerome says.

"You guys keep it up, we're on a Sundy scavenge with the NC infantry," I say.

I set my intercom to team. We follow the infantry as they advance to the next sundy. Unprotected, NC heavies take it out before I can even pull out my rocket launcher. I look at the debris and five infantry dead. We keep moving clockwise around the huge plateau.

"I'm back," Tolky says.

"Haha, nice roleplay," Jeb remarks.

Adrian flies the Valkyrie 10 meters above us. Tolky jumps out and lands with his jets.

"Nice," Marie says.

"The point is secure and the base has been secured," Hazel says.

"Hey that's my line," Jill complains.

Hazel laughs maniacally.

"That laugh though," Jerome says.

"We're heading to you guys," Jill says.

"No, scope out the Vanu. We're taking out TR sundies, but Vanu is still hiding somewhere" I say.

"Roger that." Hazel says.

"I'm gonna punch you" Jill says.

"Aye, you guys might wanna help out here!" one of my NC comrades call out.

"I'm gonna get closer," Marie states.

"Yeah, we'll get closer when this is all over," I say.

Marie giggles.

"Keep it in you pants, Fred," Sarah grumbles.

"Oh sh*t," Jeb says.

Ten Vanu Harassers come at us from the distance.

"You guys are lucky that I'm an Anti-Vehicle MAX," he scoffs.

We join the NC guys and shoot. As they approach I take my rocket launcher out and get a good hit. The buggy explodes. A beam of plasma comes hurdling my way. Without time to react, my leg is gone and the stub bleeds excessively. Chunks of my leg are everywhere. The pain is excruciating and i feel lightheaded as the blood leaves my brain to the snow.

Sarah and another medic begin stream nanites to my head, leg, and stomach.

"Here comes the fun part," I think. An NC engineer drags me to cover as the Vanu Harassers spit explosive plasma at us.

The medics continue. My fractured femur begins to grow back, then my patella. My tibia and fibula grow and finally my feet bones. Bare muscle grows as well as fat, then finally ligaments and skin.

"Thanks sirs," I say.

By the time I get up, ten Harassers lay decimated, most of us dead.

"You had me worried there Freddy," Marie says.

"I ways pull through don't I?" I assure.

"Yeah, and you sure pull out just in time," she giggles.

"What the f*** save that for after" Adrian exclaims.

We begin to walk back to the roof of the capture point.

"I like your outfit," Marie says giving me a hand up onto the roof.

The left leg of my pants and armor is gone. The right leg is torn.

"Yeah, that booty though" Sarah says.

"Hey, that's my boyfriend," Marie says defensively.

"Stop looking at my butt" I chuckle, giving Sarah a hand up.

"OK, we found like one sundy in a ditch and took care of it," Jill says.

"Good work everyone. Rendez vous at the beacon," I say.

Po lands his Valkyrie on top of the roof and gets out.

"F*** is this?" He remarks at my naked thigh. "Is this the new gay battle apparel?"

Sarah snickers.

"No, it's all he could afford," says Jeb.

"Screw you assholes! It's below 20, I don't see any battle wear on you hiding in your plane, and you," I point at Jeb, "I saw you hiding behind a Medic. Try not to be a pus*y next time!"

"Dayum!" says Quinn.

"Haha big bad MAX hiding behind a Medic," says Jerome chucking.

"Screw you guys, Medics are the backbone of the military," Hazel scoffs.

"Yeah, Screw you guys. And not for that reason," Sarah says.

"Haha everyone's such assholes today," says Killian.

"Adrian where the f*** are you, I'm cold, half naked, and I just wanna go to bed. Preferably with Marie," I say.

She giggles and hugs me from behind. Team 2 joins us on the roof.

"Calm your ass down," he says. His Valkyrie lands on the roof next to Po's.

"Let's go home. My ass is hurting from that cliff fall. Haze doesn't have ice"

We strap into the the Valkyrie safety belts. Our Valkyries speed the opposite direction of the NC Galaxy Fleet heading for the Amp station.

"No, it's that ass whooping you got, cause that's the only thing you're good at. They should change your name from Killian to Deathian" says Jeb.

"Ouch," says Po.

"Now you really need ice," Hazel says.

"So salty, calm down" says Quinn. "I need to continue watching this 25th century Earth anime show."

