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Old 2003-12-22, 09:22 PM   [Ignore Me] #1
Sharvez's Avatar
"last stand"

"last stand"

This is the story of Sharvez and his squad the Elite MAX unit (29th Assault Division)

Sharvez was sleeping all of a sudden the dorr burst open and Stormer his long time friend grabbed him "oi fat bastard wake up" Sharvez opened his eyes looked at Stormer and shut them again Stormer grabbed his arm and pulled him out of his bunk onto the cold floor Sharvez jumped up becoz of the coldness of the lino floor c'mon hurry up" Stormer shouted we gotta go, Vanu have taken Zell base we are launching a counter offensive to reclaim it Sharvez got dressed and followed Stormer to the equiptment terminal there he met up with the rest of his squad

As he got there everyone else was all ready and waiting for him he suited up in his MAX suit and inspected the rest of his squad all men were present and correct.
They started to walk towards there Galaxy, the men loaded into the back and the rear door closed the roar of the galaxy engins as it began to take off was trumendous the galaxy headed towards the warpgate this was quite a large assault they were followed by the 12th infranty division and the 101st airbourne division

They neared there drop zone and the pilot shouted "get ready to disembark in 30 seconds" the 10 huge soldiers stood up in 2 lines they felt the galaxy decending the pilot shouted again "ready to disembark 10 seconds" with a thud the galaxy touched down the rear door slammed down onto the ground and they all
ran clear of the galaxy and as quickly as it lanned it had taken off again but for some reason non of the galaxys had taken AA fire which was very unusual all the squads formed up ready to assault the base as they approched they braced themselfs for enemy fire but as they got closer and closer not a sound was heard the only noise in the air was the sound of the soldiers armour as they moved the first wave of infantry
ran through the main gate of the base aiming for targets but they did not find any.

The base was empty but inteligance reports said there was a large Vanu force occupying the base the infantry lined the walls of the base Sharvez felt that something was wrong he was ecspecting the Vanu to just jump out and ambush the soldiers but the ambush never came,the leader of the 101st radioed to the sanctuary he was informed to wait for a 3 galaxys that would pick up the 101st airbourne as they were needed else were and for the 12th infantry and the the Elite members of the 29th assault division to stay and hold the Base Sharvez positioned his Squad around the base he still felt like somthing was wrong but he followed his orders
after 20 mins the the galaxys arrived and the 101st loaded up and took off into the sky Sharvez todl the 12 to send out 4 patrols in each direction of the base this left only a handful at the base and they all manned the various turrets around the base

after 1 hour a loud explosion was heard and sperradic gun fire from the forrst ahead the one of the men from the parol came shooting out of the forrest
but no one else followed Sharvez grabbed him and asked him wot happened and were is the rest of his patrol they soldier was out of breath and could harly speak he mumbled "they came out of no were befor i knew wot happened our lead scout was on the floor with multipul bullet holes in his head and 1 by 1 the rest of the squad followed i dived for cover but i could not see were the shots came from i threw a granade and ran" BANG a shot came from the forrest nobody saw were it came from the 12th infantry soldier fell to the ground his blood was splatted all over Sharvez's armour sharvez turned and ran the turrets on the Base errupted with fire into the forrest Sharvez felt a thump on his shoulder "bastard" he shouted he turned to look and there was a huge dent from a shot that ricochade off his armour he carried on running into the base cease fire he shouted to the soldiers in the turrets the guns stopped firing there was a defaning silence nobody moved or spoke Sharvez ran up onto wall of the base and began closing the main gate non of the other patrols returned either Sharvez knew the VAnu were out there just waiting for the opotunity to strike lock and load lads them bastards are out there waiting for the best moment to strike be on your guard they sat and waited...and waited...and waited but no attack was launched Sharvez began to think that they may have just stumbeled across a Vanu partol but just as the though crossed his mind a huge roar was heard from the forrest surrounding the base it did not seem to come from 1 specific location it seems to poor from every inch of the forrest the roar died down each soldier had there weapons aimed at the forrest edge.
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Old 2003-12-22, 11:01 PM   [Ignore Me] #2
Sharvez's Avatar

