Two new sites are the latest to review Planetside this week. One is from, and the other is from, a German website. Here's a clip from Eurogamer, which gave Planetside a 7 out of 10.
So, do we like it then? As a fairly simplistic FPS that took us back to when Tribes 2 was good and bolted on some fantastic large-scale extras, yes we liked it. In a subscription-based massively multiplayer context, however, we just can't see much point in playing it for longer than a few months at the most. For a persistent world, it's just not very persistent, and the lack of anything to explore or do beyond shooting wildly at the enemy and swapping bases once a day begins to grate after a while. It would be nice to envisage winning someday.
The rest of the review can be found
here. Up next is the review from, and it's in German. Be warned: I have no idea what this quote says. For all I know, he's insulting my mother: <blockquote>Stellt Euch vor, Ihr lauft �ber eine weite, mit hohem Gras bewachsene Wiese und durchquert so langsam einen majest�tischen Wald in Richtung des feindlichen Technologie-Zentrums. Neben Euch st�rmen f�nfzehn weitere Leute auf die Basis zu, �ber Euch h�rt Ihr die Luftunterst�tzung, w�hrend zehn Scharfsch�tzen hinter Euch auf dem Berg f�r Feuerschutz sorgen.</UL>The rest of this review can be found
here. The reason I combined these two news articles is because I can't even read one of them. :) Also, Happy Independence Day for the Americans out there. Enjoy your long weekend. w00t for the USA!
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