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Old 2013-05-18, 03:28 PM   [Ignore Me] #1
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Question Discussion: What do smaller squads want in order to have more fun AND make an impact?

Hi guys,

Was having a discussion of my own earlier today and got thinking about what ideas we could brainstorm and come up with regarding the topic of small squad/outfit play and what could be done to both improve enjoyment for those of us who choose to play in smaller groups, while also allowing smaller ops to feel like they can make a meaningful impact in the game. Some of the greatest times I've had in PS2 thus far is spawning into an "Enemy Platoon" outpost with my squad of 6 guys and being able to successfully take it back nearly entirely by ourselves. We saw a lot of that from small "elite" outfits in PS1, so if that's still your style of play in PS2, what would you like to see added in the future to better support that?

I'd like to structure this as an open-ended discussion and hopefully get a lot of good feedback and suggestions. I know larger outfits running massive operations gets a lot of attention in PS2, but there are a lot of us, especially PS1 vets, that still prefer to run around in smaller squads, even two squads at times, and when we're actually able to make a significant impact it really feels great. I think keeping the game fun, compelling, and meaningful for players who choose to play in groups of all sizes will really do us all a great favor in keeping PlanetSide 2 thriving for many years to come.

That being said, what ideas do you have for improving the enjoyment and meaningful impact of you and your squadmates' actions ingame? New objectives? More compelling resource gameplay? Other features? What do you want to see in PlanetSide 2 that would benefit your small squad?

Thanks for taking the time to read this, and double thanks in advance for your contributions to the thread!

Last edited by ItZMuRdA; 2013-05-18 at 03:30 PM.
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Old 2013-05-18, 03:36 PM   [Ignore Me] #2
Brigadier General
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Re: Discussion: What do smaller squads want in order to have more fun AND make an imp

Sorry for saying it in such way, but I want zerg to stop being given opportunities to do everything. In other words to make squad (or small team, that's more precise) play interesting, the zerg should not be allowed to play the game properly.

I can expand on that if you want.

Originally Posted by CutterJohn View Post
Shields.. these are a decent compromise between the console jockeys that want recharging health, and the glorious pc gaming master race that generally doesn't.
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Old 2013-05-18, 03:42 PM   [Ignore Me] #3
Re: Discussion: What do smaller squads want in order to have more fun AND make an imp

In terms of resecures the issues are:
a) where are the enemy,
b) how long is there remaining on the hack,
c) how long will it take to get there and attempt a resecure.

I think a) and b) are mostly taken care of. We have information from the map and we have tools such as radar on scout vehicles (mossie and flash).

In PS1 terms we also had the comms channel that is cr5 chat and /sitrep. I presume something on improving comms is already under discussion at SOE.

One thing that gets me though is the spawning mechanism. By this I mean often we decide to go for resecures by spawning in to the outpost in question (time is often critical) and where you can spawn from/to seems inconsistent.

My wish would be either that the spawning is consistent or (perhaps it already is) that whatever the spawning rules are they are understood. (PS1 rules were dead easy).
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Old 2013-05-18, 03:50 PM   [Ignore Me] #4
Re: Discussion: What do smaller squads want in order to have more fun AND make an imp

There are not nearly enough destructible/repairable meaningful assets in the game...whether that's turrets, generators, scus, we need more of each of those, and more new ones. This kind of thing is something a single squad can focus on - taking them out/repairing/etc.

Especially turrets, and honestly at major bases we need AV turrets with 360 degree spin capability. With instant action and other forms of drop podding, and other ways of entering bases that do not constitute a traditional assault from the outside to inside, having turrets point outward only means they aren't useful 80% of the fight. The fact that I see so many turrets at large base fights sitting both unused and undestroyed is proof of that.

Last edited by Stardouser; 2013-05-18 at 03:51 PM.
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Old 2013-05-18, 04:01 PM   [Ignore Me] #5
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Re: Discussion: What do smaller squads want in order to have more fun AND make an imp

The biggest issue I can see is that there is no more hot-dropping unless you are LA, which essentially means there is no more at least partially stealthy way to enter a base. I've heard about this thing called "ejection seat"...
There is a serious issue in PS2 and that's not every HA grunt can pack medkit and repair tool. Now, it would be feasible for everyone to head in as medics, but where's the ammo? In PS1, you could loot weapons and ammunition from dead enemies. In PS2, there is no such thing. This severely weakens the effectiveness of a small-scale attack because, eventually, the attackers will run out of ammo regardless of how many ammo-filled dead bodies you throw at them.

It's also an issue for doing MAX attacks because they removed the MAX Crash. In short I think we need the MAX Crash back.... that'll give something small outfits to do for sure.
NC MAX shield + run mode might allow it. If you add inventory looting, MAX units should have a way to scavenge some sort of weapon. I mean, they have hands, why can't they use a pistol?

MAX is an aux. problem. We should be able to loot ammo.

Another issue (that PS1 had for ages) is the lack of an unarmed stealth aircraft. In the later years of PS1, we were introduced to this thing called the Phantasm. Bring the Phantasm back! Small outfits would love it. If not that, allow us to certify into a way to disarm our ESF in exchange for being able to cloak them for 5+ minutes if not permanently.
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Old 2013-05-18, 04:21 PM   [Ignore Me] #6
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Re: Discussion: What do smaller squads want in order to have more fun AND make an imp

lattice will do.

it will create alot of options for smaller squads and outfits.when the big fights start on Wednesday your gonna see small squads and outfits find their place. bigger and longer fights will promote spec ops, taking out AA, dropping gens,going for sundys,dropping on satellite bases,fast response , i could go on and on. this will open many doors...
i know someone will say you can do all this stuff now, this is true, but people dont really defend bases. with the lattice, they wont have a choice.
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Old 2013-05-18, 05:46 PM   [Ignore Me] #7
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Re: Discussion: What do smaller squads want in order to have more fun AND make an imp

Give all bases a meaningful benefit that hurts to lose. Put a couple of generators in defensible locations at the bases. If the gens are blown, the base benefit is gone.

