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Community Clash Tomorrow NUC vs DPSO and T42

Are you ready for the next match up of Community Clash? Tomorrow will we will be on Nexus once again for 48v48 as NUC faces off against DPSO and T42. Will Vanu be victorious yet again? Tune in and watch them compete live Tomorrow October 2nd at 8PM Central Time. Not sure what time that is for you? Hit up the time zone converter. There have also been some rule changes this time around so be sure to check them out this week we will be attempting to use Squad Beacons!

This episode will be dedicated to the memory of Marsman, former AGN and PSU staff who passed away on Monday.

The Show:

The hosts:

Tune in on our specially designed Community Clash page for information about the show, participants and more complete with live chat. Want to participate in future events? Simply fill out this form for your chance to compete in a future Community Clash. Curious about the rule set? Check out the rules page for more information. Last but not least be sure to share this event on Twitter!

Remember to subscribe to us on YouTube and follow us on TwitchTV and you will never miss any of our exclusive AGN ReachCast Events!

2013-10-01 12:25 PM
Latest Comments
2013-10-01 12:25 PM
Community Clash Tomorrow NUC vs DPSO and T42
2013-10-01 12:42 PM
Re: Community Clash Tomorrow NUC vs DPSO and T42

Good luck to all.
2013-10-01 01:02 PM
Kalee J
Re: Community Clash Tomorrow NUC vs DPSO and T42

I have some commitments tomorrow, but with luck I'll be able to tune in. Good luck...
2013-10-01 02:03 PM
Re: Community Clash Tomorrow NUC vs DPSO and T42

Recordings will be up a day or two later as always!
2013-10-01 06:32 PM
Re: Community Clash Tomorrow NUC vs DPSO and T42

I wonder how it how the VS will deal with the hurdles of organizing two groups of players against a experienced single outfit.

Anyone know how much these guys have played together?
2013-10-01 10:10 PM
Re: Community Clash Tomorrow NUC vs DPSO and T42

Who is dpso amd t42?
2013-10-01 10:24 PM
Re: Community Clash Tomorrow NUC vs DPSO and T42

Originally Posted by Sledgecrushr View Post
Who is dpso amd t42?
Dropping Purple Smoke and The Forty Duece.
2013-10-02 09:17 AM
Re: Community Clash Tomorrow NUC vs DPSO and T42

Not quite shure how opposing 1 single organized outfit vs 2 smaller outfit will turn out (i dont know if DPSO and T42 have ever played together. I personaly never heard of them).

Can't wait for DA+TGWW vs NUC. That will be one damn heavy battle.

Good luck all. Paintballa, you bether be recording those dalton shot like a boss
2013-10-02 09:21 AM
Re: Community Clash Tomorrow NUC vs DPSO and T42

All you guys have to do to find out who these outfits are.. is click the links in the news post.
2013-10-02 09:57 AM
Re: Community Clash Tomorrow NUC vs DPSO and T42

Originally Posted by Hamma View Post
All you guys have to do to find out who these outfits are.. is click the links in the news post.
Hamma, i understand how the links work ahah. thx for the info.

I only meant they do not ring a bell. Nuc does, so does ZZAP, EXOC, Devil dogs, etc .

It will be an interesting fight.

P.S : I do hope you will tell the camera man to film in the air if there is an air battle and not focus on an empty base with an deployed sundy
2013-10-02 03:08 PM
Re: Community Clash Tomorrow NUC vs DPSO and T42

We have gotten some feedback on that so I'm sure our guys will keep a closer eye on the air. Problem really is with so many people it's hard to catch everything.
2013-10-02 07:25 PM
Re: Community Clash Tomorrow NUC vs DPSO and T42

Less important I think to catching everything, is catching action most of the time. Last CC when not much was happening on the ground, but epic air battles were down, the cameras were focused on ghost capping. Won't take much to simply keep an eye out for air engagements, focus them as they happen, and switch to ground when they are over. Or alternate, but at least try not to ignore the air when nothing is happening on the points.
2013-10-03 09:22 AM
Re: Community Clash Tomorrow NUC vs DPSO and T42

Thanks everyone for tuning in last night, recording should be available Friday morning.
2013-10-03 11:10 AM
Re: Community Clash Tomorrow NUC vs DPSO and T42

Out of curiosity, how many cameras do you run with, and are they all observer cams or are some players that aren't participating and aren't supposed to be shot at?
2013-10-03 03:16 PM
Re: Community Clash Tomorrow NUC vs DPSO and T42

Four total observer cameras, two remote. And we try to do two first person cams if we can.

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