"My girlfriend's waiting at home," Jill says.


"Jeb, make another lesbian joke and I'll shoot you into the water," she says. We have more friendly banter for a few more minutes until Po takes it too far and Jerome changes the subject.

"I've got a pickup game of bball with some heavies," Jerome says.

"Sarah and I have med simulations" Hazel announces.

"I'm playing freerunning tag with jetpacks on the rooftops of the skyscrapers," Tolky says.

"Screw anime, count me in!" Quinn exclaims.

Adrian begins, "Anyone wanna join me in reading 19th century literature? No? OK.."

Last edited by DeathsVirgin; 2015-02-13 at 10:09 PM.
DeathsVirgin is offline  
Old 2015-02-16, 03:49 PM   [Ignore Me] #8
Post Chapter 7: Free Bird

“Oh my goodness Frederick Tyrese Blake you’ve gone from a little boy to a young man!” my mom cries.

I grin as she smothers me in x and o’s.

“Hey mama.”

I walk into my house. Nothing has changed, thankfully.

It’s visiting month for the NC military. We all go back to Yuris to see our friends and family.

“And who is this beautiful lady?” my mom asks.

“Heh, that’s my girlfriend, Marie,” I reply slightly embarrassed.

“Hi Mrs. Blake. It’s so nice to meet you,” she says.

“Don’t dilly dally, we’re serving breakfast in a bit” mom says.

“Where’s pap and the others?” I ask.

“Kids are in the basement, your father is in his office, and Roberta is in her room” she replies.

“I’ll help you set the table,” Marie insists.

“Oh, what a sweetheart!” my mom rejoices.

I go upstairs and knock on the door to my dad’s office.

“Come in.”

I open the door and stand before him. He looks up from his desk, and stares for a few seconds. He stands up and takes his reading glasses.

“My God.”

“Hey pap,” I say embracing my old man.

“You were only about yay high when you left. Now look at you. Tall, and strong,” he says with wonder in his eyes.

“Yeah...two years of training. Our squad made it to the second best in the JD. Under my squad leadership,” I add.

“Wow. My son squad leader. Your uncle would be so so proud” he says.

“You should come down and meet Marie,” I say grinning.

He cocks an eyebrow. “Marie?”

I go down the hallway and enter the the purple door.

"Mom, how many time have I told you to kn-"

My older sister gazes. "Freddy!" She screams bear hugging me.

"Hey sis," I choke. I'm a lot taller but she's still a lot stronger. For a 17 year old.

She begins bombarding me with questions, "How'd you get so big? How are you? Are you invincible now? How's the war treating you? Do you have a girlfriend yet, no nevermind, no girl would date you haha!"

We go downstairs.

“Hey babe, I’m gonna see twins. Be right up," I say.

"You actually have a girlfriend?" my dad and my sister exclaim in unison.

"Die Vanu scum!"

"Get back to the sunderer! We need reinforcements!"

"MAX crash! All units!"

"Ahh! My Reavers going down! The Terran's got me!"

I spot my twin brothers, age 6 and age 6 and 23 minutes playing with their friends. "Looks like you two need to go back to basic. You don't MAX crash without a few Engineers!" I say.

"FREDDY!" I am tackled to the ground.

"Wow, I remember you guys being so small two years ago," I say trying to get up.

"You have a mustache!" Kian exclaims.

"And a beard!" Jian adds.

"And muscles!"

"What's it like in the war?!"

"Did you go to the Crown?!"

"Did you die?!"

These 2 have been obsessed about joining the military, after grandpa, my uncle, and finally I joined.

"We'll talk about it over breakfast," I assure.

************************************************** ***************************

After breakfast with my amiable family, Marie and I catch up with the rest of the squad.

We sit at a picnic table at the park.

"This is nice," Tolky says.

"Totally! I get to watch infinite anime shows on the 12 Fast Chips my sister gave me!" says Quinn. She is focused on the hologram screen on the movie player she bought in town.

Marie lays her head in my lap. "It's relaxing," she says closing her eyes.

"Yep, this is what I call rebirthing," says Adrian.

"That was a terrible pun," Sarah mutters.

"Yeah just like his life," Jeb says grinning.

Adrian punches him. "This is what we're fighting for," he says slouching.

