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Old 2004-01-14, 12:49 PM   [Ignore Me] #61
First Sergeant

angst and musical taste are not directly related but gg
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Old 2004-01-14, 12:53 PM   [Ignore Me] #62
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sure they do, its a well known fact that every goth jack-off listens to sad, depressing, hateful music. so that if there is ever a tiny bit of happieness somewhere in thier lives they can drown it out.
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Old 2004-01-14, 01:18 PM   [Ignore Me] #63
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Originally Posted by Liquidtide
If my father didn't hit me as a kid, when I was a smacktard, I would be a drain on society today, 'nuff said.

"Spare the rod and spoil the child" and it sounds like Az is putting up with tons of spoiled wannabes.

End of story. Corpral punishment leads to abuse. The last time my dad tried to "teach me a lesson", I kicked his ass. Tried to get me in a headlock and I took a chunk of his arm out I mean, different strokes for different folks, but I don't tolerate shit like that and I hope you guys won't either...
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Old 2004-01-14, 01:21 PM   [Ignore Me] #64

Nobody should ever hit a kid, ever. If you're hitting your child consistantly, or even more then... say twice, because everyone flies off the edge eventually, you've failed as a parent.

Seriously though. Little kids are not reasonable human beings. You can't sit a 4 year old on the couch and explain the logic of why you're not supposed to play with matches and then expect them to never play with matches because of that little discussion. Most children are not mentally capable of serious logical thinking until about 8 or 9. That is different for every kid and should be judged by the parent. Until they are capable of being reasoned with, fear is an excellent way to keep the kid from hurting himself or others. The thought of being yelled at by my parents never stopped me from doing something when I was little. The thought of being spanked sure as hell stopped me from doing a lot of dumb things. And if I did something wrong and got smacked for it, I sure as hell never did it again. It's not like you have to actually hurt the kid when you use physical punishment. My parents NEVER left a bruise on me, but I always got the message loud and clear.

Todays parents are too concerned with the feelings of their child, and themselves. It never feels good to punish a child, but that does not mean they don't need to be punished. Being punished will hurt a kid's self-esteam (in the short run anyway), the child will not like it and it will not feel good, BUT THAT'S THE WHOLE FSCKING POINT OF PUNISHMENT. It's supposed to suck when you've been punished.
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Old 2004-01-14, 01:21 PM   [Ignore Me] #65
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When you said Different Strokes, I pictured Gary Coleman flying out of a dark forest w/ bat wings and hitting me with a stick
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Old 2004-01-14, 01:22 PM   [Ignore Me] #66
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Logan, sounds like your dad has a different idea of scolding. My dad never abused me. Granted I learned my lessons by 12 or 13. But belt to the ass, ruler to the hands, soap in the mouth... not abuse, I deserved it.

It's people like you who are pussifying America (or your respective fifedom), it's people like you who try to sue their parents and in the end you'll still end up balming every ill in your life on your dad. Learn your lesson and don't get beat... end of story.

Last edited by Liquidtide; 2004-01-14 at 01:25 PM.
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Old 2004-01-14, 01:55 PM   [Ignore Me] #67
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Paingiver's Avatar

I seriously feel out of touch and 'on a higher level' than my classmates frequently.
So did hitler. And beating kids is wrong. All beating teaches a kid is that violence is the answer. America hasn't been "pussified" , its just traditionalists like you people that believe that wars will help our country. And don't even try dissing hippies! My father was a hippie, not some clone hard ass that beats children. Life is great, enjoy it while you can!
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Old 2004-01-14, 01:59 PM   [Ignore Me] #68
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Beating is different than scolding!!!! I do not condone beating out of rage. Dicipline is meant to teach not hurt. A kid shouldn't get bruises from being diciplined.
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Old 2004-01-14, 02:09 PM   [Ignore Me] #69
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Originally Posted by Paingiver
So did hitler. And beating kids is wrong. All beating teaches a kid is that violence is the answer. America hasn't been "pussified" , its just traditionalists like you people that believe that wars will help our country. And don't even try dissing hippies! My father was a hippie, not some clone hard ass that beats children. Life is great, enjoy it while you can!

