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Older screenshots which are no longer accurate (but fun to look back and remember :])
Media - Old
John Ratcliff Engine Shot
John Ratcliff Engine Shot
New Conglomerate soldier
TR soldiers meet in an open field
Bright muzzle flash
Soldier with harasser in an open field
Vanguard of olden days
Soldier with harasser on a bridge
Standing by a lake
Three Terran Republic Soldiers - Two Females and one Male.
Terran Republic Soldier with weapon drawn outside
Terran Republic Female walking in front of a large structure at a base.
Terran Republic Soldier stands in the forest.
Terran Republic Female standing outside.
Terran Replublic Harasser with soldier firing Harasser weapon
Terran Republic and New Conglomerate Soldiers square off as a second New Conglomerate Soldier watches.
A New Conglomerate and Terran Republic Soldier outside.
New Conglomerate and Terran Republic Soldiers take aim in the field.
Terran Republic and New Conglomerate Soldiers in the field
New Conglomerate Soldier standing at a base with a tower in the distance behind him.
New Conglomerate Soldier firing up at tower.
New Conglomerate Soldier stands in front of tower
New Conglomerate Soldier with tower in the background
A pair of New Conglomerate Soldiers
Two New Conglomerate Harassers. One Soldier firing Harasser weapon as the other drives.
New Conglomerate Soldier fires Harasser weapon with two other soldiers nearby.
New Conglomerate Soldiers in the field with two Harassers
New Conglomerate Soldier takes aim inside the base. Bullet holes in the wall behind.
New Conglomerate Soldier fires weapon inside the base
New Conglomerate Soldier firing weapon in front of a large tree

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