Originally Posted by Blackwolf
You'd have to add code for last person to shoot the vehicle you were in as well. At which point there would be conflict because you had 2 "last persons" so then you'd need code to make a difference between the two.
I disagree. Just track the last person who did damage to you, whether you were in a vehicle or not. The damage is done to the vehicle, but the kill tracker is applied to the individuals within. That way if you bay and kill yourself, the last person who shot the vehicle gets the kill credit. On the other hand if someone shoots you after you bailed but before you suicided, they would get the credit (assuming they don't both get the credit, one for the kill one for the assist, etc.).
Reason you need all this is because the primary use for boomering yourself was if you got shot down and bailed in order to prevent your opponent from getting the ace combat kill skill, then boomering yourself to prevent your opponent from scoring a kill period.
On the other hand I've often bailed from aircraft in dogfights. Sorry but it's my survival over your ego in my books. Bail and immediately whip out a flaklet or whatever I have that I can use against you to keep fighting despite my odds growing slimmer by the second. I may have cost you your precious ace combat reward, but that isn't my problem. That stupid ejection seat jam thing was irritating as hell and I hated it. I really hope they don't put that in.
Killing yourself just to deny someone a kill is just pathetic and is the whole reason why most people would have a problem with a suicide button.
Bailing to save yourself and continue the fight is an entirely different matter though. I would argue that you should be able to eject and keep on fighting, although I would also argue that the person who shot you down should get credit for an air kill if they kill you shortly after you bailed. PS2 sounds advanced enough that it should be no problem. You get a chance to kill the guy who shot you down, they get a chance to still get an air kill counted in their favor. Seems fair enough to me at least.
Game would also have to tell the difference between aircraft being piloted AND in flight, and aircraft not being piloted. Because if you code in that your airplane counts for combat ace even if you bail from it, anyone could kill any empty aircraft left parked on the ground somewhere and score up ace combat kills.
As I said before, just keep kill tracking being based on the player not the vehicle. If the vehicle blows up with you in it, it counts as a kill. If it blows up with nobody in it, it doesn't count as a kill. Just because you aren't taking damage to your health bar doesn't mean it isn't you who is counted as being shot at when inside a vehicle. Based on the proposed design, a passenger of a vehicle who kills themselves would also give credit to the last person who shot the vehicle (assuming no one else shoots them afterwards), just as that person would have gotten credit for everyone on board if they blew it up while it was fully loaded.
This situation is where the suicide problem comes into play. If people had a means of instantly killing themselves, they could probably do it in their vehicles/MAX suits as well.
Problem? Vehicles exploding on suicide could potentially be bad, but they could just come to a stop fully intact with their driver dead inside instead. MAXes would just slump over and die. You would be losing resources on those wasted MAXes and vehicles with little to no benefit of any kind, especially given that MAXes (presumably still) have run mode and vehicles are fast enough so that being stuck in the middle of nowhere will be unlikely to be much of a problem.
Same rules apply. Last person to shoot you, in or out of the vehicle/max/etc gets the kill credit, whether you are in or out of the vehicle when you suicide.
Also it cheapens lives. Faster isn't always better in Planetside.
Can't deny this, but life is already pretty cheap the moment you can respawn. If there were appropriate disadvantages and limitations to the suicide, it would mostly be used to get out of tedious situations. I'd be much more concerned with the cheapness of life in firefights if spawn times are too low, because that would affect everyones gameplay all at once, not just some poor sod stuck in the middle of nowhere who just wants to start playing again.