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Old 2003-10-09, 11:00 PM   [Ignore Me] #16
First Sergeant
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aespme story man!
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Old 2003-10-12, 11:19 AM   [Ignore Me] #17
Major General
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The massive galaxy came in low and slow over the hard packed snow. The ventral thrusters kicking up a cloud of snow and melting it as it got to close. The big ship wobbled a bit, it was obvious the operator had been drinking a bit too much. Jack sat in the aircrafts relativly cramped pilots position. At least this one has a working heater he thought to himself. The rest of the squadron was in the back, all of them drunk. He could hear them singing and laughing.

Jack suddenly felt something, it was that feeling again. It always started at the base of his spine and worked its way up his back to the base of his skull and then into his brain. He picked up the intercom, "Something is wrong guys. Something is very wrong." Jack put the ship into a hover and zoomed in on the tower. Lights were on aircraft were in their places. He scaned back and forth up and down. Suddenly a flash of purple. Now he knew something was wrong. Then Jack came to the weather shields. They were glowing purple. "The tower has been taken over by Vanu forces. I dont know about you guys but ive been in the mood for a good fight. Lets kick some ass." The Galaxy started off again and Jack pulled back on the stick as hard as possible, the aircraft stood at a 70 degree angle from the ground and Jack cut the engines. The craft fell 200 feet and then the Afterburners were activated. The aircraft set down for a slightly bumpy landing. Jack poped the canopy and went to the back of the aircraft. He opened the door and found himself staring down 10 barels.

"Just me guys, take it easy." Jack wispered to them.

Nova responded "Sorry sir *hic*, we are a bit jumpy."

"Thats ok, now down to business. Nova and Rictor in the MAXs. Bachman you take the Bolt Driver, see if you cant find sparks in there, if hes captured and you cant help... kill him."

"Sir!" Bachman responded and ran off into the darkness. The next few moments were spent with the sound of loading weapons and getting spare ammo. The sounds stoped and the 7 reinforced armors and 2 Scattercannon MAX armors emerged from the Galaxy's hold. The slowly walked up to the tower door, the loud crunching sound from the snow under the mens feet was distubing.

"Ok guys, plan 3." jack wispered. The comment was greeted by a loud click. The simletanious sound of 9 saftys clicking off. Jack walked up to the door and hacked it, the rest of the squad stood by to the oposite side of the door waiting paitently. The door silently slid open and Jack charged in, the rest of the squad hot on his heals.

"What the hell?" Was the general reply to the scene inside the bottom of the tower. Blood was every where as were 12 dead vanu.

"Ok guys lets go, I want this tower ours in 5." The squad charged up the stairs MAXs in the lead. One Vanu opened a door and walked out into the hall looking at a magazine, he herd the loud thumping sound of a max armor.

"Oh hey Zinith." He said with a wave and no look. He turned his back to the squad and walked down the hall a few paces.

"Um man?" Jack said with as much lisp as possible.

"What Zini? Im reading."

"Im not Zini." Jack said with a laugh. The Vanu turned around and looked at the squad.

"Aw shit not again!" He wispered as he was cutdown by a supressor. The squad came to the air pads next. The captain walked up to his bird and checked that everything was fine. Satisfied he continued to the CC. There they found 7 more vanu dead.

"What the hell is going on here?" Jack yelled.

"I killed them all sir." Came a reply from behind them.

"Sparks!?" Indeed it was Sparks, wearing an infiltration suit, he decloaked and smiled at the squad.
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Old 2003-10-12, 06:49 PM   [Ignore Me] #18
Major General
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The sun broke nearly an hour early the next morning. It broke an hour early, it was also coming from the north east, instead of the usual north west. Suddenly the tower was hit by a massive shockwave. The wind gusted to 200 miles per hour. And a few seconds later the ground started to shake. Jack Marslow was the first person awake. He ran out side to see that the weather shields were holding (if they had not he surely would have been dead at that moment). He looked off to the North and saw a massive plume of smoke.

"Computer what the hell happened?" The Air Captain screemed over the wind that was buffeting the outside of the shields but still creating a substantal amount of noise.

"Commander the Akna Amp Station was captured last night by elements of the New Dawn. It appears that the station has now been completly destroyed by an explosion of unknown origin."

