For those who are not aware, Planetside-Universe has it's own dedicated IRC (Internet Relay Chat) server totally dedicated to planetside. Yes, there are other IRC servers around with Planetside channels, but with an IRC server dedicated solely to Planetside, everything you see there is Planetside related. You don't have to look through 300 channels trying to pick out ones that pertain to the game. Outfits can easily setup and admin channels for their members and they can be easily found in the channel list. The PSU IRC bandwidth is totally dedicated to PS - not shared with hundreds of other games and gamer interests.
We'd love to see you online - and you never know who'll drop by. For more details on IRC you can check out our
IRC FAQ. And, if you'd like to see what's going on in IRC, or who is there, you can check out the
IRC Stats. If you just want to drop in quickly, there is always our java irc