Media - PSU - 03/24/03 - PlanetSide Universe
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Planetside Universe weekly screenshots. For the week of 3/24 2003.
Media - PSU - 03/24/03
Taking some more direct hits from an enemy Vanguard.
Exchanging fire with an enemy Vangard
Our AMS attack draws some attention.
We stumble upon an enemy AMS
Patrolling the trees looking for threats.
The Death Squad
Spooky rock formations on Ishundar
Deliverer in VR Training
A wraith going into cloak mode
My reaver prepping for takeoff :)
A Command Waypoint in action
Just hangin out.
Outfit logo on the Galaxy Dropship. It gets placed onto all vehicles and players in your outfit.
afex strutting his stuff. Notice the outfit logo.
Another cloudy night on Amerish
Prowler Convoy rolling into a base
The external view while driving a prowler. Taking some resistance from a distant Vangard.
Scouting a dropship center from a hilltop.
Harasser pulls into a galaxy.
Cloudy, dark, spooky night at Leza on Cyssor
A Dark, cloudy night on Cyssor. Yes, the clouds move.
A reaver contines to play around with our squad.
Prowler and Company enaging some resistance.
Squad patrolling an open area, being engaged by a reaver.
Patrolling the outskirts of a base.

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