Originally Posted by NMnine
Im colourblind too altough not as severely as your friend seems to be. The only thing I wish was that the NC primary colour was yellow instead of blue. I think that would clear up alot of confusion (at least for me), since purple and blue look kind of similar to me while red yellow and purple would not look similar at all.
It will probably be fine though if there are nameplates or some kind of HUD indicators for friendlies.. or i play TR but i doubt that will happen haha!
This is correct, I am also mildly colorblind. The red for TR is almost always the easiest to differentiate, but the NC-Blue and the VS-Purple can suck... The old PS1 maps played hell on me, luckily my daughter was there to tell me if we VS had a particualr tower, or if it was NC. The bases had big enough designs to see the emblem.
So, I like the green / friendly, plus square / diamond approach. Its pretty bullet proof, for me.
Even the PS2 maps are readable to me, now that my daughter corrected me, that the the "VS-Teal" is actually "NC-Aqua", and the "NC-Blue" is actually VS-Purple... LOL! I was able to get the nasty, horrid, disgustingly dirty orange for the TR on my own though