Children are playing on the playground, moms are taking their babies out for strolls, dad's are having neighborly BBQ competitions. The Amerishian flowers bloom, and the sky is an exquisite shade of bright blue. Not a cloud is in sight as the unnamed sister planet and moon hover in the distance.

"It's like Earth almost," Jerome says.

"Screw the Republic, we're more Terran than they are," Killian says.

"Don't even get me started about the Va-noobs. Get it? Noobs? Va-Noobs?"

"Adrian one day, I'll pun-ch you so hard you'll never make a joke again," Sarah says with a deadly look in her eyes.

"Said no medic to soldier ever," says Adrian running. She roars and sprints after him.

We laugh. "Well, I need to go catch up with my guys. We've got a lot of things to do," Jerome says rising.

"Don't rob anyone," Jeb says.

"F*** you ginger we're black people, not criminals" I say. Jerome laughs and leaves.

"My parents are probably home by now so I best go see them," Marie adds. She kisses me and is off in her mini-skirt, flip flops and spaghetti strap.

"Man, your girlfriend is hot," Killian says.

************************************************** ***************************

Me, Killian, Hazel, Jill, and Po are left. The five of us pass the time, exploring downtown Yuris. After that, we head to the nearby retirement home to visit my 78 year old uncle.

With rebirthing tech, it doesn't stop you from aging. Some of the people here, 200 year olds don't even look human, but respawn with fresh sets of organs. The longer you live, the less time you have until your organs naturally shutdown. Some war veterans want to live forever and the only way for them to not, is just to kill them with Mercy Nanites. They sweep your matrix right out of the rebirthing net.

"Listen here boy," Uncle Freeman says shaking a wrinkled finger. "Y'all done well, but there's somethin' y'all need to know."

"What is it?" Po asks nervously.

"The Republic is cracking," he says with a crooked smile.

"Cracking?" Jill asks.

"People gettin' restless of the TR. They'd rather turn to freedom, and seek knowledge and religion than be suppressed by those high life pigs," he says. Uncle Freeman used be a high ranking Terran officers, until he was imprisoned for supposed treason.

"20 years!" He cries. The NC had Liberated him in a jailbreak to which he decided to join.

"Also," he says with a smirk,"They gon' back the mech program. NC models."

"What!" We cry in unison.

"Is everything Ok in there," the nurse asks.

"Just Fine," uncle replies. "They bringin' em back. Bigger and better."

The mech project was basically giant MAX's but drivers sat inside them like machines. Every faction had them, but after a while, Nanite Stations stopped producing them.

"So is it just us?" Killian asks.

"So far I think. We got spies in TR and VS, but info limited. With that said, I hope the don't got spies snoopin' round our business."

************************************************** ***************************

"Wow Mrs. James, I haven't a dinner like this since I left," I exclaim.

I'm eating dinner at Marie's place. We are chatting and eating, but I'm a bit uncomfortable by her father and two brothers.

Her father was an ex-Vanu, fought there for 12 years, and then in NC for 20 years. Heavy Assault.

Her mom grew up in the military as an off battlefield nurse and moved to Yuris, with their newborn, Tobias.

The 28 year old in front of me is intimidating as hell. A sniper with cold grey eyes, he drinks his soup without a word, merely looking up at me. Worst yet, he's bald.

The middle child, Olly is also an Infiltrator. They call him "Death's Virgin" because his current KD is 453-0. Age 19, he looks 30. His smile is more like a death grin. His proud eyes emit fiery intimidation. His black hair falls in front of his eyes.

"Hey Freddy," Marie says with an evil smirk.

I send her a telepathic message "Don't say something that'll get me killed," as I turn to look at her. She returns my request with telepathic laughter.

"Tell my parents the big news.

"You b*tch."

I look to see cold dead eyes from the men staring at me with poker faces, meanwhile a death-filled smile from mom.

"Great, they probably think she's pregnant," I think.

"Well," I begin, "Our squad has been ranked #2 in the JD, after the alumni, so technically we're the best."

Faces relax. The father laughs.

"Phew! I thought there was a sexual relationship going in here!" The others laugh.

"Choose words carefully, they'll kill you," Marie looks at me smirking.

