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Old 2013-03-23, 06:16 AM   [Ignore Me] #1
Ait'al's Avatar
DDo build! anyone play?

Since I"m not a subber and can't get on DDO forums to talk about builds. I thought I'd put one here. 8)

I'm going for an Air mage/Storm mage. I'm getting EVo abilities up to cyclone blast. I'm getting max spot and detection stuff and general abilities like jump etc.

I'm still trying to learn the potential builds again to see what i can do. I like sneak and stuffa nd not sure if I should go rogue/wiz multi class...

For instance do you get more skill points going rogue first or from getting your int up as fast as possible as wizard? I've completely forgotten how multi-class works. 8)

Pretty sure most of my build is Spell resistance immune.

Ideally if they had AIR magic over Electricity I would have that with some rain/electrical spells. But they do not have the spells that existed in normal table DnD, in the past, sadly.

*general note
**if needed for SLA's
***edit in design

Race: Human

Class: Rogue2/Wizard13/Artifice5
  • Combat casting
  • Completionist
  • Construct Essence?
  • Empower
  • Enlarge
  • Eschew
  • Extend
  • Heighten
  • Insightful Reflexes
  • Mobile Casting
  • Epic Int(x2)(if room)


  • Wizard: Intelligence: III
  • Wizard: Storm manipulation VII
  • Wizard: Deadly Shock IV
  • Wizard: Charged Spellcasting IV
  • Wizard: Improved Metas(Currently Enlarge, Empowered, Maximize, Quickening are maxed)
  • Human Adaptability: Intelligence I
  • Spell Damage Amplification:
  • Uncaring Master(filler at end)
  • Archmage III( Dumped these but not sure if I should dump a meta to get some SLA's)
  • Custom
Epic Destinies:
  • I'm thinking shadowdancer! Just have to figure out the limitations etc.
  • If they have stuff I like Artifices.
  • Don't know enough about how these work yet.
Spells I'm certain I'm getting(Either as spell like abilities, spells, or abilities from items, or a combination):
Wizard:(Edit: Currently no using SLA's from enhancements despite what is stated below)
  • Lv1:(5)
  • Obscuring mist
  • Detect Secret Doors
  • Shocking Grasp
  • Feather Fall(item ability eventually)
  • ?Expeditious retreat
  • (SLA)Jump
  • Merfolk's Blessing
  • Tumble
  • Lv2:(5)
  • Fog Cloud
  • See Invisibility
  • Electric Loop
  • Gust of Wind
  • (SLA)Blur
  • (SLA)Invisibility
  • Fox's cunning
  • (SLA)Knock
  • Lv3:(5)
  • Sleet Storm
  • Lightning Bolt
  • Displacement
  • Water Breathing(item ability eventually)
  • Lv4:(5)
  • Dimension Door
  • Solid Fog
  • Lv5:(4)
  • Dismissal
  • Teleport
  • Mind Fog
  • Ball Lightning
  • Cyclone Blast
  • Eladar's Electric Surge
  • Lv6:(3)
  • True Seeing(item ability eventually)(not in spell book!)
  • Chain Lightning
  • Shadow Walk
  • Lv7:(2)
  • Banishment
  • Greater Teleport
  • Lv1: (3+2)
  • Static Shock
  • Inflict Light Damage
  • Repair Light Damage
  • Currateive Admixture: Cure light wounds
  • ?
  • Lv2: (2+2)
  • Elemental Prod
  • Lightning Sphere
  • Repair Moderate Damage
  • Curative admix: Cure moderate wounds?
  • Reinforce Construct?
  • Lv3: (1+2)
  • ?
Spells should fit into what a storm could produce in someone. Besides the TP spells and banishment spells. Those are for another RP reason. So the negative energy is similar to the mass power of lightenting and banshee possibly the same. No fire or acid spells. Grabbed the sleet spell because it has no damage but slows. Polar ray possibly because it describes it as cold wind even though it is cold damage.

Maxed out Int and I liked some of the epic sets and possibly the wild magic. I'd love to see wild magic if they ever put it in.

Post more later....

Since I'm not using Sonic. I'm assuming this counts as silent but deadly! 8D My favorite play style!

Last edited by Ait'al; 2013-03-24 at 10:08 PM.
Ait'al is offline  
Old 2013-03-23, 06:17 AM   [Ignore Me] #2
Ait'al's Avatar
Re: DDo build! anyone play?


