2012-02-07, 02:21 PM
[Ignore Me]
Originally Posted by basti
Already said this on twitter: NO to quick knives.
Why? Because they can be so much more than just a single button.
There could be several different knives, each with a whole lot of customization options to them. There could be a whole skill tree for Infiltrators dedicated for the knives.
There is a whole world of knives out there, a whole world that would simply fade away with quick knives.
Besides, quick knives are only useful for a fast paced FPS with a lot of close combat. A insta kill weapon used when the enemy gets to close to you.
Planetside 2's kill speed is said to be between BF BC2 and PS1. Thats way to slow to have insta kill quick knives not be completly overpowered. Means no insta kill for them, means they become quite useless.
Now, with actual knives, and a dedicated tree of customization, a whole new level of potential cool stuff appears. Cloakers could get a special customization that gives their knive high damage, almost an insta kill.
There could be customizations for faster stabbing, higher damage, heck even throwing it. There is loads of potential.
^ This for sure.
"He who would forfeit Liberty for Security, deserves neither Liberty nor Security"