PlanetSide 2 Community Clash is a weekly match up between Outfits in the community. Matches are based on single hexes and consist of 24 players vs 24 players. It's organized by ReachCast Show and the Auraxis Global Network. Shows are regularly scheduled on Wednesday Nights at 8 PM Central Time (US). To stay up to date on the latest match ups keep an eye on the front page, and follow us on Twitter, Facebook, Google Plus and more:
- Community Clash (Twitter)
- PlanetSide Universe (Twitter, Facebook, Google Plus)
- ReachCast Show (Twitter)
The hosts of PlanetSide 2 Community Clash:
- Deringer - ReachCast
- Hamma - PlanetSide Universe
- Jennyboo - PlanetSide Universe
- Noxx - ReachCast
- Torkz - ReachCast
You can tune into Community Clash via our specially designed page or directly on Twitch.TV at if you think your outfit has what it takes be sure to have your Leader fill out the form below to compete in a future Community Clash episode.
Recordings can be found after the show so be sure to subscribe to us on YouTube and follow us on TwitchTV and you will never miss any an episode of Community Clash!