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Old 2003-06-11, 02:25 AM   [Ignore Me] #91
Lieutenant Colonel
NeoTassadar's Avatar

Oh, how about "performance enhancers" distributed by Advanced Medics?
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Old 2003-06-11, 08:44 AM   [Ignore Me] #92

Make the prowler a Semi usefull tank

Last edited by Madcat170; 2003-06-11 at 11:44 AM.
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Old 2003-06-11, 02:22 PM   [Ignore Me] #93
Lieutenant Colonel
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Originally posted by Madcat170
Make the prowler a Semi usefull tank
How is the prowler not semi useful? Went out with a friend and a random 3rd guy to man the other gun the other night. My friend has an engineer cert as well as the prowler cert. We probably got about 50 kills on a slow night in about an hour, including 2 basilisks, a sunderer and an AMS. We'd go out into 'hot' enemy infantry areas, raise heck and slaughter what we could and then run back to our territory, repair the tank, then repeat. I'll admit the Prowler isn't capable of making the deadly Magrider runs through enemy courtyards plowing everybody/everything in it's path but it's guns are better than the Magrider and it takes a ton of damage.
Chasing a full sunderer through the woods blasting it with your cannons is all kinds of fun, too.
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Old 2003-06-11, 02:47 PM   [Ignore Me] #94

I think you will find that the prowler is the suckiest tank for the following reasons

1) its a Big Fat target
2) The "Anti-Infrantry gun" on the Magrider (which is also always accessible) can rip it to bits
3) its supposed to have the most armour...but definatly doesnt.
4) because of the way it has 2 guns it makes them slightly harder to aim as they alternate (not a big thing but can be an issue at long range)
5) its Main guns have no real advantage appart from slightly higher RoF (vanguard has HUGE damage and MagMower has a nice "almost instant hit" gun)

The prowler is definatly the worst tank but it does have some nice advantages

1) it can suppress everything at the same time because its the only tank with 2 gunners
2) it makes a brilliant Sheild because of its huge size
3) i think i may be the fastest tank...just...not sure on that tho.

Basically Because the prowler is the way it is, its like the sunderer & Gal, every and their Mother turns round to shoot it thus..making it die.

Dunno how they could improve it tho, Maybe.

1) Give the Main guns 2 fire modes. first would be what it is now second would be Both cannons at once but With a much longer refire time
2) Actually give it tho most armour

Edit= Most of this is proven because of the fact that you dont see many prowlers (at least i dont on werner)
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Old 2003-06-11, 03:23 PM   [Ignore Me] #95
Lieutenant Colonel
NeoTassadar's Avatar

Originally posted by NeoTassadar
Oh, how about "performance enhancers" distributed by Advanced Medics?
Alright, sounds like this is being done now, somewhat.
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Old 2003-06-11, 04:52 PM   [Ignore Me] #96
Master Sergeant

You're right, the prowler needs a new paint scheme, I'm thinking a bullseye.

As far as armors go, every tank has the exact same armor, however because of the prowler's size and lower damage (half that of the NC tank, name escapes me right now), as well as little splash damage you are twice as likely to miss (because it does fire at twice the rate) and when it's not a direct hit the damage is miniscule.

I'd like to see the main gun boosted, or the armor boosted and (along with either of those) the footprint lowered so it's not such a lumbering target.

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Old 2003-06-12, 01:52 AM   [Ignore Me] #97
Lieutenant Colonel
Sniper suit

I was sitting in sanc and looking at my shiny new yellow armor and thought, "Wow I must really stick out to enemy snipers." This sniper suit would have one rifle slot, a 4x6 inventory, and maybe a pistol slot, but not necessarily. It would be black kind of like the infiltration suit. The best feature about it though would be that when enemies are looking at you through scopes, you would be cloaked. However normal viewing would leave you uncloaked. This would be invaluable to snipers because we are always being picked off by something stupid like a lancer :P. However just like infil suits if you moved while they are looking through the scope you would show up so you wouldn't have too much of an edge. Believe me, you can pick off infils just by looking at where they last stopped. Lastly it would cost about 2 or 3 cert points.

