cHaM is a good guy, first of all. I've played with him before. Secondly, he was pretty thorough about the ways he had tried to report things to SOE through the channels that are provided to us. He did the things you're saying you wish he'd done. He didn't post first and asked questions later, he /bugged and talked to QA folk and did what we're all told to do. Apparently he did that pretty much since release, and nothing was done. Finally he decided enough was enough and tried a different tactic. Sony got embarrassed and had to shove some fixes through (just like when they were able to band-aid fix the speedhacks when that became too public). Were they planning on fixing bugs? Most likely. Would so many of cHaM's issues have gotten resolved in a single patch if he hadn't gone public? Nope. It's called damage control.
There's no reason to be blanket Sony apologists. They have PR people who get paid quite handsomely to fill that role.