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Community Clash FC vs TIW

Tune in again next Wednesday as AGN and ReachCast Show bring you the next matchup of Community Clash! Next week brings us two outfits who fully intend to participate in MLG! Future Crew fresh off their victory at SOE Live vs The Iron Wolves will Vanu once again reign supreme or will the New Conglomerate achieve victory this time? Tune in and watch them compete live Wednesday September 11th at 8PM Central Time. Not sure what time that is for you? Hit up the time zone converter. As always the hosts will be a combined team of AGN and ReachCast

Tune in on our specially designed Community Clash page for information about the show, participants and more complete with live chat. Want to participate in future events? Simply fill out this form for your chance to compete in a future Community Clash. There were also some slight rule changes this time around, so be sure to check out the rules for more information. Last but not least be sure to share this event on Twitter!

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2013-08-23 12:24 PM
Latest Comments
2013-09-12 12:53 PM
Re: Community Clash FC vs TIW

Great show Hamma/AGN crew, this show is the one that has finally sold the idea of MLG Planetside to me. It was a blast to watch, even with all the hiccups.. Few suggestions... some you mentioned, but just to reiterate:

1) Scoreboard
2) The player perspective cameras to have their names showing somewhere, they can just stick them on the screen using a default font in a place you suggest

Great work by FC, i had you guys nailed down to win it. Unlucky TiW, i empathize with you, balance needs to improve to make PS2 work in MLG.
2013-09-12 02:09 PM
Re: Community Clash FC vs TIW

Originally Posted by Mordelicius View Post
2) FC dominating TiW is not what I expected.
Care to elaborate on why you expected it to go the other way?
2013-09-12 02:22 PM
Re: Community Clash FC vs TIW

Great Suggestions Snipe!

Originally Posted by EVILPIG View Post
I've been discussing it for weeks, but this match kept getting postponed. When will Nexus be live?
You will be waiting a while I think. One thing we are getting is a private server for these matches that will have fully unlocked chars. Something you should definitely be a part of
2013-09-12 03:19 PM
Re: Community Clash FC vs TIW

Private servers sound nice.
2013-09-12 03:21 PM
Re: Community Clash FC vs TIW

Indeed, it makes it much more fair for everyone involved and much easier for us to manage. It's not battle islands but it's a closed off area where we have free reign. Which in the end is all we really need, Battle Islands will be nice but this will work too.
2013-09-12 04:24 PM
Re: Community Clash FC vs TIW

Originally Posted by Hamma View Post
Great Suggestions Snipe!

You will be waiting a while I think. One thing we are getting is a private server for these matches that will have fully unlocked chars. Something you should definitely be a part of
Nice! We've been discussing it, our Competitive Match Team coordinator is very busy with RL ATM, so we're lagging.
2013-09-12 05:58 PM
Re: Community Clash FC vs TIW

I am a fond believer that outfit synergy is > sheer player skill (e.g. stacking an outfit with high K/Ds).

I've known FC for nearly a decade. Not only do they have killers, but they have synergy. That is a very dangerous combination.

There are really three things that win in planetside higher level competition:

1) Raw Skill, both support and offense
2) Outfit synergy (do you know your teammates, do they trust you? can you read their mind)
3) Leadership/Tactics. Do you have strong leaders who can keep cool and adjust the plan and outsmart the other team. (Can you predict the OTHER team and counter)

Every outfit has their strengths and weaknesses. Playing to your strengths is good, but you need balance the three things I mentioned above.

Point being: at the end of the day its not all about your individual player stats. It certainly helps to have individually really good players, but anyone can killfarm.
2013-09-12 06:07 PM
Re: Community Clash FC vs TIW

Originally Posted by Sardus View Post
I am a fond believer that outfit synergy is > sheer player skill (e.g. stacking an outfit with high K/Ds).

I've known FC for nearly a decade. Not only do they have killers, they have synergy. That is a very dangerous combination.

