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Old 2003-09-14, 06:56 PM   [Ignore Me] #376

Originally posted by Madcat170
Decent Penalties that arnt patheticly pointless. nice big old EXP debt would be good, but would drive away the non twich gamers so it isnt really fair.

wow it takes me 5 seconds more to spawn I DONT WANT TO DIE *hides*

What the hell are your certs?

I consider myself a pretty decent player and I think my stats speak for themselves, however there are times when i'm dieing every mins or so. Maybe i'm defending a base, maybe i spawn and then the ams gets blown up right as I pop outa the tube. If your not dieing as an infantryman in this game you are either A) a sniper B) a pansy.
The courageous man needs needs no weapons. The practical man wants them all. The ambitious man has plans for the practical one.


Lord give me strength of arm, will, mind, and the accuracy of shooting to preserve them all.
Doppler is offline  
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Old 2003-09-15, 04:34 AM   [Ignore Me] #377

not once in that post did i say i hardly ever die, The respawn timers are invalid now any way, get a bio lab and they go bye bye near enuf....

My Certs Are

Medium Assualt
Hvy Assualt
Cmbt Engi



And im not a pansy.

I had another idea yesterday for a Gunship

Possibly a retro fitted Liberator (no bombs) with more downward facing guns so it could hold 1 pilot and 3 gunners ( tail Gunner & 1 gunner under each wing), the rear gunner would have the current liberator rear gunner viewing area, the other gunners would be able to fire straight forward and all the way down and to some extent behind the liberator

Would have 2 big blind spots at the wings.
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Old 2003-09-15, 04:48 PM   [Ignore Me] #378
So what is your solution

What do you propose be the punishment for deaths then?

Incidentaly I think the developers should look into implementing changes in the respawning timer and applying that as the benefit for being low man on the server. The exp bonus and the health bonus are miniscule and not really that much of a force multiplier.
The courageous man needs needs no weapons. The practical man wants them all. The ambitious man has plans for the practical one.


Lord give me strength of arm, will, mind, and the accuracy of shooting to preserve them all.
Doppler is offline  
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Old 2003-09-15, 06:10 PM   [Ignore Me] #379

an Exp Debt, Maybe something really evil but doesnt kick in until your BR 10 +

Cert Timers Cant use certain certs for short periods after you respawn, only 1 cert is taken at first and disabled for 30 seconds, then that time increases (at similar rate to the current repawn delay thingies go up at) if you contine to die pointlessly another random cert is disabled for 30 seconds....

Of course it would need tweaking and poking at until its perfect, and it would piss alot of people off, but u know it would kill the zerg
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Old 2003-09-16, 08:56 AM   [Ignore Me] #380

No it whouldnt, it whould merely punish defenders. With few exceptions the defending force is usualy the ones with closer spawns but fewer people, so they tend to die more. If anything this whould make it easie ron the zerg because they die less often and ahve that initial run from their spawn point to wait off the exp debt. If anything this whould encourage more zerging because if there was exp debt you'd never have squads going it along because they might wind up getting their faces stomped and cause a net loss of exp. Far better instead to go to bases that are massively overpowered for sure exp with no losses.
The courageous man needs needs no weapons. The practical man wants them all. The ambitious man has plans for the practical one.


Lord give me strength of arm, will, mind, and the accuracy of shooting to preserve them all.
Doppler is offline  
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Old 2003-09-16, 11:34 PM   [Ignore Me] #381

I got the crazy idea of being able to blow bridges. Dont ask, but wouln't it be awsome to blow the bigass bridge in ceryshen? it be like, BOOM!
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Old 2003-09-18, 11:57 AM   [Ignore Me] #382
Exclamation idea...

alternate spitfire turrets for combat engs. build turret normally, use second device to modify turret to fire different ammo (rockets, mines, something to make infils show up on radar) or improve range/accuracy/some single other function.

I liked the ideas about giving someone controll of the bases through the CC. turn off lights, counter-hack doors, power down panels and entire sections of the base. require command level + advanced hacking for someone to interface thus however.

someone commented on a stealth aircraft, which in concept I like. however it'd have to be more like the wraith- mosquito with no weapons and little armor.

also, why can't passengers in vehicles do *anything.* I think it'd be pretty cool if the people sitting in back could at least repair their ride (with proper engeneering certs, of course.)

give engeneers and medics something for healing/repairing so they don't feel their time is completely waisted if they can't happen to find a squad that day. I understand wanting to encourage team play, but penalizing them (and hackers) because they can't get responces from squads is a little rough. Generally, I think the "non-combat" skills get a rough trip in this game, which I understand is not entirely unintentional as it is a fps... however I think there are valid gameplay styles that are being ignored that would make the game fun for more people and keep the game fun for other people longer if these were expanded upon.

I think animals would be cool. range from rats to godzilla (sudden image of a massive base fight suddenly diverting and both factions fighting side by side as both sides panic about godzilla incoming...)

