Re: New on Public Test: 4/24 Edition - Get Some Harasser Buggy
The VS Lancer max looks pretty sweet and the damage is pretty crazy high. Just worried that even with the high damage and high velocity... you have to be very close to a vehicle to be really effective. Seems almost like a death sentence. I guess the trade off has to be there for that insane fire power.
The TR Fracture max was very underwhelming. Hopefully they will get a damage buff or something. They look nifty.
Then the NC Sparrow max was very cool. Probably end up being the best of the 3. Nice combo of range, damage and controlability.
The Frag cannon will be a nightmare in CQC... flak armor will be even more of an absolute must. Bounce those things around corners, over obstacles and down hall ways...with all these changes MAXes will be a hell of a lot scarier.