With the new site we are updating content, as well as adding new content. First off we have Manitou's latest Fan Fiction entitled "The Tower" Here is a snippet:
�You have got to be kidding me! Another redirect? What the hell is going on here? Are we the only squad online on this continent?� griped the burly soldier. He was sitting in one of the drop seats attached to the fuselage of the Galaxy. They were very reminiscent of the drop seats in aircraft used so many years ago by military units of the 20th-21st century, and just as uncomfortable. He had his Cycler lying across his knees with the inspection cover off and a cleaning rag stuck part of the way into it.
Read the full article
here. Next up I have added an Outfit Decals section, thanks to Omnipotentkiwi for collecting all the decals in a forum thread. You check out that section
here. Last but not least we have completed our Slash Command section, with a detailed listing of all slash commands. You can find that by clicking
here. Stay tuned over the next few days as we add our POTD feature, as well as get our IRC back up and running!
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