I also like the idea of non-base link points that can expand SOIs. give each such point an independant SOI. perhaps you could also give the combat engeneers deployables to do the same thing in areas off the beaten track.

if, as has been suggested, walls became destroyable just give them so many hit points (and such a quick regen rate) that it's probably easier to go through the door.

how about a gunship. galaxy with no passenger/max/vehicle slots. instead give the pilot a forward only chaingun, place a gunner with a chaingun under the pilot. put a ball turret with a chaingun and a cannon on the top and bottom, over/under tail gunners with chainguns, and gunners on each wing with chainguns. adding a bomber slot would probably take it from insane to broken, but is a fun thought. remember start with a galaxy (with the larger-than-god-intended profile and landing area) up the armor *slightly*, increase trunk space, decrease speed, remove afterburners... and go nuts.

how about a "swimming" cert. 2-3 points, drains stamina slowly... but you don't immediately sink like a rock.
when shadows speak warriors die.
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Old 2003-09-18, 03:09 PM   [Ignore Me] #383

We need day and night enviroments. Have snow that effects vehicles. Guns jam. Have night which lasts for 2 or 3 hours and bases, towers, and bridges are lit up from lights and gun shots which are seen a mile away. there is a sun right and auraxis does rotate? Right? Make it so there is options you could have in the real world. Make it a game people want to pay for because 12 bucks a month at what the quality is now your going to lose alot of customers.
NuclearSiege is offline  
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Old 2003-09-18, 08:14 PM   [Ignore Me] #384
Master Sergeant

Faster day-to-night cycles, there is a night time just nobody ever sees it. Dark, I mean DARK. There should be times when it is hard to see it's so dark. Bridges, bases, and towers would have lights. Weather that affects vehicles, weapons, and armor. If your in a sand storm the sand should hurt you maybe 1% health and armor every, 20-30 seconds, the same for vehicles. Blizzards could do the same but make vehicles slid a little bit. Rain could do the same for vehicles, lightning could kill somebody every once and a while, and a random weapons jam could be cool. You would have to get a new gun or an engi coulod fix it.
"That kid's got problems" - 10 year recruiter for the NAVY
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Old 2003-09-22, 10:37 AM   [Ignore Me] #385
Sergeant Major
Jet Packs

How about Jet Packs that take up your 2 rifle slots so that means only Reinforced-x gets it this would add all new meaning to Medics and some Engineers. A guys needs a medic whoes across the base the medic can get there quite quickly but that means he has no sierous fire power which means its blanced.
Otherick is offline  
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Old 2003-09-23, 12:54 AM   [Ignore Me] #386
Sergeant Major
BuzzCutPsycho's Avatar
Small but benificial suggestions.

I believe hand grenades are under used, with good reason! They're so damned useless!

I suggest adding a grenade slot on the player, perhaps two for reinforced, one for agile, maybe none for standard. The grenades instead of going on the hip would go on the chest where a soldier can just quickly grab. In addition to that the grenades should come in packs of 3 or 5 depending on how many grenade slots per armor are implemented.

Weight System: Give me a reason not to carry a decimator in my secondary long arm weapons slot. If I leave that slot empty I will move slightly faster and jump slightly higher then if I had filled it.

Feel free to add & discuss on to my suggestions, thank you.
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Old 2003-09-23, 10:23 AM   [Ignore Me] #387
First Sergeant
DoomWarrior's Avatar

Ima little confused, i just started playing and i keep hearing hte word zerg, or zerging, wat does it mean because i play lotsa starcraft with the zerg in it so im just confused
In times of light, darkness will rise
In times of darkness, light will shine through
In times of evil, hope will prevail
In times of life, death will come

Those who face their fate will know of its return,
those who face it's destiny are for the evil to turn.

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Old 2003-09-23, 10:27 AM   [Ignore Me] #388
Sergeant Major

as u know in star craft the zerg like to swarm their enemies with A HUGE army well a huge army in planetside is called a zerg for its vast numbers so........................zerg means a huge HUGE army is PS but in SC ots the aliens ok?
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Old 2003-09-23, 04:04 PM   [Ignore Me] #389
Spee's Avatar

Map that displays Height.

I cant count how many times I've dropped on a hill near a base to snipe, to only find that it's a piddling little 20-foot build....
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Old 2003-09-23, 06:12 PM   [Ignore Me] #390

Here's my wishlist:

1. When you hack an enemies terminal, you should get the enemies vehicles, weapons, MAX's, etc. Make's is their facility.

This would bring alot of variety to the gameplay during base and tower captures.

2. When you hack an enemy vehicle, it should stay the same color as it was...they only indicator that an enemy is in control of it would be the red name above it. It has never made sense to me that a vehicles paint job would somehow be electronically controlled.

Once again...I think this would spice things up.
ZEU5 is offline  
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