************************************************** ***************************

We sit in our Galaxy shuttle with other soldiers. 36/12 soldiers is not really a comfortable fit. Some are in the main floor, lots in the bottom.

"Dude it was f*cking scary!" I say.

Marie laughs wildly.

"You think it's funny? After that staredown he say's I hope you two aren't in a sexual relationship and I'm like 'I'm not going to make it out of this house alive'"

They laugh.

"I bought so many clothes!" Hazel squeals.

"Remember who paid for it," Tolky says with a tired expression.

Hazel hugs him. "Thaaaanks!"

Soldiers cheer in the front.

"What's going on?" Killian yells.

"Heh. See for yourself" Jerome says.

The sight is amazing. The NC-entry only Poseidon warpgate is now fully functional covering a diameter of 5 miles of the floating city.
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Old 2015-02-18, 10:33 AM   [Ignore Me] #9
Post Re: New Conglomerate Junior Divison

Gretchen bursts in my room.

"Knock!" I yell.

"Put some clothes on you! NCJD is out on this one but Downs wants you" She demands. She looks over at us, "Hmph, this one's a keeper."

"Out! Off with you!" I yell.

"Jeez I'm leaving. You kids these days," Gretchen says chuckling. "Don't lag behind!"

************************************************** **************************

We gather in the middle of the city where the wargate is. A 10m diameter hole to whatever it is set to.

"I can't believe we have a warpgate now," Timmy begins. "We can skip the 200 mile ride inland and go wherever we want."

I look around at the hundreds of NC infantry prepping.

"Downs, what's going on?"

"TR attack on the warpgate," he sternly says.

"What!" We all cry.

"They take our warpgate, they'll take Poseidon and find Yuris!" Jessica says.

"We can't let that happen," I say.

"Damn right. They'll burn all my Playboy magazines," Marco pipes.

Chen-Li punches him in the arm.

"Let's go," says Downs.

We jump into the green and cyan beacon. I feel my atoms deconstructing, and then in the Amerish Warpgate, they reconstruct.

"Teleportation is some weird sh*t" Sanjay says.

"They're taking all 10 divisions out on this, and so are we" Downs says grim.

We don't speak.

"We've rearranged everything. New tactic. Division 1: Heavy Assaults. Division 2: Light Assaults. Division 3: Engineers. Division 4: Medics. Division 5: Short Range Infiltrators. Division 6: Sniper Infiltrators. Division 7: 2 Platoons of Anti-Aircraft MAX's and 2 Platoons of Anti-Vehicle MAX's. Division 8: Anti-Infantry MAX's. Division 9: Ground Vehicles and Tanks. And Division 10: Aircrafts and fighters. We have to win this, no matter what."

************************************************** **************************

"Sky dropping in 3!"

The Galaxy hatch opens.

"Get ready in 2!"

We fasten our parachute straps.


"Let's do this!" yells Downs. The 10 other Heavies cheer.


Downs and I sprint and jump into the night sky. We assume skydiving circle formation with the other Heavies. Division 1 Has been sent to the territory border to suppress the TR.

At 650 meters. We spread out and activate our parachutes. I land in a tree. As I fall from branch to branch, I am slashed all over. Before I bleed to death and my record says Cause of Death: Tree, I inject myself with a medkit and look for the smoke signal.

There it is! The blue smoke. I grip my EM1 tightly as I sprint through the colorful forest. The half ov the military is spread out along the entire TR-NC territory border. Only a few bases separate us and the warpgate. We wait... And wait... And wait....

We wait for five minutes until our guards have been lowered and then it begins raining pods. Tens of pods rain down from the Galaxies above.

"Holy shit, it's an ambush!" Brody yells.

The pods land but do not open. Some heavies and I approach a pod.

"Wait! Fred-" Downs begins.

The pod explodes. I'm sent back flying. The five infront of me lay dead. My Personal Shields absorb the shock. One lies on the floor. His legs, I don't know where. He coughs blood as his intestines are sprawled over the floor.

"It hurts," he croaks. I give him mercy. "Lesson learned," I tell downs.

We see tens of Liberators approaching in the distance.

"EVERYONE GET THE F*CK INSIDE!" A soldier yells before his body is shredded by the 50 caliber shells of the Libs above. I sprint for cover as bomb shells explode everywhere. By the time we are indoors, 42/96 of us are left.

