Media - PSU - 03/17/03 - PlanetSide Universe
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Planetside Universe weekly screenshots. For the week of 3/17 2003.
Media - PSU - 03/17/03
Preparing to depart for battle.
View from the Magrider gunner position.
Side View of a magrider.
Soldier guarding his slightly damaged Reaver.
Charging up an NTU Silo
Vanu attacking an NC MAX
Guarding the basement of a hacked base.
Headed out for battle
Hamma celebrating his new found Command Rank 1
Tailgunner Position in the galaxy dropship.
Repairing Briley\'s Armor.
Hallway outside the cap room of Eisa. Shortly after someone attempted to get inside.
Kinetic Dampener in action
Constructing a spitfire turret
A small Vanu Force regrets attacking our position.
ANT Charging up
afex looking pretty evil in his TR AI MAX
Vanu Infiltrator trying to sneek past.
Small Airwing waiting for our squad to regroup.
Keeping a close eye on the Capture Console :D
Flynt guarding the Andavari dropship center cap room.
Briley doing a little celebration while waiting for an ANT charge.
Cycler in action
afex testing out his infiltration suit
Para Drop over the Eisa Tech Plant
Cross Sanctuary jog
Flynt telling me I stink :(
Loading an ANT for an NTU run.
Prepping a galaxy in the TR Sanctuary.
A long jog from base to base. Wish i remembered that Basilisk Cert. :)

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