Community Clash EU Edition Sunday 252V vs DWG - PlanetSide Universe
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Community Clash EU Edition Sunday 252V vs DWG

We are bringing you a special EU edition of Community Clash! On Sunday 252nd Spec Ops faces off against Deathwatch Gaming. Tune in and watch them compete live Sunday October 13th at 12PM Central Time, 6PM GMT. Not sure what time that is for you? Hit up the time zone converterLuperza and kidRiot will be guest commentators for this episode!

The Show:

The hosts:

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2013-10-08 05:15 PM
Latest Comments
2013-10-09 01:24 PM
Re: Community Clash EU Edition Sunday @ 12PM CDT 252V vs DWG

If neither of these outfits are air focused it will be interesting to see it all plays out. Though I am pretty certain it will fall into the same pattern of air dominance wins the match.
2013-10-09 06:04 PM
Re: Community Clash EU Edition Sunday @ 12PM CDT 252V vs DWG

Originally Posted by NewSith View Post
"NewSith" has not. Some other character has been online after, though. Please refrain from taking my posts as offense directed at your outfit. There is no point in starting the drama until the event is over.

Same thing I said eralier about DWG vs 252... WASP needs abit more "microcontrol". I'm quite sure you can figure out what I mean by that.
Heheh, when I first joined WASP 6 months ago they used to tell me I micromanaged too much. It's actually rubbed off the other way. Now we have numerous strategies and plans for different squad setups for a variety of situations and locations, and we have a strong use of fireteams within our squads and excellent platoon-level cohesion.

The leaders of WASP each have strong, unique traits, and put together we learn from each other and become fairly formidable.

Since we'll never do a set up like it again, here's a less-effective point defence plan for 1 WASP infantry squad I scrambled together in my head at Rime Analytics in the first few seconds of our arrival:

It was working well without NC support against 2 squads of TR for the first few minutes, as, much of a deathtrap as that point room is, until INI dumped 18 guys on our heads with their blasted MAXes - but regardless, the plan was ad-hoc and we had a less-than optimal composition, and yet it still worked up until that point. It took me a second to think it up and only a few seconds more for the squad to follow my orders to the line. From Gal drop, at T+10 we we set up and raring to go. Sometimes we have fixed plans, but sometimes we have to improvise, and it works out.

But nevertheless, we're never, ever going to stop improving. I'm just saying our standards are pretty bloody high atm, higher than you might expect.

I might sign us up to community clash now. We've been opaque with our inner workings and gameplay for far too long. I should go back to youtube videos too.
2013-10-09 10:27 PM
Re: Community Clash EU Edition Sunday @ 12PM CDT 252V vs DWG

I've sent contact info/apps to DWG and 252nd on their respective websites. If anyone here can get their outfit/platoon leads to email me at [email protected] for pre-game information for the Community Clash I'd greatly appreciate it.

I'll be co-casting the game with Luperza. Really excited for the match and based off all the information I've gathered so far it's looking to be a close match.
2013-10-10 11:48 AM
Re: Community Clash EU Edition Sunday @ 12PM CDT 252V vs DWG

I'm so going to watch this.

Frankly I believe that 252v will win but solely because IMO they have superior pilots.
2013-10-10 05:00 PM
Re: Community Clash EU Edition Sunday @ 12PM CDT 252V vs DWG

Originally Posted by kidriot View Post
I've sent contact info/apps to DWG and 252nd on their respective websites. If anyone here can get their outfit/platoon leads to email me at [email protected] for pre-game information for the Community Clash I'd greatly appreciate it.

I'll be co-casting the game with Luperza. Really excited for the match and based off all the information I've gathered so far it's looking to be a close match.
Ive been trying to get ahold of you by email and pm on the forums
2013-10-12 02:15 PM
Re: Community Clash EU Edition Sunday @ 12PM CDT 252V vs DWG

This should be an interesting match indeed, especially since DWG is strongly infantry focused. I really am not convinced by the whole "air dominance" thing when it comes to 24v24.
And even if it was true, there's a couple of very decent pilots in DWG who might very well stand up to Muhahahaha and Llama.
2013-10-12 05:33 PM
Re: Community Clash EU Edition Sunday @ 12PM CDT 252V vs DWG

Originally Posted by Froufrou View Post
This should be an interesting match indeed, especially since DWG is strongly infantry focused. I really am not convinced by the whole "air dominance" thing when it comes to 24v24.
And even if it was true, there's a couple of very decent pilots in DWG who might very well stand up to Muhahahaha and Llama.
I've been seeing plenty of DWG in the air these last few days as well so I know they're practicing.
2013-10-12 06:03 PM
Re: Community Clash EU Edition Sunday @ 12PM CDT 252V vs DWG

Looking forward to our fight with 252, always a good fight and curious as to what kind of tactics they will deploy on the field.
2013-10-12 09:04 PM
Re: Community Clash EU Edition Sunday @ 12PM CDT 252V vs DWG

All I can say is good luck and may the best team win. Hopefully PTS will be stable, than it has been today.
2013-10-13 06:51 AM
Re: Community Clash EU Edition Sunday @ 12PM CDT 252V vs DWG

I'll watch this, good luck 252 i'll be cheering you on, DWG are serious competitors so do NC proud and give them a good smacking!
2013-10-13 07:06 AM
Re: Community Clash EU Edition Sunday @ 12PM CDT 252V vs DWG

Same here. I am looking forward to the match 252. may the better team win

I am worried about the PTS though. Hossin is the only continent available and chat and squads are not working
2013-10-13 07:44 AM
Re: Community Clash EU Edition Sunday @ 12PM CDT 252V vs DWG

Looking forward to watching this, may the best team win!
2013-10-13 07:53 AM
Re: Community Clash EU Edition Sunday @ 12PM CDT 252V vs DWG

Originally Posted by JamesJolly View Post
Same here. I am looking forward to the match 252. may the better team win

I am worried about the PTS though. Hossin is the only continent available and chat and squads are not working
Worse than that. PTS is in haywire. UI not working half the time, missing weapons/cosmetics and only those who are on Hossin or in VR, have a slim chance of getting on. Others, my outfit included, have reported disconnects or crashing when trying to connect on PTS. Creating a new character might help but it's appears 50/50. One char I created got onto Hossin, the other crashed.

Not sure if PSU have their own server yet but if PTS is borked come 6pm BST, then there might be some problems. All I can say is fingers crossed and hopefully we'll see some action between 252 and DWG .
2013-10-13 11:05 AM
Re: Community Clash EU Edition Sunday @ 12PM CDT 252V vs DWG

Cancelled for today...

2013-10-13 11:33 AM
Re: Community Clash EU Edition Sunday @ 12PM CDT 252V vs DWG

Yea sadly PTS is hosed. :|

All times are GMT -5. The time now is 01:50 AM.

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