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Old 2003-06-04, 05:54 PM   [Ignore Me] #16
Are we neglecting some things?

How about implants? Wouldn't it be cool to have an anti-grav implant that lets us jump short distances? (Similar to the VS) Or how about one that will let you stick to walls? (For the snipers...)

Another element that would be good is the addition of upgrade systems for vehicles. I guess that would be similar to the additional certs for vehicles and work like an about some NOZ for your harasser? Boost its top speed...Force feilds for a galaxy, etc etc.

My biggest idea was one I stole from a friend. How about making the bases more unique? Perhaps a different look for the bases of each continent? The addition of urban city environments? I think the places we fight in are bland and dont lend themselves to strategy. (Or at least not as much as they could.) If we had settlements or cities where perhaps the generators for a base could be moved to them and then battle could occur in other areas outside the base.

A vehicle resupply truck would also be great. That means you can now have convoys to resupply your troops therefore boosting the amount of combat outside of bases.

How does that sound?

Brotherhood of X
"Hope you can see hell down the barrel of my gun
'cause that's where I'm sending you!" - Me
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Old 2003-06-04, 06:05 PM   [Ignore Me] #17
Lieutenant Colonel
MrVulcan's Avatar

give adv med the ability to set down health turrits that heal all units within a small radius. That way there is a reason to be adv med
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"Attack rapidly, ruthlessly, viciously, without rest, however tired and hungry you may be, the enemy will be more tire, more hungry. Keep punching."
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Old 2003-06-04, 06:37 PM   [Ignore Me] #18
Second Lieutenant

As for the bike, just take a wraith, it's the same thing.
I want to see Vehicle Implants, aka, stuff you stick in the trunk. Landing on an air pad gives you access to load these, which are the size of two ammo crates.
1. Chaff, breaks missile lock. 10 strips per box.
2. Cloak Field, uses afterburner at steady rate, cannot fire while active, the higher the throttle, the more blurry and visible.
3. Shield, Drains afterburner slowly, enemy shots drain it more quickly. Rockets disabled on Reaver, chainguns at 50% speed.
4. Plasma Rockets, Double the size of normal rocket crates, but same ammo capacity, add plasma grenade effect to rockets.

Any more aircraft implants you can think of?
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Old 2003-06-04, 06:45 PM   [Ignore Me] #19

I wish they'd add meaningful incentives to defending bases.
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Old 2003-06-04, 07:04 PM   [Ignore Me] #20

More things to blow up that would impact game play.

I know base bonuses are going to be added back into the game but there should be additional ways to temporarily disable a base besides killing its generator (after all the lattice prevents you from hacking a base that isn�t connected), something outside that could be destroyed with a bomber and something that could be repaired by an engineer. It would depend on the base bonus type but something like shield generators (think empire strikes back), large radar dish structures, ntu silos, solar panels, etc.

More varied base types, not just the way they physically look but the type of bonuses should be different and not duplicated too may times per continent.
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Old 2003-06-04, 09:04 PM   [Ignore Me] #21
First Lieutenant
FearTheAtlas's Avatar

If there's only ONE thing they will make destroyable, I saw it be bridges. That makes more sense, and it would be funny to see an attacking army just fall into a river/pit from an airstriker from Liberators
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Old 2003-06-04, 09:53 PM   [Ignore Me] #22
First Lieutenant
starrider's Avatar

that would pwn.
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"The absence of war is not peace." - Harry S. Truman

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Old 2003-06-04, 09:55 PM   [Ignore Me] #23

Originally posted by Endodroid
More things to blow up that would impact game play.

I know base bonuses are going to be added back into the game but there should be additional ways to temporarily disable a base besides killing its generator (after all the lattice prevents you from hacking a base that isn�t connected), something outside that could be destroyed with a bomber and something that could be repaired by an engineer. It would depend on the base bonus type but something like shield generators (think empire strikes back), large radar dish structures, ntu silos, solar panels, etc.

More varied base types, not just the way they physically look but the type of bonuses should be different and not duplicated too may times per continent.
Ever play Tribes 1?
Yeah, and you though that was a bitch when people went around killing your solar panals and mining your gens.
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Old 2003-06-04, 09:56 PM   [Ignore Me] #24

Few others.

A way to lock doors that have locks. Hacking or engineering (weld it shut Aliens style) would work.