There are really three things that win in planetside higher level competition:

1) Raw Skill, both support and offense
2) Outfit synergy (do you know your teammates, do they trust you? can you read their mind)
3) Leadership/Tactics. Do you have strong leaders who can keep cool and adjust the plan and outsmart the other team. (Can you predict the OTHER team and counter)

Every outfit has their strengths and weaknesses. Playing to your strengths is good, but you need balance the three things I mentioned above.
Which is why the result last night really shouldn't be that much of a surprise. To a player TIW might have some decent kill whores but on average FC is better. TIW have a decent ability to work together and can certainly stomp an unorganized zerg, but FC does this much better. Tactics that go without saying as well. FC having unsaid, unwritten ways of doing things in a group is pretty astounding. You take a bunch of guys that even if you play with them, and know they are not cheating you still wonder just how they kill so many so fast, THEN put them together in an organized group? yeah...
2013-09-12 06:24 PM
Re: Community Clash FC vs TIW

Originally Posted by Hamma View Post
Great Suggestions Snipe!

You will be waiting a while I think. One thing we are getting is a private server for these matches that will have fully unlocked chars. Something you should definitely be a part of
That is freaken awesome. With your own private server who the hell needs a battle island?
2013-09-12 06:39 PM
Re: Community Clash FC vs TIW

Originally Posted by NUKABAZOOKA View Post
Care to elaborate on why you expected it to go the other way?
Easily. First reread my first post in thread on the first page.

Originally Posted by Mordelicius View Post
I gotta say I've never seen Future Crew fight before.

I'm anxious how they stack up against TIW (and to be fair) vice versa.

This better be a battle royale.
What that simply means is I'm not expecting (what my opinion is ) is to be the strongest, stacked NC outfit to be dominated.

You're reading wayyy too much into this lol.
2013-09-12 07:05 PM
Re: Community Clash FC vs TIW

Originally Posted by Falcon_br View Post
What I saw was:
FC is here since day one, fighting side by side since day one, they know each member on the outfit by his real name. They know what anyone is good at and make specialization in roles to work good. They use military talking and strategy.
TIW is a reunion all top 100 leaderboard players on waterson, they come from multiple outfits, most of then are on TIW no longer then two months.
They play several roles, because when everyone is BR 100, they are tired of doing farming and they are trying new stuff and they lose his specialization role with that. TIW is just feared because they only move in big groups with big guns, it is common to see TIW doing max crashers to defend a tower, and they always rush to the enemy sunderer, normal outfit don´t have that many resouces or numbers to stop then, and we can´t forget they always have players with BR lower then 100 playing with medics and engineers just to keep then alive, I call those guys, TI slaves.
Always camp a TIW body, it is sure medics are coming to resurrect him if he is BR 100.
Quite obvious from the video, FC knows weaknesses and counters too. They used rocket launchers on NC Maxes. C4 are harder to use on TR and VS maxes, so rocket launchers are the only viable counter on tight corridors and door entrances.

They came up with the initial strategy to spawn contain, but they didn't even bring HAs with a dumbfire RL to suppress the VS Max. Those MAx/Engie/Medic combo is not going to do crap against multiple Maxes plus a bevy of organized flankers because all the dps they've got are the short ranged Maxes.

Again, imo, skillwise the gap is not that big. It's the organization is where FC truly shines. This again leads me to thinking about a future battle againts NUC.

NUC is also highly adaptable. They don't adapt as quickly on the fly though. I see their adaptation probably happen in a day. If a couple of bad things happen to them (something they've never experienced before), maybe in the next encounter, they've already devised a counter. So, I see their ability to adapt to situation becoming more ingrained day by day.

Having said that, I haven't seen FC's combine arms gameplay. That's where NUC excel with the dominant HE, Marauder, Vulcan plus their air suppression/cover abilities with Mossies and Libs.

