Total Chars | XP | Kills | Deaths | Time Played |
15 | 74411564 | 96454 | 107585 | 295d 8h 32m |
Average BR | Average XP | Average Kills | Average Deaths | Average Time Played |
55 | 4960771 | 6430 | 7172 | 19d 16h 34m |
Online | Online Last 30 Days | Online Last 7 Days | Leaderboard Rank | Download |
0 (0%) | 1 (6.67%) | 1 (6.67%) | #1383 | Export Roster |
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All Good Things
Much love! Thanks for EVERYTHING you've done for the PlanetSide and PlanetSide 2…
Luperza 2015-12-09 03:44 AM
Daybreak Games Hit With Layoffs, Matt Higby resigns
The other two items on our wishlist are aimed at helping new players. The BR unl…
Muldoon 2015-03-10 01:36 PM
Daybreak Games Hit With Layoffs, Matt Higby resigns
I'm unaware of any community council on Planetside 2. I'm not a designer, so I m…
Muldoon 2015-03-09 02:07 PM
Daybreak Games Hit With Layoffs, Matt Higby resigns
A lot of people ask us to do stuff for free, or at a loss, for stuff like that.…
Muldoon 2015-03-09 01:14 PM
Daybreak Games Hit With Layoffs, Matt Higby resigns
Point blank: how do we make money from this? Cause this would be a lot of work o…
Muldoon 2015-03-08 08:35 PM
Data Link: PlanetSide 2 Outfit Stats