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Old 2013-06-11, 06:49 PM   [Ignore Me] #31
Second Lieutenant
Rumblepit's Avatar
Re: Think we need a Huey?

im all for it, and would love to see it in game.

current gal builds are a joke, they need a overhaul something awful.

do you guys remember the fear that ps1 gun gals stuck into the enemy?they were feared.... we need to be able to put shredders and xhpyers on our gals.
then they would be feared again.
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Old 2013-06-11, 06:56 PM   [Ignore Me] #32
Lieutenant Colonel
Re: Think we need a Huey?

They were feared because it meant that you were about to get fucked. Now, if the drop doesn't go 100% as planned the entire squad can get smoked in seconds.

Smoke me a Kipper, I'll be back for breakfast
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Old 2013-06-11, 07:09 PM   [Ignore Me] #33
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Re: Think we need a Huey?

Originally Posted by bpostal View Post
They were feared because it meant that you were about to get fucked. Now, if the drop doesn't go 100% as planned the entire squad can get smoked in seconds.
not talking about gals, talking about the gal gunships. killed everything in its need to bail lol.

didnt mean to derail. sorry

Last edited by Rumblepit; 2013-06-11 at 07:11 PM.
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Old 2013-06-11, 07:49 PM   [Ignore Me] #34
Lieutenant Colonel
Re: Think we need a Huey?

Ah, I see where you said Gal Guns...yeah, those things are terrifying. You can GG in PS2 but it's not as powerful and a ZOE or Lockdown MAX can usually make them fuck off.
Sorry to continue to the derail.

Smoke me a Kipper, I'll be back for breakfast
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Old 2013-06-11, 07:56 PM   [Ignore Me] #35
Sergeant Major
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Re: Think we need a Huey?

I think adding variety would only be a good thing. And to not leave the gal in the cold give it some logistical buffs so it can be a more useful with non transport roles. But a smaller air based transport with some cool weaponry could only end well in my opinion. Really hope they have something like this in the cooker.

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Old 2013-06-12, 04:45 AM   [Ignore Me] #36
Lieutenant General
Re: Think we need a Huey?

Originally Posted by Rumblepit View Post
not talking about gals, talking about the gal gunships. killed everything in its path.
Exactly why they should never have existed in the first place.

Sky-BFRs are worse than BFRs.
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Old 2013-06-12, 06:18 AM   [Ignore Me] #37
First Sergeant
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Re: Think we need a Huey?

Star Wars Republic Gunship Transport or Warhammer Valkyrie Gunship/Dropship is what I want envisioned here!

Last edited by HereticusXZ; 2013-06-12 at 06:34 AM.
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Old 2013-06-12, 06:26 AM   [Ignore Me] #38
Mastachief's Avatar
Re: Think we need a Huey?

Phantasm give

-No weapons
-4 people 1 max (including the pilot)
-Fast as a ESF (cloak become more and more visible as the craft passes 50% full speed)
-Small afterburn (disables cloak)
Average play time of 2.8hours per day and falling.
Average play time of 2.5hours per day and falling. Need metagame.

Average play time of 2.0hours per day and falling. Need metagame / Continents.

Last edited by Mastachief; 2013-06-12 at 06:29 AM.
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Old 2013-06-12, 10:21 AM   [Ignore Me] #39
Meatball Mobeus
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Re: Think we need a Huey?

I could see this being the new Phantasm type air craft. Great idea!
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Old 2013-06-12, 10:33 PM   [Ignore Me] #40
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Re: Think we need a Huey?

Originally Posted by Rumblepit View Post
im all for it, and would love to see it in game.

current gal builds are a joke, they need a overhaul something awful.

do you guys remember the fear that ps1 gun gals stuck into the enemy?they were feared.... we need to be able to put shredders and xhpyers on our gals.
then they would be feared again.
GGs broke the AA/air balance in PS1. Too much armor, too much fire power. They could have worked if all the guns were on one side forcing it to fly in predictable ways cutting down on its flying advantage. As they were implemented there was no way for another aircraft to beat them no matter how skilled the pilot. PS2 libs have eaten whatever balanced role the GG might have had in PS2.

Originally Posted by bpostal View Post
While you bring up excellent points and concerns, most of which I share, my main point of contention is that the footprint of the Gal is just too big for small, covert drops. Simply put, the damned thing is too big. You're going to get recognized and if not targeted as a priority it's just too difficult to get into and out of contested areas unnoticed.