Dicipline is meant to teach not hurt.
The act is still the same, you are threatening your child with harm. You may never actually intend to "hurt" your child, but the fact remains that they're thinking "I better not do X or daddy is gonna hurt me. "That's what it boils down to... it's teaching through "hurt". That's rather ironic.

And don't take a parently tone with me and call me by my first name, you haven't earned that right yet. If you plan to teach your kids the same way, god help them. I stand by my statement that if you have to hit your kids, you have failed as a parent. Now, don't get me wrong. Everyone has the right to fly off the edge occasionally, and sometimes it may get physical. But if you use physical punishment as your primary way of disciplining your kid, then you lack the communication skills that you need to nurture a child's education and growth.

Additionally, don't accuse me of "pussifying" anything. Corporal punishment is it's own end. Some people took it too far, beat their kids to death, and now parents get bitched for even touching their kids. That's not my fault, if anything, it's yours. If some of you would show some self control, America wouldn't be "pussified". I fail to see how that's my fault. The blame lays more with you then me.

Btw, imo this is taking a turn that may be valid to be moved to political, just my opinion.

[Edit: Totally missed the point of this thread. Yes, our generation sucks. Most of them are unmotivated drains on the educational system, and it's unfortunate. Others are there because they have to be. I see education as a thing of wonder. I love science. It affects our life, and my future job. I would love it, though, if one could select classes based on relevance. I have no need for Spanish, it's killing my grades. I wish I could cut it and replace it with something I'd use, like double science classes. ]

Last edited by EarlyDawn; 2004-01-14 at 02:24 PM.
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Old 2004-01-14, 02:58 PM   [Ignore Me] #70
Lieutenant Colonel
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Why can't they stay off my lawn? Good God now you made me crap my Grampers.
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Old 2004-01-14, 05:29 PM   [Ignore Me] #71
FlakMan's Avatar

Originally Posted by Squeeky
Aztec got pantsed and now he's emberassed . Dude, i got pantsed once. I just ran around with my big penis flopping back and forth between my inner thighs. I got lots of calls from girls i never knew existed that night :o
You're 15! You have no penis! You have only just begun pooberdee!

I don't get pantsed anymore though, cause my pants barely fit my fat ass. That and I wear this neat little invention I like to call a 'belt'.


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Old 2004-01-14, 05:42 PM   [Ignore Me] #72
Sputty's Avatar

I don't wear pants. r3d kept on burning them.
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Old 2004-01-14, 07:01 PM   [Ignore Me] #73
SkunkPunk's Avatar

Originally Posted by Squeeky
Heh, no. But i have skinny dipped and streaked on multile occasions. I remember we wen't to a "Whodunnit" party. Kind of like the game clue but IRL. After the game everyone was bored, we tryed prank calls, sat around, tryed a movie but everyone kept talking. So the chicks dared me, my friend jeff, and another good friend of mine Spencer to go and run down the street butt ass naked. Spencer and Jeff pussed out but taking advantage of the opportunity and also being hyped up on Mt. Dew and assorted candy i stripped down at the doorway and ran out there in my boxers. The chicks were like "Hahaha told you he wouldnt do it" so i whip off my underpants and run down the street to the stop light and then run back up. As i approach the door i casually put my underpants back on and walk inside. That was a fun night
I will edit for you sqeeky,

-whodunnit party = rave
-Spencer and Jeff pussed out = spencer and jeff were so wasted they passed out on the kitchen floor
-hyped up on Mt. Dew and assorted cangy = i was shitfaced on alchohol and assorted pills
walk = cartwheeled

no need to censor you words at PSU

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Old 2004-01-14, 07:04 PM   [Ignore Me] #74
Spee's Avatar

You dont hit a kid. But you use plain, gutteral ph33r to keep them on thier toes.

My dad can crack a belt like no ones business.
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Old 2004-01-14, 07:06 PM   [Ignore Me] #75
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Originally Posted by Spee
You dont hit a kid. But you use plain, gutteral ph33r to keep them on thier toes.

My dad can crack a belt like no ones business.
What is fear without punishment? MURDER SOMEONE AND WE'LL SHOW YOU A JAIL!
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