Re: Lib from recent stream....
I dont think the Liberator is going to be nearly as OP as people are starting to be afraid they are.
Couple of points.
1. The lib was just hovering over the base. No one noticed, no one was shooting at it. It was able to just sit there and fire away. In a real combat scenario, i only see the lib getting off 1 shot per "area" as it will need to be moving around, not hovering.
2. The majority of those kills were against Maxes. There was a few times in that video you saw the shot hit right between a MAX and normal infantry, but only the Max died. So pretty sure he was using some kind of Anti-V round. Which just as we saw on the MAX's from the stream, didnt do much against Infantry.
3. Once someone finally noticed the lib and started shooting at it, it went from full hp to near death in seconds.
4. As noticed by a few others when looking at all weapons (MAX, tanks, rockets, etc). It seems the "effect" of smoke and explosion is about twice the size of the actual "damage zone".
But all in all. Too early to tell. Really hard to cry about balance from a 2nd hand stream of an alpha version being played by people with no practice or skill in the game.