"How big was the blast?"

"Approximatly 500 kilotons."

"Holy shit, scan for radiation."

"None was detected sir, but there was an electrical surge in the upper atmosphere seconds before the blast. Sensors predict it was equivilant to 8 million kiliowatts." Seconds later the alarm at the Tarqaq facility lit up like a christmas tree. The base went on high aleart and the Air Captain could see that across the continent thousands of drop pods were raining down. All of them were colored crimson red and black.

"Ah shit." Air Captain Jack Marslow sighed "I was planing on getting some sleep today too."
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Old 2003-10-13, 01:50 PM   [Ignore Me] #19
First Sergeant
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Old 2003-10-13, 07:32 PM   [Ignore Me] #20

nice. but of course, in the end, NC will triumph, becux they
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Old 2003-10-15, 07:03 PM   [Ignore Me] #21
Major General
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Jack Marslow awoke high above the continent of Cyssor. He looked about the strange craft he was in. It was a large tube structure, the wall made of glass like substance. He looked up and saw the cold darkness of space. Below him was the Gunuku Dropship Center Island. He could see the HARTs rocketing around the upper atmosphere droping their men here and there. He looked out at the atmosphere. Off to his left he saw the air crackling with electricity. He looked up at space, out at the moon. A large bright yellow light was growing bigger and bigger. He watched it as it streamed by, the beam was crackling with lightning bolts arcing around it. It was heading straight for the Gunuku Drop Ship Center. His view suddenly zoomed in on the base. He watched as the beam struck a hill 500 meters west of the base. His view paned itself back to the base. He watched as trees were torn from their roots and were blown away. The base wall was crumbling from the shockwave and heat. It slowly broke apart and the occupants of the base burst into flames. The ground started to crack and shatter and pieces were upheaved. The view started to slowly zoom out. The last of Gunuku Jack saw was the base desintigrating on an upheaved piece of crust. The blast grew in intensity as it got bigger. The Norther Gun Tower and the Watch tower to the south east were knocked down as if they were a stack of cards, their parts scatered to the wind. The blast grew larger and larger. The bridges on the ends of the island colapsed. It now paned out enough to show the blast was reaching the other bases around the island. First Honsi then Faro. Itan and Kaang were also engulfed by the blast. Each base had its own personal zoomed view as it was destroyed.

The center of Cyssor was gone. Five large bases and six towers were gone. All of the Bridges gone. And all of the people were gone. Nothing was left of Cyssor's intirior but a smoking pit. No rubble was left. Not a single chunk of wall was left intact. The Air Captain fell to his knees, pounding the floor with his hands. How had he goten here? The last thing he remembered was the bug out from Ceryshen. The pain he felt as he saw the mighty New Conglomerate Army ten thousand strong passing through the gate and then another and then waiting at the sanctuary. He had been the last man off Ceryshen. The whole continet over run by the TR. Then he remembered the blast at Akna. Was this what happened? Then he remember the army remobilizing. Heading through yet another warp gate. But to where? There was flash of light. Bright as Sol. And then the familar cockpit of his reaver. He set down at a nearby base using his computer nav points. The first person he saw was a very attractive woman.

"Hello Air Captain, the name is Jen, Ill be your new aid." She said as she helped him out of his aircraft. She started to walk off towards the nearest biulding. "Oh and Captain."

"Yes?" He replied, still a little confused.

"Welcome to Cyssor."
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Old 2003-10-15, 07:54 PM   [Ignore Me] #22
NewCong. Marine
Master Sergeant

craziness....but very good...
Because guns are always better than spoons.
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Old 2003-10-15, 08:53 PM   [Ignore Me] #23
Mrs. Hamma
Jennyboo's Avatar

omy god! it's me!! .. great action peace ..keep it coming and i'll keep reading <3 Jennyboo
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Old 2003-10-15, 10:49 PM   [Ignore Me] #24
scarpas's Avatar

Originally Posted by Peacemaker

shattering it into three pieces.

Why three pieces???

good writing though...