Another way to open doors, IE breaking the lock with gun fire. Just another thing in the base that could be destroyed to consume NTU.

Flat roads. I mean, come on. Set hundreds of years in the future where the mixing of concrete has been forgotten in favor of repairing your tires, shocks, and bumpers after a short drive. I dont mean add a new skin to roads or anything, but atleast make them flat so there is a difference from driving offroad.

Tower batteries. Why is it that a tower has an infinite supply of NTU's but a large facility doesnt? I think the towers should be connected to the base. As soon as the tower or base changes sides, the tower should go onto battery reserves. Simple enough to add the battery into the spawn room, and a "refueling" pad outside the tower. Just doesnt make sense to me that the bases were the weaker of the two in a battle.

Caves. Caves would own. Underground battles, limited to no vehical support, with there own bases and strong points. It could be dark too... and speaking of which.

Night time. Dont know why its not there, but it should be. This could add an implant of either nightvision or thermal googles(not to be confused with darklight). Im not talking pitch black either, just the same kind of visability that you would see in a heavy rainstorm, with a much darker tint. Headlights would be visable at a distance, which should be able to turn off.

Okay, so more then a few. Hell some of those have like 3 ideas per idea....
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Old 2003-06-04, 10:02 PM   [Ignore Me] #25
First Lieutenant
starrider's Avatar

no no no caves with faccilitys would not own....they would pwn.

and also if that was put in then i think for vechles that they should put in like a 2 wheeled bassilik
War doesn't determine who's right, just who's left - Bertrand Russel

"The absence of war is not peace." - Harry S. Truman

Qui desiderat pacem pr�paret bellum. - He who would desire peace should be prepared for war.

When there is no enemy within, the enemies outside cannot hurt you - Unknown
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Old 2003-06-05, 12:27 AM   [Ignore Me] #26

These are all great ideas and stuff but i checked the email account and had a sum total of one email, i spose i can mine ideas from the thread itself for the poll but then I'd have to be accused of being biased one way or another ( i for example will never allow any idea that begins with cloaked and ends with reaver)
The courageous man needs needs no weapons. The practical man wants them all. The ambitious man has plans for the practical one.


Lord give me strength of arm, will, mind, and the accuracy of shooting to preserve them all.
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Old 2003-06-05, 01:12 AM   [Ignore Me] #27

dood. They seriously need to create like a implant jammer grenade that makes it so the enemy cannot see cloakers w/ darkvision.

Cause everyone and their uncles, daughters, step moms, former roomate have darkvision.
Vanu Spyders!!!

"The one you must fear is the one you cannot see"
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Old 2003-06-05, 01:55 AM   [Ignore Me] #28
They have this

dood. They seriously need to create like a implant jammer grenade that makes it so the enemy cannot see cloakers w/ darkvision.
Them dev's are fast they must have heard you and already put this in.
The courageous man needs needs no weapons. The practical man wants them all. The ambitious man has plans for the practical one.


Lord give me strength of arm, will, mind, and the accuracy of shooting to preserve them all.
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Old 2003-06-05, 02:02 AM   [Ignore Me] #29
Lieutenant Colonel
MrVulcan's Avatar

not the darklight thing again
Former Commander General Of The Freedom Corp
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"All that and a bag of psychedelic mushrooms!"
"Attack rapidly, ruthlessly, viciously, without rest, however tired and hungry you may be, the enemy will be more tire, more hungry. Keep punching."
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Old 2003-06-05, 02:54 AM   [Ignore Me] #30

Originally posted by FearTheAtlas
If there's only ONE thing they will make destroyable, I saw it be bridges. That makes more sense, and it would be funny to see an attacking army just fall into a river/pit from an airstriker from Liberators
They could have stations at either end of the bridge where an engineer could go inside a little bunker and repair it from either side. Now where have I seen that idea before.. oh yeah C&C Tiberian Sun.

Oh how I wish PS would rob a few good ideas like this from C&C games and give it to us first person style. There are already quite a number of similarities between the games, why are they holding back? Make it the first (MMOFPSRTSRPG) Massively multiplayer online first person shooter real time strategy role playing game!

Oh and r3d, Defend and Destroy was one of the best damn game types in Tribes, aside from CTF.
Endodroid is offline  
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