The first soldiers came into view and all the Soldiers opend up the first wave of Vanu fell befor getting more than a foot from the forrset edge Sharvez hated Vanu
his parents were killed by Vanu and ever since he has wanted revenge no matter how many he killed it wasnt enuff he always wanted to kill more they filled him with discust
his dual-cyclers were making shot work of any Vanu that came into his view no matter how amny fell at the edge of the forrsest twice as many stepped over the fallen
a huge expolosion ratteled the base Sharvez turned to look it was 1 of the gun turrets it had been hit with a decimator "fucking bastards" he shouted and turned back to face to forrest and began shooting again tearing limbs from the Vanu soldiers bodys the bodies were mounting up after 5 mins of intense fire from both sides the vanu stopped assaulting there was the odd shot from the forrst and eventually silence Sharvez ran to the control room of the base he grabbed the radio and tryed contact the sanctuary but to no avail he kept trying but he got no response unless he could raise base camp they would most likly lose the base he asked one of the remaining 12th infantry privates to get on the radio and keep trying to get throught to base camp he walked around the base checking each of his soldiers he came to Stormer as he looked he noticed a gaping hole in his leg there was blood trickling down his leg onto the grid floor and dripping off onto the main base floor he looked at Stormer and said u need to get that seen to Stormer replyed its just a scratch ill be ok

He continued around the base checking for casualtys 3 in total had be hit in the failed assault from the Vanu all were from the 12th infantry
he went bak to the control room but the infantry man had not suceeded in getting an answer Keep trying he said 3 hours passed and they had still not managed to get an answer from base camp it was begginign to get dark and Sharvez was worried the Vanu would try another assault in the night he drifted off to sleep by one of the turrets, he was woke suddenly by a huge cry from the soldier in the turret "die you bastards" Sharvez stood up and masses of Vanu came surging
from the forrest the turret erupted with fire mowing down the Vanu that got caught in its deadly hail of bullets Sharvez turned to see Link one of his squad members fall backwards he ran down to him but it was to late he was riddled with bullet holes blood spuwing from his wounds one of which was in his eye Sharvez let out a roar of fury "you bastards you are going to pay" he emptyed Links rounds from his backpack into his he shouted again "eat this" and his guns began discharging the bullets all of them finding a target soldier upon soldier fell in his wake

the Vanu had reached the perimiter of the base now and began trying to hack the main gate each person that tryed was abruptly killed the turret to the left of Sharvez stopped firing he looked at the soldier inside he has be shot in the chest and was leaving to one side Sharvez scowled and contined to lay into the Vanu with his Cyclers
most shots that hit him just ricochaded off his thick MAX armour he felt a thud in his thigh and a sharp pain he looked down to see blood pour out of the hole in his armour
it dripped onto the cold floor this just enraged him even more he wandered what did it since most of weapons that the Vanu had been using wernt powerful enuff to penitrate his armour 2 Vanu MAX's emerged from the forrest he instantly returnmed fire hitting one of them in the small red visor the MAX fell to the floor and blood soaked in the the already blood stained ground he smiled a devilish smile at his victory he now aimed at the other MAX whcih was firing back at hima shot hit him in his shoulder and it knocked him to the floor it was a he turned to see a decimater shell hit the floor and skid into a wall he knew he was luck he had been hit by a dud shot he stood bak up and as he did he hurd his worse night mare the gate to the compund began to openthe soldiers were now off the top ledges of the base and in the middle shooting the Vanu from the top of the walls as they tryed to breach the perimater
the 9 max suits were huddled in a circle so they could cover every angle as Sharvez was shooting he herd somthing in his ear it was the soldier from the control room he had got throught to base camp and they were sending a rescue force

