Old wolf seeks pack, NA Servers (Any faction at this point)
Howdy. I've been playing for about a year but think I'd actually like to find an organized group of folks to play with since coordinated squads are so rare to come by if relying on pick up groups.
A bit about myself; older gamer, wife, kids, career, that whole bit. I've probably been playing video games for over 30 years, yes they existed back then! I'd like to think I'm better than average (that stats.dasanfall told me so!) and enjoy tactical squad play when given the chance. I play pretty regularly in the evenings, but I don't take the game seriously enough for it to be anything other than a fun way to relax after a long day.
Just thought I'd throw a post up just to see if there are any smaller yet active outfits that might have some older folks running around, or at least a similar mindset.
I prefer to play VS, my main VS is BR 61 on Waterson. I also have a BR 60-something TR on Connery that I made to play with some friends (that now no longer play). However, at this point I'd rather have a solid group of folks to play with and I've got 4 more character slots so I'd be willing to start from scratch, any server (North America), any faction.