Did you understand the implications of it. It does not restrict it much more than needing lvs does now to have certs, by design(take into acount the amount of certs at each lv and look what the difference is). The only thing it does is make you spend a little more time as a grunt before you get your tank or plane, and in the meantime use some of the smaller stuff. You just get more experience with the weapons you use as support for a lv, or few lvs, before you get the other thing. And it spreads out the use of weaker things like atv and deliverers in lower lvs so they will be used in a more evenly with the other vehicles. And with the 12 hour or quicker(quicker preferably thinking about it) cert change time you can switch between things faster as you lv. Its not supposed to be the lv thing on its own that is important either, its also a means to allow other htings in the game more easily, and like i said even gameplay so that you are using the other vehicles at lower lvs atleast for a moment, making a continuous amount of them from lower lv characters as they rank. Hence why it only goes up to a certain lv. I was hoping it would instill a little patience(slow down gameplay and bring out more strategy too) in players in general and increase enjoyment of the game. Not to mention give a slight structure to lving without stoping you form getting anything for long. Do you see where im coming with this. Does it take that long to lv at those ranks anyway. By the way i scrapped the higher exp, FYI, as a part of it. And the CR thing can work just as good with only having one requirment at lv 8, or you can have no req. at all, though it helps a little overall to have CR not be available till lv 8 or so.)
And does anyone have something thats actually constructive to add to the conversation?
Imagine if it were implicated what it would be like.
Last edited by Ait'al; 2004-01-17 at 02:25 PM.