We are up on Flashes chasing the Libs from a distance with Lock-Ons.

"F*ck!" I swear. "Too much forest cover!" We can see the Warpgate in the distance. We are 3000 meters away.

We catch up with the other Divisions who have also been tricked. To our advantage, Terran is now surrounded.

"Heh. Bastards thought we were gonna send our entire military to the border!" Downs scoffs. "Let's light em' the f*ck up!"

Terran infantry are boxed in.

We are on the top of a steep hill, while the TR are at a S-AMS's at the base. I rise from cover. I spot a Terran Medic running in the distance. I align my blue dot with his body and fire. As I shoot I aim down slowly to reduce kickback. He falls. I am spotted by an Engineer. He fires a turret at me.

A few bullets hit me as I activate my Nanite Mesh Shield. My face and chest hurts immensely, like I've been slugged with a hammer. I look at the bullets on the ground in disbelief.

Downs shoots the Sundy with other Heavies and the Sundy explodes.

A light assault throws a grenade. I dive for it a throw it back. The light assault appears from the base of cliff and tackles me.

"Take him kid!" Brody cheers.

We wrestle on the ground and then are up. He points his pistol at my head. I dive under the gun and grasp it. The young man fires in the air. With his both hands on the pistol and my left suppressing, I use my right to punch him in the gut. I feel ribs break. I take out my Mage cutter and slash his jump jets. I aim for the stomach but he knees me in the jaw. Going for another knee strike, I grab it. I push him over the the ledge and he falls breaking his neck. The Heavies cheer.

"Nice job!" Downs exclaims.

"That kid look around my age..." I think.

By the time we go for the next base near the warpgate, most of the TR AMS have been destroyed.

We defend base after base, but then our division is faced with the MAX crashers.

I get too close. The MAX grabs me from behind and does a death bear hug. My ribs break and lungs compress. My heart pops. I vomit blood and die.

I am back facing the MAX crashers two minutes later.

Double Chaingun rounds zoom past my cover. I dare not get up. I throw a grenade. One MAX falls. A guy in our squad fires a rocket. Impact damage kills one, and splash damage kills another. I take out my Commissioner and land a few head shots prone before Brody finishes him off.

We move for the capture point.

After an hour of fighting, we have pushed TR out of the proximity of our warpgate.

"Finally, they're falling back," I say.

I meet with Downs' squad at the warp building upstairs.

"I've never been that excited since yesterday. If you know what I mean," Marco says.

"Now we all know what Marco does everyday," Laquisha grumbles.

"You need help man," Toby.

"Why take a masterbreak when I can masterba-"

"KD report," Downs interrupts.

"34-10" I boast.

"Haha try to 58-9," Downs challenges.

"105-12 b*tches!" says Toby.

"Bullsh*t!!" says Laquisha.

"105 infantry kills! Check my record. We stormed north of the warpgate, and they had an AMS. We didn't have any Anti-Vehicle so they just kept pouring out!" Toby protests.

"12/34 kills were nice inf booty" Marco smirks.

"K, I'm leaving," Illana says.

"Hey I wasn't talking about your booty! I do your squats and all...I appreciate your butt! Don't go!"

"Dude," Sanjay laughs. "It's all about the spandex"

"Yeah Freddy would know," Gretchen says.

"Hey Illana wait for me!" I yell.
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Old 2015-02-20, 09:41 PM   [Ignore Me] #10
Post Chapter 9: Gift of Giving

"Ho, Ho, Ho! B*tches! Squad leader brought presents! Secret Santa is starting" I yell entering the NCJD main lounge. Most of my squad is huddled in the couch area.

"Radio the others to get their asses down here!" I order. I set my huge bag down.

"Big bag," Hazel remarks.

"Got big balls," I reply. She rolls her eyes.

Since the arrival, people have been productive enough to keep an Earth calendar going. Today is December 25th. NC seems the only faction decent enough to take the day off to celebrate Christmas. Not as a religious holiday but just for getting together.

Po, Quinn, Jerome, and Marie rush down with their bags.

"K, so.... we started in January... I remember our first mission. We barely knew each other. 11 months later we're more than a squad," I pause,"We're a family. And the best family in the NCJD."