Anyone know if the improved metas stack or are replacements for each other?

for example. Does the final Empower reduce the spell cost by 6 or 12?

Anyone know how many free past live skills you can get per character? is it limited to 3 or can you get all of them to 3?

Last edited by Ait'al; 2013-03-23 at 09:51 PM.
Ait'al is offline  
Old 2013-03-24, 11:45 PM   [Ignore Me] #3
Ait'al's Avatar
Re: DDo build! anyone play?

Went with something more classic!

I start as rogue at level one then wizard till 16. The rest is rogue. Adventure rama character!

This information is for a naked toon! Item Bonuses Yet to be applied!

I might change out one of the Improved Meta Magics for some Spell Like abilities so I can use them all at once.

Rogue 5/ Wizard 15/Epic 5

Lv: 25


HP: 315
SP: 1187
FS: +11
RS: +22
WS: +15

BAB: 10/10/15/20

17 Strength
21 Dexterity
21 Constitution
30(34) Intelligence
21 Wisdom
15 Charisma
Given Feats(CLv and Class):
  • Attack
  • Defensive Fighting
  • Dismiss Charm
  • Evasion
  • Heroic Durability
  • Inscribe Wizard Scroll
  • Light Armor Proficiency
  • Magical Training
  • Martial Weapon proficiency
    • Rapier
    • Shortsword
    • Shortbow
  • Past Life Free(3x of all types if possible)
  • Simple Weapon Proficiency
    • Club
    • Dagger
    • Dart
    • Heavy Crossbow
    • Heavy Mace
    • Light Crossbow
    • Light Mace
    • Morningstar
    • Quarterstaff
    • Sickle
    • Throwing Dagger
    • Unarmed
  • Sneak
  • Sneak Attack
  • Sunder
  • Trap Sense
  • Trapfinding
  • Trapmaking
  • Trip
  • Uncanny Dodge
  • Uncanny Dodge (Dodge Bonus)
Chosen Feats:
  • Acrobatic
  • Combat Casting
  • Completionist
  • Empower Spell
  • Enlarge Spell
  • Eschew Materials
  • Extend Spell
  • Great Intelligence
  • Great Intelligence
  • Heighten Spell
  • Insightful Reflexes
  • Maximize Spell
  • Mobile Spellcasting
  • Quicken Spell
  • Human Adaptability Intelligence I
  • Metamagic: Improved Empower III
  • Metamagic: Improved Enlarge III
  • Metamagic: Improved Maximize III
  • Metamagic: Improved Quicken III
  • Rogue: Faster Sneaking I
  • Spell Critical Chance: Electric V
  • Spell Critical Multiplier: Electric V
  • Spell Damage Amplification: Electric/ Storm Manipulation VII
  • Wizard Intelligence III
Skills at lv 25:
  • +46 Disable Device
  • +46 Search
  • +35 Balance
  • +35 Jump
  • +35 Spot
  • +33 Swim
  • +31 Concentration
  • +30 Tumble
  • +23 Repair
  • +16 Listen
  • +16 Use Magic Device
  • +16 Open lock
  • +16 Move Silently
  • +16 Hide
  • +12 Heal
  • +11 Diplomacy
  • +11 Bluff
  • +9 Haggle
  • +9 Intimidate

Last edited by Ait'al; 2013-03-25 at 03:14 AM.
Ait'al is offline  
Old 2013-03-26, 04:34 PM   [Ignore Me] #4
Ait'al's Avatar
Re: DDo build! anyone play?

Changed it to:
Race: Human
Class: 4 Rogue/ 16 Wizard/5 epic
Base Stats:
  • STR 17 +3
  • DEX 21 +5
  • CON 21 +5
  • INT 33(37) +11(+13)
  • WIS 21 +5
  • CHA 15 +2
  • HP 313
  • SP 1280
  • FS +11
  • RS +22
  • WS +15
  • BAB 11/11/16/21