I do, however, especially like the idea of adding more seats to the Gal. It's something I remember hearing about waaaay back in the GDC era, where they (most likely Higby but I don't want to trust my memory that much atm) were suggesting fitting a whole platoon of infantry in a single Gal.

Two separate, but similar topics. The need for a airborne troop transport for smaller units and the issue of the under-utilization of the Galaxy.

TLDR: Loadstars.
Agree totally on the smaller foot print. I thought that was the whole thrust behind gals having no real role in PS2. I'd like to see a vehicle transport as well. It seems to me that making a mod for the gal that lets it take one or two tanks rather than any infantry in a similar manner than Sundies can do multiple roles would be the best way to do this.
Also for more gal ideas. Supply drops in the form of an infantry deployed spawn point or a field equipment terminal. Both would be air dropped by gals and have a limit to how many could be deployed per gal. This would help the current problem of droppers not being a threat due to low time to kill by giving them a way to respawn on target. The respawn would have to be activated by an infantry on the ground in a similar way that gens are interacted with. That gives some pressure to the droppers to keep the thing safe until its online. Later on more things could be added to the droppable list such as small shield generators.

Originally Posted by Baneblade View Post
Size and stats of the Lib. Nose and Tail gunner seats (fully enclosed) and 4 'rumble' passenger seats. 2 per side. No MAX carry at all.

Acts as a squad beacon when landed regardless of owner.
The problem with this is that the aircraft needs to be more agile than a lib currently is and we don't want to take away the lib brand of air support by giving out goodies like its nose cannon to more aircraft. The squad beacon also defeats the idea behind it of the aircraft being designed around quick entry and exit. It shouldn't be landed long enough for the beacon to be effective. Even without MAXs the rumble seats still allow for anti-air rocket launchers and more importantly anti-armor rocket launchers. People will also spam small arms fire at this thing with rumbles. Removing the rumbles would increase its expected life span in combat.

And as a quick message to those thinking about a pilot gun. No. The reason for that is people will try to use it as a bulky ESF regardless of how much you try to avoid it. They will want better pilot weapons and over time it will probably take up roles that should not be given to it. The harasser is loved and it lacks a pilot weapon. There's no need for this transport to have one and you tempt fate by giving it one.
By hook or by crook, we will.
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Old 2013-06-12, 11:15 PM   [Ignore Me] #41
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Re: Think we need a Huey?

Originally Posted by Captain1nsaneo View Post
The problem with this is that the aircraft needs to be more agile than a lib currently is and we don't want to take away the lib brand of air support by giving out goodies like its nose cannon to more aircraft.
No, it needs a weakness and equivalent maneuverability to a lib is already not much of one. Who said anything about giving it a lib nose gun?

The squad beacon also defeats the idea behind it of the aircraft being designed around quick entry and exit.
Don't paint with too broad a brush. I can see tons of use for a squad spawn vehicle.

It shouldn't be landed long enough for the beacon to be effective.
That is your opinion.

Even without MAXs the rumble seats still allow for anti-air rocket launchers and more importantly anti-armor rocket launchers.
All of which have very limited ammo available, and takes three times as many players to do half as much as a Lib. I'd be more worried about rumble seat engineers dropping C4... but then it would be a bomber... =/

People will also spam small arms fire at this thing with rumbles. Removing the rumbles would increase its expected life span in combat.
What is the downside? The OP called for a 'Huey', well guess what a 'Huey' is. The rumble seat concept is a balancing factor. If you die in the rumble seat, so what? That's why it can land and let you spawn right on top of it...

And as a quick message to those thinking about a pilot gun. No. The reason for that is people will try to use it as a bulky ESF regardless of how much you try to avoid it. They will want better pilot weapons and over time it will probably take up roles that should not be given to it. The harasser is loved and it lacks a pilot weapon. There's no need for this transport to have one and you tempt fate by giving it one.
Was anyone asking for one?
Post at me bro.

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Old 2013-06-14, 01:51 PM   [Ignore Me] #42
First Sergeant
Blynd's Avatar
Re: Think we need a Huey?

If propose using the lib and allowing us to reconfigure it with new kit.
Transport module would allow you to carry 4 passengers main gun and tail gun
Afterburners replace the tail gunner and give you an exra seat .
Removal of main gun allowed 2 rumble seats with uprated HA lmgs fitted on the side.

Vehicle transport
No weapons vehicle is located under lib (imagine large section of lib is cut out )
Both are vulnerable to getting shot down so high risk high reward use.

These tranport modules would be at the airframe level and thus change flight characteristics or improve speed and manouverability in the extreme ops airframe.
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