Hello PSU,
I saw a few other Praetorian Guard on here so i figured why not, this forum is more active than the official PS forums.
My IG name is Hospelegat and I've resubbed within the past few months ahead of PS2, however long it'll be till that comes out. Had been gone 2 years partially because of joblessness and partially because of time constraints when i finally did land my dream job.
My specialty has been sniping. Way back when i could claim to be in the top tier of snipers...Now i probably am the top sniper, though I'm usually doing so many other outfit related things sniping often takes a backseat.
Definately looking forward to seeing how snipers work out in PS2, but the Light Assault also reminds me of my Starsiege: Tribes days way back when with the jetpack, and of course I'm sure alot of bread and butter players will be doing the HA thing so I'll give that a shot.
I've never been big on being a medic and do engineering on and off so we'll see how that works out in PS2 cus in PS1...well i only just got advanced med 2 weeks ago
I'll see you guys on the battlefield.