as the gates to the base opened wider and wider more and more Vanu poured thought they were over running the base he sheer amount that were attacking overwelmed Sharvez he herd a loud crash from behind him while still firing his guns forward he turned his head to see Ryu on the floor his brains covering the bacl of Stormers leg
as he turned back around a Vanu soldier was less than 6 feet from him flailing his force-blade Sharvez stopped firing and grabbed the soldier and with a crunch he clammped down on the soldiers head
the helmet broke under his intense grip and the skull inside collapsed he let go and the soldier fell to the floor without hesitation he began firing again more and more Vanu fell but there attack was relentless the MAX suits were gettin low on ammo now.
Sharvez herd a choking in his ear piece he turned to find Stormer grasping his throat nooooooooooo Sharvez scremed Stormer lay there choking blood was spurting from his throat he let go of his throat and stood up blood was still spewing from the wound he begain shooting into the Vanu he also began running towards them
the masses he took down as he was dying was unbleivable he refused to die even wen they jumped over him and pulled him to the ground firing at pointblank into his chest his cyclers declined to stop firing eventually his arms were torn from his mashed up body by a Vanu MAX Sharvez watched in disgustthe Vanu were getting so close now it was getting into hand to hand combat there AMMO one of the squad members chrged into the hoard of Vanu he swiped one across the face the sheer power of the swipe crushed the mans face AMMO was promptly smashed in the visor the glass from his visor went in his eyes and he fell to the floor a groupe of Vanu huddled around his
body they all smacked hi with there rifle butts befor turning there weapons around and emptying there clips into his body

"you fucking animals" Sharvez roared and fired at the group killing every single one everytime the Vanu seemed to be lessing in numberes another MAX suit fell and the numbers grew again Sharvez knew at this point he was most likly going to die he shouted to his remaining soldiers "if we are going to die lets die in a blaze of glory for the REPUBLIC!" each remaining MAX suit ploughed into the Vanu as they advanced they kept firing there guns Leon one of the MAX suits guns stopped firing
he had run out of ammo he flailed his arms at the Vanu but with ammo he was quickly pounced on and a Vanu MAX smashed his fist through Leons visor and grabbed his head treading it from his body he paraded the head in the air the Vanu cheered a tear ran down Sharvez's face each member of his squad was over run and excicuted in the same kind of fasion Sharvez felt himself get pulled backwards he hit the floor the first Vanu that jumped on him were torn up bu bullets but after the first few there was just to many and he was mauled along the floor he couldnt feel any pain and he couldnt hear anything he was looking up at the sky even as the Vanu were smackin him with there rifles he saw in the air 5 Galaxys the guns on there wings exploading with fire he shut his he saw them coming down to land and as they did he was smashed in the face the blood ran down his head into his mouth he felt another crack as the Vanu hit him in the face again this time the blood splatted ll over his face he looked at the Vanu soldier raise his rifle again and he shut his eyes the last thing he felt was the final thud and then he died

sorry if you found that boaring its my first attempt at a story but im happy with it
if its got soime errors its coz its 5am in the morning

leave you comments and critisims please
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Old 2003-12-23, 02:25 AM   [Ignore Me] #3
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Kikinchikin's Avatar

The story seems engaging, but I can't read it. There are like no periods or punctuation. Not trying to be grammar nazi, but it really makes it difficult to read when all the words just run together.
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Old 2003-12-23, 02:34 AM   [Ignore Me] #4
Lieutenant Colonel

Originally Posted by Lilbird2431
The story seems engaging, but I can't read it. There are like no periods or punctuation. Not trying to be grammar nazi, but it really makes it difficult to read when all the words just run together.
Indeed, try cleaning up your paragraphs.
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Old 2003-12-23, 11:19 AM   [Ignore Me] #5
Sharvez's Avatar

bottom set english :P
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Old 2003-12-23, 12:29 PM   [Ignore Me] #6

I'm sorry Mr. Sharvez. Despite your excellent grades in school, we, the professors of Harvard, see fit to expel you due to your pitiful attempts at grammar.
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Old 2003-12-23, 08:19 PM   [Ignore Me] #7
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