"Awww, Freddy," Quinn wails.

"That's nice man," Jerome says.

"I wanted to celebrate us so I spent half of our squad fund on stuff," I say with a smile.

"Well, that's not nice," Jerome rephrases.

Each squad has a fund of 20,000 SC which they can spend accordingly. Stolen from the Terran government by NC hackers.

"Hey, Marco wants me to add to his porn collection by buying him sex dolls and magazines, and that's not happening. Plus I went all out, and got the sweetest deals," I defend myself. "Well who want's to go first?" I ask. Our secret santa is modified with every member of the squad buying something for each person .

"Marie does," Quinn suggests.

"Sure," she says. She sits on my lap smiling. "So what'd you get me?"

"Aha! So Marie's been wanting this since like forever, so..." With a grin, I pull out an AF-8 RailJack with a message inscribed in a dog tag from my sac and place it in her hands.

"Oh sh*t, he did go all out!" Po exclaims.

"Oh My Gosh Freddy!" Marie exclaims. She hugs me.

"Merry Christmas," I say. My squad mates applaud.

"I got you," Marie says fumbling in her bag,"I know it's not much compared to what you gave me, but here." She hands me a wrapped box.

"Anything you give me, is always worth my time." I tell her. I wink and she giggles. I open my present. It is also a dogtag, our NC decal on the front and a picture of us at the beach on Yuris. She also gives me Battle gloves with brass studs incorporated into the knuckles.

I let my kissing do the talking.

They group hoots and applauses. She giggles, "I think he likes it."

I don't wanna talk about every gift exchange so click here to view the other 132 gifts exchanges.

"I'm not even gonna concern myself how you guys paid for this stuff, but should I ask how you got morphine? Wrist HUD? Where the hell did you get this candy?"

"Smuggled," says Sarah.

"Stolen from Vanu Labs," Killian says.

"Hey, that's where I got these lasers too!" Po exclaims.

"You guys..." Killian mutters.

"I bought the candy," Quinn says with innocence.

"I'm pretty sure half of this stuff is illegal but, Merry Christmas you guys," says Hazel. "I love these clothes!"

"Did I miss anything?" Downs says.

"Yeah, everything," Jeb says eating candy.

"Well, the squad got you this," he says handing me a wrapped present, obviously a gun. I open it and am awe as I am holding an PK-9 Grudge Shotgun.

"Holy sh*t, Downs. Are you for real?"

"Yep. You're welcome into the 1st Division anytime," he says.

"Nice," Jerome says.

PK-9 Grudge. Custom made for members of the 1st Division. Pump-Action, 15 pellets in one shot, effective range 17 meters. Ammo is custom made. 20 round drum magazine of slugs.

"You guys better get ready for the Christmas battle," he says. "I have a good feeling about this one."

We go and register our weapons and gear into the terminal network. The only way to get your weapons, camo, helmets, armor, vehicles, upgrades, etc is to update. Everyone has an account in the terminal network. TR and VS included.

I go to a terminal on the prep deck. I put in my soldier pin, go through the retina scan. I put my Anchor into the weapon scanner. Nanites scan the item and puts my Anchor into the terminal network.

Next time when I die, and I go to the terminal, I'll access my slot and my Anchor will be reproduced as Nanites, as well as my armor

My squad and I register all my christmas gear into the terminal network. Adrian gets a Galaxy, and we gets in. We wait for the orders of Tyler Gray, Platoon and Alpha Leader of Platoon A the Juniors. Me, Grace-Jo of Charlie Squad, and Guillermo Vatez of Delta Squad are to follow his orders.

The seniors of the NCJD aka Platoon B are going to do their own thing.

"Haha! Here we go!" Jill exclaims as the giant hangar door opens. The Galaxy yearns for the Warpgate. We arrive on Esamir.

Last edited by DeathsVirgin; 2015-02-20 at 09:47 PM.
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Old 2015-02-20, 10:51 PM   [Ignore Me] #11
Post Chapter 10 (Final): XMas Fun

"Our first Christmas battle!" Killian says.

Ever since NC got really laid back about the war in year 3K, the following century, a division of soldiers went off and basically just screwed off on the battlefield. Now it's a tradition. We go on the most unproductive day of the year where we can basically do whatever we want.

