Originally Posted by Malorn
I would agree if the stabber also had the melee boost implant, but it also depends on how lethal other weapons are. My main concern with knife lethality is its easy use by an infiltrator.
At least in PS if an infil was going to knife you it took 2 hits at most with melee boost and alternate fire mode on the knife. This gave you a fighting chance and you also got a little warning about it from the alt fire mode sound. I thought that was a good mechanic and kept melee infils from getting out of hand but was still more than sufficient for talented players.
The problem is, most of them don't knife of those reasons. Most of them stick with the amp, full charge magnum, or a boomer on your butt because they come with no audible forewarning and generally off their target faster anyway. In rare cases, spamming grenades from a wall.
The gist of it is, compared to other forms of assassination, the knife is left on the shelf in favor of less disadvantageous methods. Knives should be rewarding - yet risky - for all the attention they attract to a cloaker.