Server populations and activity
So .. been looking at Sirisian population graphs.
For purposes of this API query I'm mainly interested in my server, rather than globally.
Have managed to pull a lot of character data - based on last login / last update.
It's been a lot easier to identify hundreds of outfits (thousands if you include all those with <10 people) and check those for online players.
Querying /character/ world_id and online_status have to be resolved, you can't filter by them and c:has appears ineffective, is there a solution for fetching online populations by empire that doesnt involve trawling thousands of records?
Really, SOE must of have expected us to want online and active server stats - even if they dont want to give those numbers to us.
Anyone got any tips or tricks?
I'm using PHP in either apache/web script or cron jobs.
(webscript creates tasks -> cron job shuffles to multi-handle curl script that will run many (100+) queries asynchronisely .. but while I can fetch the data in under a minute - it's hundreds of queries to achieve it.