Ok I just looked through this thread after I posted(like I always do when its long ) and saw some very good ideas that I would like to reiterate. All sniper-based of course .
CirkusPhreak talked about Binos. This would be very good because it wouldn't be too obvious when you are peeking over a hill. I've seen many snipers that are facing my right and I can see their bolt driver very easily. He talked about higher bolt driver damage. I think that the body damage is fine(usually 2 shots) but the head damage is exactly the same usually! For many days I strained for the head shot only to come up short and have to take a second shot when I could have just as easily taken two body shots. When you hit someone anywhere in the head it should instantly kill(except for MAX of course). He also mentioned something like my idea. A camo suit that would help blend with the surroundings. It would only work whilst crouching. I think we could add to this a little and make it so that the camo would change to the surroundings of the certain continent you are on.
Phew, ok breather....
Alright one more person I would like to mention is Rafein. He mentioned holograms that look like soldiers. Hahahah that is the coolest thing I have ever heard. You set one up let an enemy sniper shoot at it. You see where his shot came from and pick him off, so great. The actual emiter would look like a boomer and every 7 seconds or so the image would waver a little and you could shoot the emiter just like a boomer/mine.
Ok thats it for now, I really really hope that some kind of sniper suit comes into play it would make the experience so much better.

Last edited by Smaug; 2003-06-12 at 02:48 AM.
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Old 2003-06-12, 07:29 AM   [Ignore Me] #98

After some thought, I've come to the conclusion that there's really only one thing I'd like to see. I'd really like to see some type of medal/ribbon system for everyone. If certain people did certain tasks, things that aren't done all the time or maybe even in rare or heroic cases, that they may be awarded merit of some sort. The way they could be displayed could maybe be small icons floating with the name, and upon interacting with the avatar, would display the detail of the award and what they did to earn it. Outfit leaders could be able to issue lesser awards and possibly GM's could be involved to issue greater medals. No real redeeming value to them, no extra abilities, just a small way to display to others something they've accomplished. There're few ways for people to separate themselves within multiplayer games, but maybe something that can't be bought, or quested, or looted or etc, but can only be attained by actions might give more incentive. People may not be interested in it if it doesn't grant other abilities, but it would be nice to award those that play well.

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We fight for the forgotten and for the fallen..
But who among you would fight for us if we should fall...
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Old 2003-06-12, 12:07 PM   [Ignore Me] #99
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I think, to make the different empires a bit more different, that each empire should have a unique type of armor, or some special features to each of the existing armors. Like the nc could have..... i have no idea, exploding armor or something? when you're about to die, if you want, hit a button and you explode like a kamikaze and take out enemies near you. and vanu could have, like a strap on or something on their max. just somethign to make the different empires more different. I think the armor's should all be different instead of just stealth, reinforced, agile, etc. each empire should have slight variations of each one of those, with some kind of ability or perks for the different empires. but that may unbalance the game and make it less of skill vs. skill. not sure but i think they could do something more with the armor
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Old 2003-06-12, 09:41 PM   [Ignore Me] #100

for the new space station strikes that they are gonna have for CR4 and CR5, have like a huge space station for each army, where u can get to via hart. if you capture the whole station you can disable the armies ability to do a space station strike. If an army captures 2 or more space stations, u can space station strike for less outfit points

oh and also make the nano dispenser shoot out another color besides white (i meen it looks like a dildo gun shooting cum or somthin lol)

Last edited by Nukeman3578; 2003-06-12 at 09:49 PM.
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Old 2003-06-13, 12:23 AM   [Ignore Me] #101
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Originally posted by Nukeman3578
oh and also make the nano dispenser shoot out another color besides white (i meen it looks like a dildo gun shooting cum or somthin lol)

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Old 2003-06-13, 05:19 AM   [Ignore Me] #102
Sergeant Major

Originally posted by NeoTassadar
Oh, how about "performance enhancers" distributed by Advanced Medics?
Good Idea. I do think Advanced Medics need a lot more. I mean, engineers can place all kinds of stuff and repair armour. All Medics can do is heal and revive.

I think Medics should be able to...

Short Performance Boosts
Cure Virus (See below)

Advanced Medics should be able to, in addition to the normal Medic abilities...

Longer Performance Boosts
Infect (I've explained it somewhere before, you just poison people, which is contagious)
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Old 2003-06-13, 07:36 AM   [Ignore Me] #103
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And also, they should give atleast a little XP to Engees and Medics when they do their job, I mean...what are they? Chopped liver?
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Old 2003-06-13, 10:11 AM   [Ignore Me] #104
Lieutenant Colonel
Madcow's Avatar

Originally posted by FearTheAtlas
And also, they should give atleast a little XP to Engees and Medics when they do their job, I mean...what are they? Chopped liver?
Engineers and medics skills could be easily exploited to gain xp. Forcing them to join squads (where they are wanted and appreciated) makes far more sense than catching 2 idiots standing out in the woods shooting their armor off so the engineer can fix it.
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Old 2003-06-13, 12:08 PM   [Ignore Me] #105
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True....hmmm wonder if there could be a way to balance it?
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