Imo, the weakness of NUC is they avoid the really heavily fortified bases. On yesterday's alert, they've resecured the pallisade from being capped. NC was waiting on the next tower. The rest of the TR attacked and got slaughtered, they didn't join. They much rather have catching a base off guard with a Galaxy drop and then having a solid base capture point secure and/or spawn containment.
2013-09-14 12:28 PM
Re: Community Clash FC vs TIW

(repost from reddit)

Honestly, we got our faces smashed in. With the exception of our Air team. FC has extremly talented players. TIW also has talented players. FC had much better teamwork, stradegy and tactics. I personally could not beat the majority of their players 1v1 with medic. I equipped heavy, and I felt it was an even match. FC players are really good but, they are not Traseros good. The main reason why TIW failed was because; TIW tactic's for: capping points, holding points and moving as a team is terrible compared to FC. We need to work on teamwork if we are to compete again.

Also thanks for the fight FC, I had fun despite the complete curb stomping. I learned alot and realized more. I hope when we learn to play as a team we will rematch you guys!

I am also proud of all TIW members who stayed for the whole fight, and did not log out like many outfits do when they are losing. We played to the end!
2013-09-14 12:31 PM
Re: Community Clash FC vs TIW

Originally Posted by NightmareMan View Post
I fell into a deep slumber the other night and had a dream that I would like share.

In the dream I was walking down a long dark hallway with a very dim light at the end and only darkness behind. The hall was lined with ominous doors of deep reds, dark blues, ominous yellows, and inky blacks. I continued forward knowing that Vanu's love would keep me strong as I had accepted his tentacled embrace long ago. As I continued on the doors slowly began to open and shadowy figures began to lash out and strike me.

I began to run for the light as the demons in the dark increased their onslaught. Eventually I was felled to my knees from a mighty blow and began to crawl as the monsters laughed in delight, kicking and stomping with glee. Nearly at the end of my strength I sent out a silent prayer to Vanu: "Lord, aid me in my time of need!" Then there was a bright light that pushed the creatures back in fear and voice above me whispered "Stand brother, stand..."

As I looked up I gazed upon a group of strong young men, muscular, glitter coated bodies sparkling in the bright light, clad only in speedos and cradling long powerful looking weapons in their hands I knew I had been saved. As I stood they handed me a weapon and said to me "Come brother, lets us cleanse the darkness from this place." We turned as one and opened fire upon those shadowy figures, dowsing them with our holy light. The holy weapons throbbed in our hands as thick luminous globs of sticky white love coated everything as the shadowy figures were covered in our orgy of vengeance! The scene before me eventually became so bright I had to close my eyes against it's grandeur.

When I finally opened my eyes I was in a fantastical land of unicorns and rainbows. I looked up and the sun was our Lord Vanu shining down upon us, too bright to fully gaze upon, his distinct tentacles writhing around him. All the shadowy figures had been transformed into Care Bears! We began to frolic and dance, enjoying this new boon granted to us, I dove into a lake filled with rainbows and when I came up I was back in my bed well rested and unafraid.

The message Vanu sent me that night was clear: believe in me and I will lead you back to that promised land. Our path is the future as we move forward as all other paths lead to death and stagnation. We will harm you, hurt you, and force you back into the holy respawning tubes so that Vanu can bless you again and again with the sacred nanites. Vanu is love and we are his holy acolytes. May you taste the rainbow forever.


-The Vanu Pope
Your posts are almost as good as your dancing
2013-09-15 06:57 PM
Re: Community Clash FC vs TIW

Originally Posted by Mordelicius View Post

2) FC dominating TiW is not what I expected. Props to them, they are a much well oiled machine. It's like they have a hive mind.
Actually its probably because we dont operate on a hive mind, from what iv seen most planetside outfits are military sim outfits, filled with weak minded submissive men and an inability to have free thoughts or their ability for free thought is being suppressed by their overlord. On the other hand, FC is all sharks, fabulous sharks, with laser beams strapped to their heads.
2013-09-15 07:41 PM
Re: Community Clash FC vs TIW

NUC Liberators really hate getting shot down by Vanguards.

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