We laugh hysterically as Gray orders us to Stack Galaxies on top of each other. We get to about 10 when the entire thing topples. We get out from the main hatch.

"I love Christmas battle," says Quinn.

"Hey, don't have too much fun," Tolky begins, "We have our weapons to try out."

I am equipped with my Anchor, Grudge, Brass Spiked Gloves, new Mesh Generator, Laser, and wrist HUD

Po get a sundy, and runs over Sarah's foot in the midst of a donut circle.

"Po you son if a b*tch! I'll f***ing kill you!" She screams as she self heals.

"Oh she's gonna kill you bro," Jeb says into the intercom.

We get in an Sarah beats Po senseless, then heals him, then beats him again, and heals him. We are laughing as Po tries to escape but she drags him back in and beats his face into the steering wheel.

We are on the snowy road of Esamir, and Gray gives his orders. "We're going to The Traverse guys."

By now, I have figured out how to work the wrist mounted Head's Up Display. I slide the screen to the right where my ammo stats are and then click my mini-map. It Expands into a holographic full sized map of the square continent. I then set a waypoint for Po to follow.

Along the way, we scream and laugh Christmas carols at the top of our lungs. Adrian decides to snow skii. With a rope he attaches to the sundy, his boots hydroplane on the frozen ground.

"Watch this," Po says with a sneer. He jerks the emergency brakes and Adrian goes flying right into the back of the sundy. Actually, he slides under the sundy, and appears in front of us. We laugh as he threatens to blow us up with mines if we don't let him in from the sub zero wind chill.

We finally make it to the place. Po parks the Sunderer under the bridge.

A squad of Vanu infantry have prepared for our arrival.

We decimate them. As I shoot, I notice a big difference between my EM1 and this. Though the fire rate per minute is 50 rounds slower, the accuracy is so controllable. The gun itself is lighter. The sound of the fire is sharp and precise rather than the clunky and heavy sound of the EM1. The bullets really follow through.

I now know love. (Don't tell Marie)

"I'm gonna try out this new RailJack," Marie says disappearing.

"Move into the capture point, Bravo. Alpha with me. Charlie go to the facility east of them and Delta west," Gray says.

"Woohoo," Jeb says. He picks a fight with Killian and they begin jousting with their Aegis shields, before a Vanu heavy on the top of the bridge cover inflicts half damage on Jeb. With my anchor, I peer into the iron sight and shoot the purple man.

"Hold still!" Po screams as he tries to repair Jeb's MAX suit.

"No! I can't let you get the certs!" Jeb says with a grin unhideable by his helm. Po chases after him furiously.

I set my squad beacon at the base of the hill, at the long bridge resides in. We begin moving in.

"Hey J, when you die, let me be Short-Ranged Infiltrator?" Marie says.

"So you can be with bae?" Jerome questions.

"Nope. I wanna try out this new Blitz," Marie responds.

"Ouch," I say with a sensitive attitude.

"Haha, just kidding babe. You know
I love you." A shot echos the terrain. An escapee medic lays dead with steam billowing her head.

"Holy sh*t I love this sniper," Marie exclaims.

We reach the other side of the bridge where the small facility and capture point is.

"I'm waiting for a chance to try these knuckles," I say. A sharp pain enters my chest. I fall with blurry vision. Everything goes black. I am revived by Hazel, then the ambush happens.

Sarah, kills the first guy who peers around the corner. The next guy, grabs her in a choke hold and breaks her windpipe.

Killian punches the heavy , fracturing his spine, which Jeb finishes with a triple barrel shotgun to the face. They continue appearing for both sides. I swing a dead Quinn onto my shoulder and order my squad to move in.

As Sarah revives Quinn then Sarah, we capture the sole point.

"Oh man, my KD is so hardcore!" Marie exclaims.

"I'm going out,"I say. I drop my weapons and head outside with Adrian with me. As I leave the building, I bump into a light assault. Adrian tackles him and I begin pounding his face in with my spiked gloves as Adrian hold the clueless man down.

After he is dead, we go back to the capture point. A MAX turns around and swings at me. I duck and place a grenade under him. The MAX dives away from the explosion.Adrian does a dropkick to the MAX's face, breaking the glass in his helmet.

"How-How dare you!" he snarls.

"Oh I dare," Adrian challenges.

