I must respectfully disagree.
All of the arguments and tactics against having the LS carry and AMS that I have seen so far all require a lot of coordination, team work and planning.
Ams driver drives up to loadstar doors, presses G, drives intoo loadstar bay. Pilot takes off and places ams all the way across the continent. I cant see how that requires a lot of teamwork and planing. I've always had ams certs it's part of who I am and what roll i fill in a team and their just damn handy to have. Their caveat is their relatively slow dont handle very well and die fairly quickly once found. And i LIKE ALL THIS. If AMS are allowed in loadstar's there be no reason to guard bridges and no reason to fight in country, all fights (even more so) will center right at bases doorstep as 2 guys with AMS certs and one guy with loadstar's can place their ams on either side of an enemy base quickly with minimal travel time and exposure. If loadstars are allowed to carry ams every squad will need to have an aircomponent just to hunt down kill loadstars/ams. Quite frankly this game is already starting to look like Jane's Planetside without going down that road.
The courageous man needs needs no weapons. The practical man wants them all. The ambitious man has plans for the practical one.
Lord give me strength of arm, will, mind, and the accuracy of shooting to preserve them all.