Gamers with Jobs is the latest website to preview Planetside. This is one of the better previews out right now, in my opinion. It's one of the few previews that gives an honest opinion, good and bad. Here's a snippit: <blockquote>Ooh! Let me tell you another from last night. I was booting around in my Harrasser buggy with Certis in the passenger seat as my gunner. I actually got to say, "Meet me at the car!" to him after he stealthed into an enemy-held tower and I secured it while he hacked it and claimed it for Vanu. Anyway, we were heading across the countryside to a distant base that our map told us was being compromised. We happened to cross paths with an enemy vehicle probably headed back to reclaim the tower we just captured. I pull behind them and Certis begins to rip into them with the mounted machine gun. They try some evasive maneuvering, but in swoops our close air support to finish the task. If we were in the same squad as the person flying the aircraft, we would have shared the experience he earned, but it wasn't terribly disappointing because any victory helps.</UL>You can find the full preview and screenshots