Smaller groups will target these for destruction. In turn, smaller groups will respond.

The base benefits need to be reviewed for this to work though. As they are now, no one will care if they lose a bioloab or amp station benefit.
-CDL- . Dragon Wolves
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Old 2013-05-18, 06:47 PM   [Ignore Me] #8
Re: Discussion: What do smaller squads want in order to have more fun AND make an imp

"Quality is Quantity"
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Old 2013-05-18, 06:49 PM   [Ignore Me] #9
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Originally Posted by ringring View Post
One thing that gets me though is the spawning mechanism. By this I mean often we decide to go for resecures by spawning in to the outpost in question (time is often critical) and where you can spawn from/to seems inconsistent.

My wish would be either that the spawning is consistent or (perhaps it already is) that whatever the spawning rules are they are understood. (PS1 rules were dead easy).
That's definitely a good point and something we've noticed a lot. So often do I find myself wishing I could spawn at what is a perfectly viable base to defend, but unable to do so. And with cap timers getting even shorter the ability to spawn near and move there with vehicles is usually not an option.

I would like to see improved spawn AI or at least the ability to spawn more places that really need reinforcements. I realize its a delicate balance not allowing people to just zip around a map entirely via deployment, but something certainly worth looking at.

Thanks for the feedback.

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Old 2013-05-18, 07:15 PM   [Ignore Me] #10
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Re: Discussion: What do smaller squads want in order to have more fun AND make an imp

It would be nice to see secondary objectives that influence the capture of facilities that are a little ways out from the primary objective that a small team could either be tasked with attacking or defending. This could be a small bunker that has controls over an effect at the base. Something like flooding an area with plasma, granting the defenders a 30 second window to spawn while an SCU is down, or an AoE pulse that affects important attacker conditions (like causing Sunderer's spawn rate to slow down).

The game Section 8 had anti-drop pod fortifications that would damage or kill drop pods if they deployed too close to them. Drop pods are pretty prevalent now, I don't think they're OP or anything, but squad deploys have no real counter.
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Old 2013-05-18, 08:04 PM   [Ignore Me] #11
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Re: Discussion: What do smaller squads want in order to have more fun AND make an imp

-Easily defendable facilities.
-Squad transports that aren't giant HERE I AM, SHOOT ME NOW objects like galaxies. I want my phantasm back.
-Base designs akin to those like in PS1 where a decent squad or two could reliably defend them if we knew wtf they were doing
-Less emphasis on goddamned zergfits. Fuck zergfits. In the face, with rusty nails.
-Fuck nerfing weapons to drive sales of new weapons being sold
-Fuck the hex system. No turning back.
-Objectives that can be taken and held independently of base capping mechanics.
-Resources and ANTs
-Base drain mechanics
-Generators independent of base capping mechanics
-better defenses around cap points to facilitate holds against superior numbers
-Actual CE. You know, with spitfire turrets, mines, boomers, etc.
-I would like my inventory back, because fuck classes and limitations, it stifles being fucking creative and clever.
-I want my rocket rifle back. I should not have to fucking pay for it, because fuck microtransactions. IN THE FUCKING FACE WITH RUSTY NAILS
-Fuck putting small squad gameplay into esports. IN THE FUCKING FACE WITH RUSTY NAILS!


Edit: Found this image on the official forums. Fuck Battlefieldside and CODside. Fuck Ghost cappers.

Retired NC CR5, Cerberus Company.
Not currently playing PS2. Anyone with a similar name is not me. My only characters are listed in my stats profile here on PSU.

Last edited by p0intman; 2013-05-18 at 08:09 PM.
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Old 2013-05-18, 08:41 PM   [Ignore Me] #12
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Re: Discussion: What do smaller squads want in order to have more fun AND make an imp

Lawl Pointman!!! I agree tho. on all of the above points.

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Old 2013-05-18, 09:22 PM   [Ignore Me] #13
Forsaken One
First Sergeant
Re: Discussion: What do smaller squads want in order to have more fun AND make an imp

We need unique, squad based vehicles that combine into a super vehicle where each member is controlling the part they combined with.

talk about teamwork.

1 Gal or Sundy for the body
2 MBTs for the arms and hands
2 lightnings and 2 harassers for the legs and feet
1 flash for the head.
Support Human's Intelligence over Monkey's Movement. say NO to twitch and YES to the Art of War.

Last edited by Forsaken One; 2013-05-18 at 09:36 PM.
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Old 2013-05-18, 10:28 PM   [Ignore Me] #14
Re: Discussion: What do smaller squads want in order to have more fun AND make an imp

Originally Posted by waldizzo View Post
Give all bases a meaningful benefit that hurts to lose. Put a couple of generators in defensible locations at the bases. If the gens are blown, the base benefit is gone.

Smaller groups will target these for destruction. In turn, smaller groups will respond.

The base benefits need to be reviewed for this to work though. As they are now, no one will care if they lose a bioloab or amp station benefit.
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Old 2013-05-18, 10:50 PM   [Ignore Me] #15
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Re: Discussion: What do smaller squads want in order to have more fun AND make an imp

Galaxy supply drop!

My HONEST idea is that the galaxy supply drop should allow you to change class and change MAX weapons (but not "pull a max")
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