Media - Gamespy - 03/23/03 - PlanetSide Universe
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Gamespy's Screens from the PlanetSide beta
Media - Gamespy - 03/23/03
TR MAX looking pretty mean.
Drop pod coming in for a landing
Hacking a facility
Someone should loose their flying cert.
Reaver kicking some butt
Holograms fly around over the table to the left.
NC AMS Deployed at a secret location. Well secret except for that VS soldier that found it.
Large group of NC Soldiers regrouping for an attack
Are we there yet? Several NC soldiers run down a road.
Preparing to launch an attack
Preparing to board the HART Drop pod shuttle.
brrr.. cold.
Flying over a TR Controlled tower.
Galaxy Gunnery position. Flying over a desert continent.
Some NC soldiers hanging out, waiting for extraction.
More loitering around the galaxy. :p
Hanging outside a galaxy. What is with that bush?
Entering a warp gate, Galaxy Tailgunner view.
Tailgunner view on a galaxy, as it departs sanctuary.
Mounting a gunner position
Loaded galaxy preparing for launch.
NC MAX Hanging out at his sanctuary.

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