Ps: three???
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Old 2003-10-16, 03:03 PM   [Ignore Me] #25
Major General
Peacemaker's Avatar

... theres like 8 chapters bud. I need a little more to go on than that. Please a little more info.
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Old 2003-10-16, 08:47 PM   [Ignore Me] #26
Major General
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Tormented. That was the word that described Jack Marslow the best at the time. He had arived on Cyssor at night. The attractive young Lt. brought him to the near by Aja amp station. Here is where the rest of the FoE squadron was based. He immediatly found a bunk and fell asleep. His head was filled with dreams of the bright beam that struck the center of the continent he was currently on. Was it all just a dream or was it real? It couldnt have been a dream. Cyssor was still being ravaged by war between the TR and NC. The dream continued to happen over and over. Each time he got closer to gunuku as it was destroyed and the people inside combusted. Then suddenly it took a giant leap. It showed himself looking at the explosion from the giant mountain on Cyssor. His view roatated to infront of him. A Terran soldier was holding a repeater to the back of his head.

"Sorry Peace, you loose." He said as he pulled the trigger. Jack watched as the bullet penetrated the back of his skull and pushed him forward. The bullet exited out of the center of his neck and he crumpled to the snowy ground.

Jack awoke with a shock seconds later, sitting up too fast he smacked his head on the top of the bunk. "Son of a bitch!!" He yelled. Suddenly the door from the room broke open. A figure was silhouetted against the bright light from the hallway. It walked in and the door automaticly shut.

"Whos there?" Jack asked with a nervous twitch, it wasnt the first time an infiltrator had tried to kill him in his sleep.

"Relax sir. Everything is ok." The soft voice of a woman responded. His bed shifted and he felt someone sit down next to him.

"Computer: Night light." Jack wispered into the top of his bunk. The room was suddenly dimly iluminated by a series of luminescent wires wraped around the corners of the square room. A pretty nurse was sitting on his bed. She had long red hair and a long face with thin lips and big eyes. "Ehem something I can do for you mam?"

"Sir I herd you yell and I came down the hall. Your bleeding sir." She took a gause pad from her little tote bag and dabbed his forehead. It stang for a few seconds and then settled down and all the pain was gone. "There all better. Oh sir your wanted in the briefing room. Your new aid is there, you have a meeting in 10."

"Ok, thank you nurse." She stood up and walked out of the room. He sat on the edge of his bunk and rubed the back of his head. He felt a slight cut that ran for half an inch. No blood though so he thought nothing of it. He stood up and walked out into the hall. Following the signs he made it down to the briefing room on the bottom floor of the facility. He walked in to find the same attractive Lt. who had greeted him when he had landed on Cyssor a few hours ago. This was the first time he had goten a good look at her in the light. It suddenly dawned on him just how good looking she really was. About 5'6 with brown hair tucked back into a pony tail. Brown eyes that sparkled when she looked at him and thin eye brows. Lips covered in gloss, a pair of earings, and a light blue uniform with a skirt that reached to her knees completed the package. Truly a sight for sore eyes.

"Hello Air Captain."

"Eh hello, ummm... Jen is it?"

"Yes sir, friends call me Jennyboo."

"Ok Jennifer. Lesson one, you look a little green so listen up. Dont make friends. They will just die. Only time you should make friends is if you know they arnt going to die or you fight along side them."

"Um ok." She responded with a frown.

"Whats my first mission?" He was being rather cold he thought to himself. Maybe Ceryshen had rubbed off on him. Six months in a frozen wasteland could do that.

"Ahhh, well our first mission is a simple escort mission. Central command suggests 5 mosquitos to escort 2 liberators and a galaxy from another squad."

"Change that to 2 skeeters and me in my reaver."

"Um but sir, central command said...."

"Just do it Lieutenant."

"Um ok, I mean, Yes sir. Anyways you are to escort the galaxy and the liberators to Kaang. The liberators will drop their bomb loads and the galaxy will pick up 4 infiltrators at a near by forest. They have just returned from Orisha tech plant with some secret info on enemy plans."

"Ok then, brief my pilots. im going out to check my craft."

"Already had that tech kid do it sir. He said he fixed the heater again too."

"Pft like Id need it here." The Air Captain walked away leaving Lieutenant Jennyboo with a puzzled look on her face.

"Well that went well." she said to her self in a slightly less sweet tone.