Adrian drops an anti-tank mine.

"Marie if you would please," Adrian insists.

She chuckles. A streak of blue stays behind as the MAX is disintegrated.

We head into the room again where the rest of the squad is fighting off Vannu from the other door. Things stay quiet.

"Nuke time!" Quinn screams in joy.

She places 2 blocks of C-4 down near the door, Tolky does the same. 5 anti tank mines are scattered by the Engineers. Jerome places his two bouncing betties down in front of the door, and so does Jill with her C-4.

"Haha if i were to shoot one of them," Marie teases.

"MARIE!!!" Jill screams.

She laughs. "I'm not gonna do it...yet"

"I swear."

"Hahah we've got like a platoon of infantry squad coming your way from the spawn," she says.

"Oh snap!" I say, getting out my Shrike.

"Grenades ready!" I yell.

"This is gonna be awesome!" Quinn exclaims.

"Indeed," confirms Tolky.

The first victims are a heavy, a MAX, and a medic who set off the chain reactions. Quinn is maniacally laughing as she throws grenade after grenade. The heat from the explosions feels nice. There is 10 seconds of fire and then we see 37 Vanu infantry troops on the ground.

"Holy sh*t tell me we shouldn't fight like this!" Jeb exclaims.

The base illuminates blue.

"Dude we used up like everything and we had like a million casualties," I say.

************************************************** *******************

"Hey a sundy!" Adrian says.

"Oh no. I know that look. Adrians gonna suicide" says Jerome.

"Captain, you have to come with us!" I plead.

"Another role play? I'm putting on a parachute," Hazel says in comical disbelief.

"A captain always stays with his ship," Adrian says. The Galaxy points down to the Sundy.

We all strap on parachutes. "We'll remember you brave Captain," Tolky says. We jump into the sky.

Adrian jumps out of the plane after we do. "Wait for me!"

We pull our parachutes. "What happened to captain?" Sarah says.

"Haha f*** that. I'm not gonna kill myself. Wee look into the distance and see a mass explosion from the Sundy and Galaxy. Bodies fly everywhere. We land on the ground and run for cover behind the auraxium spikes.

Adrian checks his record from this wrist mounted HUD.

"12 infantry kills, 1 vehicle kill," he brags.

A light assault drops a grenade on us. Tolky throws it back and in midair the grenade takes out the jetpack. Landing with a thud in front of us, the man tries to rush us. Tolky throws a knife with deadly precision. We cringe as the knife lodges itself in the man's head and and his eyes roll to the back of his head.

"Dang! Someone's been practicing!" says Jill.

We get to the base, and I get to try out my PK-9 Grudge. A Vanu engineer comes at us. I blast her and she goes flying with a gaping hole in her breasts. We make our way inside the tower to the cap-point. Marie shows persistent deadliness.

"Are you trying to show me up?" Jerome says. He sends a controlled 5 round burst to the body and neck of a Vanu medic.

"Maybe, Marie says," she sprays Light Assaults. She takes a few rounds with her personal shields and seeks cover. I shoot through both from 10 meters aways, in two pumps.

"Bro, that thing is so freaking OP! Makes the Jackhammer look like-" she takes one to the head.

"Medic!" I yell.

Hazel revives Jill. "As I was saying. Like sh*t!"

"Pshh, my KD? Go home, I'm 9 and tw" he is shot in the chest. Hazel strafes taking out the plasma spraying Heavy. She self-heals, and revives Jerome.

"Where the hell is Sarah," she asks

"Coming back from spawn," I say.

"J please, I'm 5 and 0," Marie replies. We hoot as our short ranged infiltrator has been outdone by our long ranged sniper. The base turns blue.

"OK you can shoot, but I'd like to see you try to beat me at basketball," Jerome suggest.

"Challenge accepted," Marie says. We hoot at the friendly hostility as we climb the stairs to Adrian's waiting Galaxy.

************************************************** *******************

"Adrian focuses on the white snow," I begin to narrate. "He thinks the Galaxy he is flying is a Magrider," Po adds.

"I wonder if this thing can barrel roll." Adrian says.

"We're two feet from the ground..." Jeb mutters.

"F*** this I'm heading for the pods," Jerome says.

We feel the Galaxy tilt...
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