The Dev Team released information today about a new feature that may be implemented into Planetside. They are looking for your input and thoughts on the idea. Here's the info:
We are considering implementing a Command feature that would allow a Squad Platoon or Outfit leader to summon their followers to recall to their location. The objective it to give Commanders a tool by which they can keep their groups well-organized and have better control of their position.
When the command is issued, followers would receive a pop up box indicating that their commander has issued a recall, where the recall is to and if they wish to follow this order. If they accept, they rematrix to the spawn tubes of that location. If they decline, they are removed from that command structure (they leave the squad, platoon or outfit).
There are several variations that a system like this could go through.
Command Access
We are currently planning to make this an option for all group Commanders, regardless of Command Rank so that all groups can benefit from the system, whether following a Commander still climbing the ropes or a Veteran Field Commander. However, we are also interested in hearing players� views on this as a Command Rank ability.
We had initially planned on only implementing this ability for Squad and Platoon leaders, but are considering extending it to Outfits. We�d also like to hear feedback on the types of groups that should have access to the ability, or other possibilities as the feature would relate to group structures.
Command Tools
There are two different means by which we are considering activating this feature. The favored means is to have it be a feature of a facility�s Main Terminal (currently unused and located in the facility mainroom). To use the Main Terminal, a facility would have to be secure (unhacked) and fully powered (generator online) and be in the control of the command leader�s Empire. Group members would matrix in that facility�s spawn tubes.
Another option is to have the ability activated through the Command Uplink Device (CUD). The Command can be activated from within a secure and full function friendly SOI, and the soldier�s would spawn in the facility�s spawn tubes. This could also be called from a Sanctuary Villa, solving the issue presented by the lack of terminals in Sanctuary.
This feature is In Concept, meaning the design is not final and active development has not begun. It also could be a feature that does not materialize. We invite feedback to help us refine the system to make it deliver the maximum positive and fun impact on the game if we pursue development.
Be sure to go and weigh in on the Official Forums, as well as on our forums!
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