Last edited by Peacemaker; 2003-10-16 at 09:47 PM. Reason: Forgot to describe Jennyboo's hawtness.
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Old 2003-10-17, 06:14 PM   [Ignore Me] #27
NewCong. Marine
Master Sergeant
Because guns are always better than spoons.
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Old 2003-10-19, 01:41 PM   [Ignore Me] #28
Terran Sniper
First Sergeant
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Do I sense a romance coming? oh, and for the TR dude in the dream, you can use the character from my FF ("From the Darkness"). name's Trigger, he's a sniper, and he does actualy prefer a repeater over an AMP.
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Old 2003-10-20, 08:17 PM   [Ignore Me] #29
Major General
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The reaver rose up out of a cloud bank and made a gentle right turn. The clouds flowed around the sharp angles of the aircraft and left two twisting eddies in the cloud. The sun glistened off of the cockpit and the ever deadly rocket pods. A hot jet of exhaust burned off some of the clouds and left a ripple effect in the air as the heat caused the light to refract. The Air Captain gently scaned the skies behind the canopy super glass, not much could be seen, a thick layer of clouds covered the tropical forest of Cyssor. Nothing up above the clouds so he droped back into them careful not to hit one of the Liberators or the Galaxy that were hiding in them. He rolled the agile aircraft over and poked the cannopy below the cloud line. Two enemy mosqitos were zig zaging around. No worrys about them though, he would worry about them on the way back. The mission continued the force flew to the target and everything was going according to plan. The force started to drop through the cloud layer. As Jack's reaver droped down he got the feeling again. Suddenly every warning panel on Jack's reaver started blaring.





A dozen missles rose strait up out of the thick jungle and arced towards the force.

"Shit!!! All forces break!!! Galaxy you are RTB!! I Repeat galaxy is RTB. Liberators hit the sam sights, the base is now a teritery target! FoE engage the SAMs." Jack screamed into his head piece. "Base this is flight 4 we have come under heavy attack. We are hitting targets of opportunity and bugging out, the mission is a bust, they were waiting for us." He turned the reaver around to watch the galaxy catch a SAM in the left engine. The big ship's wing broke in half and the engine blew up throwing the aircraft upside down. It nosed down (which in the pilots case was pulling up) and plumeted strait down into the forest with a gigantic explosion. He looked back to the liberators, one was taking fire from a mosquito, a few rounds hit the cockpit and the plane flew level and was hit by a SAM desintigrating in mid-air. The bombs inside scattered by the blast flew off in various direction setting fire to the forest. The rest of the force accended into the clouds and took off. Jack still stayed behind. He had yet to do any fancy manuvers, tricks, or get a single kill. He was afterburning straight for the forest in which the Galaxy was supposed to pick up the spys. The cock pit was still blaring every enemy fire warning and some more. Jack's spine tingled for a second and he jamed the left rudder. The reaver made a slight turn to the left and the whole craft shuddered as it was riddled with flak bursts.


"WHAT THE HELL!?" Jack's memory flashed back to the airpad before he took off. He suddenly remembered the cute Lt. Jennyboo had been walking away from the aircraft. "Damn it!" The Air Captain banked the reaver hard to the right and buried the stick into his stomach. Three missles streaked by him and exploded. A forth followed the manuver and was 30 feet to to the left of the aircraft. The proximity fuse triggered and the missle exploded showering the aircraft in tiny shards of metal. Jacks spine tingled again and the entire battle slowed down just like the mission on the generator. Jack looked around and could see all the bullets flying at him, he nosed down and missed the majority of them as they crossed in an X pattern. But still a few round drilled into his aircraft. Without the added extra manuverability of the thrusters he had instaled his time slow was worthless. Trailing thick black smoke the reaver bucked and started to nose over. The craft skidded into the forest and came to a stop. Jack Marslow steped out of the aircraft with a large gash on the side of his head. He turned around and looked at the aircraft. It was not a complete loss, he could fix it. He started to turn around when he heard the sound of a pulsar switching to AI mode.

"Dont move! You are now a prisioner of the Vanu Sovereignty!"
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Old 2003-10-20, 08:50 PM   [Ignore Me] #30
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