Originally Posted by Shiftfaced
I will be starting my P1 year of pharmacy school this August at Wingate University. I studied chemistry at Campbell University this past few years; upon acceptance into pharmacy school, I decided to take that route instead of finishing up my chem degree. I ended up a semester short of my degree but being that I am 25, about to turn 26 in a couple weeks, waiting another year to start what my ultimate goal was in the first place, pharm school, was unfeasible.
Finished University of Pharmacy. Working as intern atm so I'll be able to take State exam after which I will get a license for independent work and membership at the Pharmacist Council.
I wish you luck, just don't give up even if it seems hard at the times. It's still worth it... the demand on the market is usually high (especially if you're male) unlike for chemists where you can end up sitting at home unemployed for months with no prospect to get a long term employment anywhere as some of my friends did.