Dezzy (an attempt at comedy) - PlanetSide Universe
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Old 2003-11-14, 10:47 PM   [Ignore Me] #1
Dezzy (an attempt at comedy)

Dezzy sat in a field alone, he was waiting for the rest of his squad to HART drop into his location. He had been waiting for over an hour. They should have been here by now, and Dezzy broke out his map again to make sure that this was the location his CO had told him.

Sure enough this was exactly where he was supposed to meat up with his squad. He knew because since that incident on Hossin he always wrote down the important parts of the mission on his left wrist. And there it was in balck and white (he had very fair skin).

Still he had not seen a single friendly soldier in the past hour. He decided to give them 10 more minutes then he would go see if he could find out where everyone was.

Besides he was getting hungry, he was always hungry and that is why he always packed several sandwiches when he went on missions. In fact his entire backpack was filled with sandwiches, nothing but sandwiches. If his CO hadnt forced him to carry a REK in his holster and if he could find some way to fit a sandwich into his knife shieth without it getting smushed he would be totally unarmed.

Though he had to admit that a knife comes in handy every now and then. Once he had packed a can of fruit cocktail and forgot a can opener, his knife had saved him from a day cocktailessness. But, his REK has yet to be similarly usefull.

Dezzy was kinda on the small side. He was thin dispite his constant eating and physically very weak. If it wasnt for his speed he would never have made it through basic training. Currently he held certifications in Eng, Adv. Eng, Hacking, and Advandced Hacking plus a default Certification with the Infultration Suit.

He could never get the suit to work properly and he made enough noise when he moved that most audio amp users considered it cruel to have him walk by. But, it was the only suit he could wear without falling over. And dispite its severe lack of armor he has returned from over a hundred missions unhurt.

Dezzy had just finished his sandwich and started looking around again for his squad. He could hear on the squad frequency what sounded like alot of action and was just about to cut in to ask where everyone was when he remembered the direct order for radio silence. No one else in his squad seemed to be following this order and Dezzy suspected that the CO was too busy to reprimand them right now.

He got to his feet and folded up the baggy his sandwich was in. He was very concientious about litter and made sure that nothing was left where he had partaken of his pic-nic.

Checking his map again he decided to set out for the nearest base. He was sure that he could find somebody there to help him find his squad. The fact that the base he chose was currently being held by the NC meant nothing to Dezzy. Through his long experience in the field he has found most people were polite and usually willing to help a stranded traveler.

He gave his watch one last look getting lost in all the 'cool' features. Since they gave him this new suit his watch did so many neat little things.

While he was walking he heard an engine behind him. An NC harrasser was tearing down the road. Dezzy noticed that it had a seat open and put out his hand to wave it down. It came to a screaching hault only a few feet away from Dezzy.

The driver jumped out and started placeing mines all over the road. Dezzy remembered mine training and knew how much consentration went into placing each one and he didnt want to disturb his work. So he quietly got into the Harrasser and calmly waited for the driver to get back.

Soon the driver was back in the buggy ready to go, he gave Dezzy an odd look, shook his head then took off without another word. They were flying down the road at the buggy's top speed.

Driveing was another difficult task that Dezzy remembered from training and didnt want to distract the driver with unnessisary conversation. Plus, his mother told him it was only polite to speak when you are spoken to, and this driver didnt seem to want to talk to Dezzy. Anyway Dezzy was happy to just watch the landscape wiz by.

Soon they had reached their destination and the driver pulled up to a repair terminal. When the buggy stopped Dezzy said thanks and jumped out. He decided to head toward the CC thinking that would be where he would find the most people.

With his back to the buggy he didnt see the driver fall out of his seat. Wide eyed the driver sprang up with his pistol drawn and wildly shot the buggy to death. Then he reloaded and hid behind the wreckage.

Dezzy taking note of the drivers strange bahavior as he rounded the corner thought it was an odd way to treat a vehicle. But there was so many things he still needed to learn about tactics that he was sure this procedure will be explained to him once he managed to pass vehicle training.

(tired right now, more to come later)
Nazsteph is offline  
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