  • Bal +16
  • Blu +9
  • Dip +9
  • Dis +46
  • Hag +9
  • Hid +16
  • Int +9
  • Jum +35
  • Lis +16
  • Mov +16
  • Ope +35
  • Rep +23
  • Sea +46
  • Spo +35
  • Swi +15
  • Tum +37
  • Use +16
  • Con +32
  • Hea +12
End stats:
  • +23(+6)STR
  • +31(+10)DEX
  • +31(+10)CON
  • +57(+23)INT
  • +25(+7)WIS
  • +19(+4)CHA
  • HP:?
  • SP:?
  • FS:?
  • RS:?
  • WS:?
  • BAB:?
  • +47 Balance
  • +31 Bluff
  • +11 Diplomacy
  • +79-99 Disable Device
  • +11 Haggle
  • +47 Hide
  • +11 Intimidate
  • +59 Jump
  • +18 Listen
  • +47 Move Silently
  • +66 Open Lock
  • +30 Repair
  • +79 Search
  • +63 Spot
  • +17 Swim
  • +63 Tumble
  • +18 Use Magical Device
  • +37 Concentration
  • +14 Heal
  • Epic Darkstorm Helm: Call Lightning Storm(Cl20,3/day) Nulification +90, Magnatism,+90, Superior Void Lore, Superior Lightning Lore, GAS
  • Epic Golden Guile: Ghostly, Diplomacy +20(DD), Bluff +20, Charisma +1(exceptional), YAS
  • * Planar Focus of the Erudition: One of the following:(Charisma +8,INsightful Char +8, Int +8, Ins Int +3, Wis +8, Ins Wis +3), Planar Focus: Erudition (Spell Penetration IX, +250 Spell points, +15 Psionic bonus USP)
  • Cloak of the Night: Invisibility Guard, Ghostly, Deathblock, Nightmare guard, Dodge 3%, DR 10/good
  • Morah's Belt: Jump(CL15,3/day), constitution +6(enha), Tumble +15, theif Acrobat(set)
  • Ring of Shadow: Hide +20, Move Silently +20, Lesser Displacment, Ghostly, YAS
  • Morah's Band: dexterity +6, Exceptoinal Dexterity +1, Thief acrobat(set), Incredible Potential
  • Nether Grasps: Arcane Casting Dexterity, Open lock +20, Diversion 20%, Seeker +10, Demonic Might
  • Surefooted Boots: Balance +20, Striding +30, Feat: mobility, GAS
  • Bracers of Twisting Shade: +20 DD, +20Search, Exceptional Seaker +5, Blurry, Resistance +7
  • Epic Vulkoorim Dervish Robe: Armor +6, Greater Fire resistance, Efficient Metamagic - Maximize II, Disintegrateion Guard, BAS
  • Intricate Field Optics: Spot +20, True Seeing, +8 Intelligence(enh), YAS, GAS
  • Sireth, Spear of the Sky: +8 Enhancement, Supreme Good, Lightning Strike, Cloudburst, Freedom of Movement, Feather Falling, Planar conflux, +0.5 weapon dice multiplier, RAS
Epic Destiny:
Shadow Dancer:
Shadow Training 1:
  • +1 Sneak Die for Each level of Shadowdancer
Shadow Training 2:
  • (Activate) (lv1)(CD: 5mins)Temporary Full movement and jump whole stealthed for 30 seconds
Shadow Training 3:
  • (Activate) (lv2)(CD: 2secs)Toggle: Generate 20% less Melee and Ranged threat.
Shadow Training 4:
  • (Activate) (lv3)(CD: 1min) Use Shadow Walk up to 5/rest using weapons that qualify for weapon finesse, you gain 3% Profane Bonus to your chance to doublestrike.(Dagger,Handaxe,Kama,Kukri, light hammer, light mace, light pick, rapier, shortsword, sickle, unarmed or druid animal form)
Shadow Training 5:
  • (Activate) (lv4)(cd: 1min) Use Dimension Door 5/rest. CD for Shadow Training 2 -2 minutes
Dark Elusion
  • (lv5) Evasion. When you roll natural 20 (melee, ranged) envolope target in shadow, granting 5% vulnerability to physical damage and removing it's immunity to sneak attack for a short duration, if applicable.
Dexterity or Intelligence +6 Int
Tier 0
  • Stealthy (3) +6 hide and move silent. +6 assassinate DC. You gain Hide in plain sight.
  • Acrobatic(3) +6 Balance, Jump and Tumble and +9 to reflex while Tumbling
  • Technician(3) +6 Search, Spot, Disable DEvice, open lock and flanking bonus to attack
Tier 1
  • +1 Stacking to all skills
Tier 4
  • Sealed Soul: Grant immunity to energy drain

Last edited by Ait'al; 2013-03-27 at 06:37 AM.
Ait'al is offline  
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