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Old 2003-06-18, 11:52 AM   [Ignore Me] #121

Yea, that would be tight... but then infil. would rule the game of planetside, and you would have massive cloaking wars!!!!
No sig.
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Old 2003-06-19, 06:18 PM   [Ignore Me] #122
Lieutenant Colonel

I would like to say that I've changed my mind completely. After I have been developing my sniper/infil char I believe that a 'invisible-to-scope' suit would be wayyyyyyyyyy too overpowered, please forgive me :P. However I would like to see maybe a camo suit, just a little darker than bright yellow NC.
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Old 2003-06-21, 05:34 AM   [Ignore Me] #123
Lieutenant Colonel

Ok and I would also like to see maybe I dunno some more sniping gear! Perhaps I'm just a junkie but I want something new :P. perhaps a semi-auto type sniper rifle. 3 -shot clip. Maybe 5 shots or so to kill exo. You would still have to wait for the reticule to close at the same speed as Bolt Driver, but you could fire in succession. I'd say a half-maximum size cof expansion for each shot and 1/3-1/2 time of BD reload. But still if you move the gun, the reticule acts in the same way as BD. One box of ammo would hold 10-15 shots. This sounds pretty balanced to me, dunno, I'd like some input. Also we need some empire-spec air.
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Old 2003-06-21, 04:31 PM   [Ignore Me] #124
Staff Sergeant

sounds pretty cool to me. i'd like to see another sniper rifle that has a burstfire mode. you could still zoom in, but there is absolutely no way you would hit with any of the shots at long range, short of an act of god. that would allow the snipers to have a chance against the grunt that starts shooting supressor at them from behind. while they're zoomed in.

i'm not a sniper, just an idea i had.
I came here to do two things:
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Old 2003-06-21, 05:41 PM   [Ignore Me] #125

i wish

1) each race had there own versions of the sniper rifle

2)you could crawl so if done right u can hide under tanks rather than get run over e.g magrider hovering annoying splatting of infantry personell thing

3)i wish that congo infils stopped sneaking up behind me and shooting me with there sawn off shotgun pistol thingys
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Old 2003-06-21, 06:46 PM   [Ignore Me] #126
Staff Sergeant

more powerful silenced weapons
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Old 2003-06-22, 05:55 AM   [Ignore Me] #127

Please please please PLEASE fix the XP system so that it rewards defense in some way ?

The current system is a disaster... "don't give them XP for the capture, everybody leave then we'll come back and take it back for mucho XP" . IT SUCKS !!

There are many possibilities;

- If a certain amount of combat takes place in a defended "zone" but the base is never captured - XP

- kills in a friendly zone score two/three times as much XP as on offence (it's balanced - attackers have the carrot of the huge capture bonus)

.. and so on.

A far more important (and far easier to implement) improvement than more vehicles/weapons, surely ?
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Old 2003-06-22, 06:36 PM   [Ignore Me] #128
Unhappy Who wants naval battles?

I think you should make a whole new kind of fighting... Naval fighting...
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Old 2003-06-22, 07:16 PM   [Ignore Me] #129
First Lieutenant
starrider's Avatar

i just had an inspiered idea...imo anyway.

what if engeneirs could build stuff that matters like......bunkers?
i mean no one uses the ones they put in near bases so why not let them be buildable?
of course only combat engnierrs could do this, and itd take a while.
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Old 2003-06-22, 07:44 PM   [Ignore Me] #130
Staff Sergeant
BlakkyZ8's Avatar

I was thinking about those enerhy field gates that nay be implemented soon... I was thinking combat engineers should be able to build them. This is how it would work:

One of the functions on the ACE would be a "laser fence post". The engie would deploy one and the deploy another reasonably close by. The after a second or two a force field projection would extend between the posts. These could of course be strung together in long chains. These fence posts would comprise considerable defence capabilities. Similar in strength to a spawn tube or terminal.

What do you guys think?
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Old 2003-06-22, 09:20 PM   [Ignore Me] #131
Wall Turrents

The current turrents are not a real detterent they are easily dispatched. Aircraft are the only ones deterred by them. I have 2 issues with them.

1. The turrents need to be upgraded for ground defense. But i make this suggestion with balance in mind. Leave the current gun alone in the turrent, maybe shrink the cone of fire on it. But add a second weapon a slow fire cannon that is only usable by players. When the turrent is AI controlled keep it only using the machine gun weapon. but when player controlled let them right click and access a slow firing cannon/howitzer.

2. Also when attacking a base and after the initial hack (waiting for the hack time to expire) hackers should be able to hack wall turrents that allow them to be player controlled so they could be used as base defense. * I.E. if we can hack any other terminal in a base why not the turrents?? *

2.5 (Sorry) Why cann't eng repair the destroyed generator in a hacked base? Why do they have to wait for the base to change ownership fiirst? The same is for other term's in the base?
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Old 2003-06-23, 05:36 AM   [Ignore Me] #132

The only thing that should be tweaked or implemented (after playing the game for a bit), is better use for adv. medics. When anyone dies, they usually pick a respawn point fairly quick to get back into the fray, not waiting for a medic to respawn them. Now, unless i'm mistaken, it's very difficult to actually use the Revive ability. First off, if someone in the squad dies, unless you see it happen, you have no clue really where they're at. I think their skull-and-crossbones should appear on the adv medics map as well as the person that died. This way the medic can see where so and so died and can head over to revive. Either that or a waypoint could appear that only the medic can see to mark their fallen comrade. Just a thought.

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Old 2003-06-23, 10:40 AM   [Ignore Me] #133
Staff Sergeant
BlakkyZ8's Avatar

Originally posted by Cirkusphreak
The only thing that should be tweaked or implemented (after playing the game for a bit), is better use for adv. medics. When anyone dies, they usually pick a respawn point fairly quick to get back into the fray, not waiting for a medic to respawn them. Now, unless i'm mistaken, it's very difficult to actually use the Revive ability. First off, if someone in the squad dies, unless you see it happen, you have no clue really where they're at. I think their skull-and-crossbones should appear on the adv medics map as well as the person that died. This way the medic can see where so and so died and can head over to revive. Either that or a waypoint could appear that only the medic can see to mark their fallen comrade. Just a thought.

This problem and your suggestions were addressed in the second Dev interview.
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Old 2003-06-23, 10:03 PM   [Ignore Me] #134
Bridge Towers

Tower arcs over teh center of bridges that have three turrets, two anti-infil, and one anti-vehicle. THe towers would have no spawn rooms, only a door on each side, a little roof on the top, and the three turrets. Of course theere would be a cc. I think this would add a lot of dynamic to bridge battles.(Ever play America's Army?)
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Old 2003-06-24, 12:20 AM   [Ignore Me] #135

i don't think anyone has posted about this one

Situation - Respawn at an ams and some idiot has stopped right at the respawn tube to pick his nose or answer the door, or maybe the poor guy just LD'd. Whats the solution? the only one is to kill him. A good idea would be to add in some kinda ejection system that shoots players out of the spawn if they don't move for 5 seconds or something. either that or make the respawn tubes on the AMS bigger so u can just go around them.

Artillary would be cool, i know its been said but that would add some flair.

Front lines - oh man. if i could have one thing, this would be it. the best frontline battle woulda had to have been an ams parked on the other side of the road at qumu tower... just a road ditch and rocks for cover... its was the coolest thing i've experianced so far.

Naval Vehicles/Battles would be cool but VS would have advantage completely - imagine large battleships being attacked by a magrider just strafing around in circles thanks to that KEEN hover crap (shakes fist at magrider)
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